Diet Club

Oo I'm new to the forums but can I join in? I've started slimming world, absolutely horrified by my weight, but down 4lbs (2lbs this week, 2 the week before) so hopefully this is the start of loosing some podge! :xd:
Welcome to the club, my heart hasn't been in it this week, my colleague and good friend was killed on duty on Sunday and his patrol partner is in a coma on hospital. :(
Ta luv, it was a shock, got called in early on Sunday afternoon due to a major incident on my patch, it was only when I got to the station, I was informed of the severity. I spent 5 hours on rearward relief - turning the traffic around and taking it backwards off the motorway. Adam was dealing with an earlier crash, when a speeding vehicle lost control and ploughed into him, killing him instantly and severely injuring his patrol partner. He was helivacced to a major trauma unit. He had a 10 hour op yesterday, trying to rebuild him. :(
We've lost a very experienced officer and a bloody genuinely nice bloke, he was highly thought of by everyone. :(
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing his partner all the best pulling through.
half a pound on, to be fair, I was expecting far more with the week I've had! :(
Have put on about 5lb so am back on the diet with a vengeance. Also aiming to get to the gym more as I feel so much better when I work out, though am not too sure my knees agree. Got a suspension trainer to use at home too, which should help build my core strength, though my personal trainer commented yesterday that my core is much stronger than it was, so woo.
1 pound (just) off .. I thought I had been great last week too. I started a new job today so hopefully being more active will help!
Hi, is it ok if I join in? I'm currently 10 stones 2 pounds which for my 4ft 11 height makes me quite a bit overweight. Looking to lose about 3 stones, am attempting to log everything I eat on myfitnesspal :)
Of course, welcome. I am not much taller than you and also using My Fitness Pal.
Hi everyone I know I'm late to the party but I would love to join up with you guys. I am trying to get in shape and lose about 20lbs . Also I have a question. How much is a stone? Sorry I'm American.
I've lost 5 stone with slimming world, I lost 1.5 stone before joining, I have 3 stone to reach target. ;)
So since signing up for my 10k race in January, the most I've run is for about 3 minutes.

Today I ran 10k with no training - turns out being a stubborn cow works just as well!
I'm another one Slimming Worlding. I reached target about 15 months ago after losing about 2.5 stone, but it is a constant battle to stay there. I am back on it again after gaining back about 3kg (I tend to work in kg rather than pounds. I didn't like to consider what my weight was in stone, it hurt less in kg's! People don't quite know how much you mean when you talk kg though) I have largely got it back off but have had a heavy weekend with my Dad and so will need to be on plan religiously now for the next few weeks.
I lost 3lb this week, however, my training for the North Run is on hold after I contracted a flu bug which attacked the arthritis in my knees almost crippling me! I'm on that much medication at the moment, I rattle when I walk, at least I can walk again albeit with a great deal of pain. Thankfully after 2 days, the pain killers and anti inflammatory meds are getting in the system.
Hope you feel better soon. Whenever I get anything like flu or even a cold it really affects my bad joints.

I am back on track from today (all went wrong again after my last post) as have been going way over my maintenance calories and have put on about 7lb. So back to 1200ish a day for a while.
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