Diet Club

Nicked from the naughty corner (courtesy of Lisaali ;) )

I had a small gain, but that's down to nights. I gained 12lbs over Christmas last year, this time I lost half a pound. ;)
Hmmm up 3/4lb. But to be fair I am sick as a small hospital at the moment and decided to use my being ill and unable to walk anywhere (chest and ear infection) as an excuse to finish all the Christmas goodies in the house. Oops.
So I've 4 1/4lb to get off me in the next two weeks (I'm allowing me time to get well enough to be able to move- the pressure on my chest is unreal).
Hmmm up 3/4lb. But to be fair I am sick as a small hospital at the moment and decided to use my being ill and unable to walk anywhere (chest and ear infection) as an excuse to finish all the Christmas goodies in the house. Oops.
So I've 4 1/4lb to get off me in the next two weeks (I'm allowing me time to get well enough to be able to move- the pressure on my chest is unreal).
I hope you feel better soon!
Feeling rubbish too. Have had a recurring cold type thing ever since my month of flu in March and it's back again. My Dessert bullet arrived yesterday though and have made lots of lovely healthy and low calorie ice cream. Tonight's had an oreo in it so was a cookies and cream type ice cream, all for only 159 calories. Was low fodmap too.
Weigh in tomorrow morning. Stuck to plan all week but not feeling a loss. My scales st home have stayed the same. They must go I've been weighing myself all week non stop causing myself so much stress
Another maintain been right on plan 100% although been feeling really stressed I haven't stopped weighing myself all week
Feeling rubbish too. Have had a recurring cold type thing ever since my month of flu in March and it's back again. My Dessert bullet arrived yesterday though and have made lots of lovely healthy and low calorie ice cream. Tonight's had an oreo in it so was a cookies and cream type ice cream, all for only 159 calories. Was low fodmap too.
Hope you feel better soon too!

My official Great Run training top has arrived. Best start training I guess!

View attachment 41040
Nice shirt!
After my maintain last week I lost a lb this week. I'm finding it very hard now. I stick to plan and I'm not seeing the results.

I've ordered an exercise bike which will arrive tomorrow. I hope some exercise will help
I had a small gain, another busy week at work, snacking where possible on all the wrong things! I'll try and get back on track this week.
Lost 1/2 lb this week. Did a lot more exercise then I have ever done.

I'm pleased as I only seem to be losing every 2 weeks so glad to have a loss 2 weeks running :)

2stone 5 to date. 15lb to go
Got kitted out with some decent footwear today. Typically, not only the most expensive, but also the ugliest shoes in the whole shop were the best fit! 10k training starts tomorrow
I lost half a pound this week, time to increase my training, I've ordered a pair of knee braces to strengthen my legs so I can run for longer. ;)
How's everyone getting on?

After reaching all my interim goals, I've struggled a bit lately. But I have a new motivation now - I recently started volunteering for the mental health charity Mind, and well, in a moment of madness, this happened.... Help Amanda raise more money for charity

Aaaaand I may have told them that I weigh 14st so that I didn't have to pay any extra costs :)) I'd better get another 21lbs shifted before June!
I think it's really great of you both to want to raise money for charity, I hope you both do really well! Also well done to you both on the weight loss :)
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