Diet Club

half a pound is nothing, its a glass of water and not going for a pee before weigh in. ;)
I'm telling myself it's a different set of scales so Calibrated differently haha
The glass of water is better, just remember to have a good pee before weigh in. ;)
I didn't know my consultant was on holiday. Apparently they don't tell you because they know people won't turn up. The consultant who covered was sooooo boring. I'm
Glad I don't attend her usual group
Just been weighed at SW, another 1lb off making it 11lb off in 3 weeks! :yahoo:3lb to get back to my 5 stone, with the stone and a half I lost before SW - nearly 6 and a half stone off. ;)
Did my first ever proper run today. I've decided I want something to aim for fitness wise so have decided on a local 10k in May, subject to the ok from my physiotherapist at the next appointment (got a hip injury that doesn't like running!).

Set out today to see what I could comfortably do distance wise. I expected about half a mile, so I'm pretty pleased!

I put 3lb on this week, I've spent a lot of time on closures with the horrendous weather we're having in Cumbria. Not too fussed, I'll get it off again once everything has calmed down! ;)
I maintained this week which I was very pleased with :)

Gone a bit over syns this weekend but hoping to pull it together. I desperately want to get my 2 stone award at next weigh in
I've gone massively over my syns this week, I've been living on butty van food for a week! :(
Did my first ever proper run today. I've decided I want something to aim for fitness wise so have decided on a local 10k in May, subject to the ok from my physiotherapist at the next appointment (got a hip injury that doesn't like running!).

Set out today to see what I could comfortably do distance wise. I expected about half a mile, so I'm pretty pleased!

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I don't like running which is crazy considering I'm training for a half marathon! I done 5 miles in 54 minutes, I'm aiming to be doing 5 miles in 35-40 minutes, that will give me a sub 2 hour finishing time. ;)
I'll probably have another gain this week, I start my block of 6 shifts at 6 in the morning. We have another 4 days of this horrendous weather to go, so I'm going to be rushed off my feet! :(
Anyone else here doing Weightwatchers?

They've changed the plan again - 1st it was points - then it was pro points Now, it's smart points !
Stayed the same this week. That's two weeks in a row.
I really need a loss next week to get me going again.
I didn't get weighed this week as I'm busy at work. Took it as a holiday.
Another maintain this week. Feeling completely deflated. Gave it my all. Done 12.000 more steps then last week. Done my first workout on the wii fit. Drank so much yesterday also :(
I've done nothing on plan this week, been too busy with work!
Another maintain this week. Feeling completely deflated. Gave it my all. Done 12.000 more steps then last week. Done my first workout on the wii fit. Drank so much yesterday also :(

This happens -so don't get disheartened. You'll probably find you've toned up - i.e lost fat and but put on muscle weight .