Diet Club

Ouch! there has been an unwanted side effect of all the medication I'm on - drastic water retention! I'm bloated like a balloon. I've put on 15lbs in one week! :yikes: I'm mortified! :( hopefully once the medication has gone, I can get back to the gym and get rid of all this fluid! :(
Ouch! there has been an unwanted side effect of all the medication I'm on - drastic water retention! I'm bloated like a balloon. I've put on 15lbs in one week! :yikes: I'm mortified! :( hopefully once the medication has gone, I can get back to the gym and get rid of all this fluid! :(
At least there is a reason.... i really need to shift some pounds.. ok stones i struggle when off with the kids as i snack way tooooooo much !
I feel a fat disgusting mess, even more so now I'm getting gym withdrawal symptoms!
Can I join in?!

I started at Slimming World at end of Feb, and since then have lost 1st 1lbs :) Finding it quite easy so far but I know it'll slow down soon and I'll need to knuckle down a bit more - namely more activity, so I'll get back into walking and swimming, hopefully running too.

I've been very up and down in weight over the past 4 years, from being on target and looking great on my 24th birthday, to then ballooning up to a BMI of just over 30 (obese) by my 26th. Lost a stone, then it crept on again (you know the story...) but now I feel like I have the focus back that I've been missing for so long. Really loving Slimming World!

I turn 28 in a couple of weeks and should have 1.5 stone off by then, and will be at nearly at 10% body weight loss.

My target is to get back into a healthy BMI (under 25), which is about another 2.5 to 3 stones more to lose. But I actually feel like it's doable this time.

Good luck over the weekend everyone :D
I feel a fat disgusting mess, even more so now I'm getting gym withdrawal symptoms!
It's hard when injuries and illness sets you back.. I feel like i am fighting a loosing battle as I can't walk far and can't run ... Went out to Birmingham on Tuesday, to see Mary Poppins with my daughter and my bad ankle is still hurting... Yet I was fine walking in Florida for two weeks.... Guess I need to move there !
I haven't updated for a while but I'm
Struggling.i maintained which I didn't expect then a small gain and this week lost 1.5lbs.

I'm now 2lb away from my target and a healthy BMI :-)
Now on even more medication! :( I'm going to pop to my gym and see what exercises I can do that maintain cardiovascular facility but without putting strain on my legs.
Now on even more medication! :( I'm going to pop to my gym and see what exercises I can do that maintain cardiovascular facility but without putting strain on my legs.
Can you swim? Or I know it sounds ridiculous but when I do one of the exercise vids (30 day shred) the thing that gets me puffing and panting the most is doing punches! You kind of go into a bit of a squat to engage your core and then punch punch punch. I hate it!
3lb off this week! results of my blood tests are back - nothing adverse! :yahoo: cholesterol at 3.7, blood pressure 122/70 which is the best it's been in years. My GP say carry doing what I'm doing as it's obviously working! :D
Another 4 1/2 lb off making 7 1/2lb off in 2 weeks, my infection weight is dropping off! Plus won slimmer of the week! :yahoo:

Another 4 1/2 lb off making 7 1/2lb off in 2 weeks, my infection weight is dropping off! Plus won slimmer of the week! :yahoo:


Woohoo! The body does funny things when it's a bit broken. I was pretty rough with low blood pressure yesterday and the only logical cure was to eat 1800 calories of biscuits! ;)
I changed my target as I just couldn't get rid of those last 2lbs.

Been at target 2 weeks. First week had 3 bad days and lost 1/2lb and this week had bad weekend and lost another 1.5lbs so now I am where I wanted to be!

I have bad weekends and good all week. I hope it continues to work!
I had a small gain of a pound. I'm not too worried as the medication causes bloating, water retention and constipation. So a pound on is pretty good. ;)
Just worried it's just fluke with the loosing whilst being off plan for 2 days a week
Hi Guys. I am going to re join slimming world again after 3 years off. I have alot of weight to loose...i am 27 and dont wanna be obese forever. I lost 3 stone on Slimming world last time...and gained it a few stone more. I want to loose about 8 stone i think...
So any support is appriciated. I am nervous but excited to re join. X
Well the last 2 days i have been eating SW plan. I am seriously craving sugar...but i know I'm "withdrawing" .
I am feeling very self concious about how i look latley. I hope SW works for me again like it did a few years ago x
My lack of training and medication is playing havoc with my weight. The sooner I'm off the sick, back to work and back in training, the better!
Well done, my weight is fluctuating at the moment due to lack of exercise and medication. It's beginning to get me down. The sooner I can go for a good run the better.
Lost 1 1/2 lb when weighed Thursday at SW so 3lb to target - swerved a KFC with my uncle for a pub lunch of steak and jacket - but had to have the butter on the spud as dont do tomato sauce and there was no mustard in the place - done a "mid week weigh" which I know I'm not supposed to do and have put on a pound - so its going to be a slimming world curry from iceland with a a load of spinach wilted into the sauce and chopped mushrooms tonight
Room for one more in here guys? I started Cambridge Weight Plan last week and had my first weigh in today and have lost a massive 8lbs. The motivations are so high right now.

I tried SW in the past and while I think I'll probably swap back over once I'm at or near to target, it was too flexible for me. Any excuse to save up and have a binge and I took it... =/ So after much soul searching I decided that drastic is what I needed and drastic is what I've started. Got a lovely consultant to support me and fingers crossed I can get somewhere with this. I've got about half my bodyweight to lose and hope that very soon I'll have lost enough to make going to the gym possible!

Fingers crossed... :D