Diet Club

I'm off to the gym for a couple of hours and have my weigh in at 5pm. ;)
Cut my session short as I tweaked my knee running flat out! Weighed myself, looks like I may have lost between one and two pounds. ;)
I haven't walked and have been eating crap. Giving myself tonight and tomorrow to continue being "bold" and then back on track from 2nd jan.
New Years even spent right on
Plan. Feeling like it's been a good week! I weigh in again Saturday
Started 2016 as I mean to go on.


This year is all about fitness goals for me, working towards making steps to a possible career change at the end of the year. Start my 10k training tomorrow - eek!
I'm doing 10k on the treadmill a few times a week, its the 13 mile on road I'm working towards! :yikes:
I'm gonna start the couch 2 5k next week. I tried before but only made it to day 2- pathetic. So gonna put the effort in for real this time.
I need to get a good ap for it as i hate all that dance music stuff so cant run along to it
I hate the treadmill. It's not like running outside at all. I refuse to use it!

I've only done the treadmill as the weather up here has been absolutely dreadful, once I get January out of the way, I'm going to start putting serious miles out on the tarmac, I've registered on this site, it has some brilliant training ideas. ;)

Great Run Training
I've only done the treadmill as the weather up here has been absolutely dreadful, once I get January out of the way, I'm going to start putting serious miles out on the tarmac, I've registered on this site, it has some brilliant training ideas. ;)

Great Run Training

So far all I've done is download an app!

Plan is to do the 10k and then join a hockey team in the summer (training usually starts in August). Already meet the "acceptable" BMI for my plans (acceptable being 18-30, I'm currently 29.5!) which I thought would never happen, so time to make things happen!
My BMI has dropped from 47 down to 33, I'm hoping to get it down to 27, I can't go any lower as I'll look skeletal! I am large framed, the BMI goes on average framed people!
I'm a slimming world girl, can I join you all? I did a 10 k last year and need to get back to running again, though I'm a dog walker so get a fair bit of exercise! I need to get my head back into SW and shift some weight!
Started 2016 as I mean to go on.

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This year is all about fitness goals for me, working towards making steps to a possible career change at the end of the year. Start my 10k training tomorrow - eek!

Runnersworld have some great 10k programs. It is a good distance to run.

Have you heard of something called Park Runs? They are free and are 5k may be a great way to increase your mileage after a while.

Well done to you and Boss on the running. I must get back into it this year.... seems a long way off at moment.

Only advice is good trainers and believe it or not - running socks make world of difference when it comes to blisters and toenail bashing.
I'm a slimming world girl, can I join you all? I did a 10 k last year and need to get back to running again, though I'm a dog walker so get a fair bit of exercise! I need to get my head back into SW and shift some weight!
Welcome fellow SWer, the more the merrier. :tu:
I've been totally off plan today and yesterday, but back on it tomorrow. Weigh day is Wednesday. Eeeeek post Christmas weigh day. *weeps*
I've had my post Christmas weigh in. I lost 1.5lb, my next weigh in is next Thursday. I'll have Mon-Thur in the gym prior to weigh in. I'm on nights Wed-Fri, I always gain on nights! :(
Runnersworld have some great 10k programs. It is a good distance to run.

Have you heard of something called Park Runs? They are free and are 5k may be a great way to increase your mileage after a while.

Well done to you and Boss on the running. I must get back into it this year.... seems a long way off at moment.

Only advice is good trainers and believe it or not - running socks make world of difference when it comes to blisters and toenail bashing.

Thanks for that info! I'm off for gait analysis and fitting towards the end of the month, just need the all clear from my physio that I'm ok to start first. Got weak and feeble hip flexors on the left which I subconsciously compensate for with the right during everything else, but can't with running!
Weighed in this morning and the Christmas gain has gone. 3.5lb off this week so an extra 2lb on top of my gain. 2stone 3 and half in total yay
Nicked from the naughty corner (courtesy of Lisaali ;) )
