Diet Club

The time is shown on the reading, that session lasted 94 minutes or 1 hour 34 minutes. ;)

Blimey, I struggle to find 30 minutes 3 times a week!

Giving classes a real go though as think I get more out of those. Going to kettlebells on my own on Monday, big step for me! Doing the final push now, just over 3st to go
I try to do 3-4 sessions a week lasting between 75 and 105 minutes. ;) 3-4 stone to go for me. :)
I try to do 3-4 sessions a week lasting between 75 and 105 minutes. ;) 3-4 stone to go for me. :)

I'd like to do more but there just aren't enough hours in the day, especially now that we're being forced to move house (but that's a whole other thread!)

I did a half hour swim on Monday, an hour at Aqua HIIT last night and I'll try and get an hour in the gym tomorrow. That's the most I've done in a long time.
If I'm on earlies (6-2) as soon as I get home, I'm changed and down the gym. If I'm on lates, I'll go in the morning before I go to work. If I'm on nights, I'll go as soon as I get up. The gym is shut at the weekend, so I can have a rest. :yahoo:
If I'm on earlies (6-2) as soon as I get home, I'm changed and down the gym. If I'm on lates, I'll go in the morning before I go to work. If I'm on nights, I'll go as soon as I get up. The gym is shut at the weekend, so I can have a rest. :yahoo:

Sounds like the OHs shift pattern. I work 10-7 or 8-7 every day. Add in a dog that needs walking 3 times a day and life in general, and it just doesn't happen as often as it should.
Hello, I'm new here. I spotted this thread and thought it might be about Piggy diets but on closer inspection it's a subject close to my heart - Piggy Owner diets. I'm currently on a mission to lose 3.5 stone - 10lbs down so far during September but still a long way to go and I have to have a hip op in 10 days which isn't going to help with getting out and exercising. I'm really impressed with the progress you are making. Is that really 2076 calories burned in ONE gym session BossHog?
Good job! Keep up the good work.
I struggle to get to the gym too, most nights I don't get home until at least 7 and then there are 14 pigs to clean and dinner to cook. Occasionally we get to go before dinner. Then in the morning they open at 7 but if I leave Letchworth any later than 7.30 the traffic is horrendous and my back flares. Can't win really. So we have to make the most of the weekends and then I have 1 personal training session a week (for my back).
I struggle to get to the gym too, most nights I don't get home until at least 7 and then there are 14 pigs to clean and dinner to cook. Occasionally we get to go before dinner. Then in the morning they open at 7 but if I leave Letchworth any later than 7.30 the traffic is horrendous and my back flares. Can't win really. So we have to make the most of the weekends and then I have 1 personal training session a week (for my back).
I don't have a gym membership, I exercise at home but even struggle to fit that in at times. Wow 14 piggies, cool. How many cages total?
It's kind of an open plan C and C set up. The cages are open but there are 3 in one room and 1 in the other (that one is closed).
Can I join in on this club?

I've been struggling for the last few years with weight

I lost 2 1/2 stone 2 years ago but sadly put 3stone back on.

Joined a new group close to home 4 weeks ago and I'm down 10.5lb.
I walk every day and go for a fast walk 3 times a week. Will start exercise DVDs once the weather turns bad.
Welcome to the group, I've struggled over the last few weeks as I've upped my running so my weight has fluctuated. :(
Welcome to the group, I've struggled over the last few weeks as I've upped my running so my weight has fluctuated. :(

Thanks. I found last time that increased exercise slowed weight loss for a while. It settles back once your body gets used to it.
Also find eating the same thing all the time has the same effect. So diet needs to be varied within whatever parameters you are using. I'm in a group similar to slimming world (I lost the weight before doing SW) and this new plan is really working for me. Though I weigh in in an hours time and reckon I'm up for this week.
I'm happy with my loss, I've lost over 6 stone in total, however I want to lose another 4. ;)
I'm happy with my loss, I've lost over 6 stone in total, however I want to lose another 4. ;)

Wow. Well done that's fabulous.
I want to lose 4 stone. I could use losing another half after that but I'm being realistic as I'm not as young as I see myself to be. Lol.
I expect my weight loss to be slow enough. I am usually a 1lb a week person. I don't mind how long it takes to get there so long as I get there.
Can I join in on this club?

I've been struggling for the last few years with weight

I lost 2 1/2 stone 2 years ago but sadly put 3stone back on.

Joined a new group close to home 4 weeks ago and I'm down 10.5lb.
I walk every day and go for a fast walk 3 times a week. Will start exercise DVDs once the weather turns bad.

Welcome aboard :) What plan (if any!) are you following?
Welcome aboard :) What plan (if any!) are you following?
I'm following a plan called waist a weigh. It's a spin off of slimming world. I find it great as it deals with a calorie allowance for treats and not Syns. Helps I have a fabulous leader that I walk with three times a week.
I'm following a plan called waist a weigh. It's a spin off of slimming world. I find it great as it deals with a calorie allowance for treats and not Syns. Helps I have a fabulous leader that I walk with three times a week.

Sounds interesting! I'm just calorie counting - works in my scientific mind :) Feel like I'm on the home straight now, 3st to go until my goal weight, 3st 3lbs until I reach 50% start weight lost.

Exercise is going well currently, I did my second spin class yesterday and did the entire class and actually enjoyed it. Don't think I've ever sweated from my eyelids before...!
Wow. The idea of spin class terrifies me.

You have done terrific on the weight loss.

I'm gonna start jillian michaels 30 day shred dvd. I've done it a few times before and it's great. Once you get over the third day of pain that is.
I also have a Kai bo dvd to start. That should keep me going for a bit.
Wow. The idea of spin class terrifies me.

You have done terrific on the weight loss.

I'm gonna start jillian michaels 30 day shred dvd. I've done it a few times before and it's great. Once you get over the third day of pain that is.
I also have a Kai bo dvd to start. That should keep me going for a bit.

I nearly died the first time I attempted spinning last week. I did the first three minutes then cycled at my own pace for the remaining 42 minutes. Don't know what happened Wednesday, I broke through some sort of mental barrier, did the entire class, and enjoyed it!

I don't have the self discipline to work out at home (always envious of people who can self-motivate!) which is why classes are working well for me currently, although tomorrow's plan (I'm off work this week so attempting exercise every day, kill me now!) is some beginners Pilates via YouTube - should be interesting to say the least!
I nearly died the first time I attempted spinning last week. I did the first three minutes then cycled at my own pace for the remaining 42 minutes. Don't know what happened Wednesday, I broke through some sort of mental barrier, did the entire class, and enjoyed it!

I don't have the self discipline to work out at home (always envious of people who can self-motivate!) which is why classes are working well for me currently, although tomorrow's plan (I'm off work this week so attempting exercise every day, kill me now!) is some beginners Pilates via YouTube - should be interesting to say the least!

Pilates is brilliant. Though I must say I would love to have the disipline to do it more often.
I can't imagine cycling for an hour. Lol. Though I guess if I tried I might manage it.
I struggle with cardio fitness. Will work on it over the winter I guess
I've taken it easy on the treadmill this week, a 6, 7 and 8 miles. I'll have to start building it up! :yikes:
image.webp Is anyone taking measurements? I know I've lost weight, the scales show that, but I don't feel any different. I did my measurements again and those numbers don't lie! Just wish I'd done them more regularly. I think I may have a note of my starting measurements on my old iPhone but I'll need to get hold of a compatible charger to find out :)

Get your tape measures out people!
When I did the shred dvd I took measurements cause I wasn't seeing difference on the scales but was definitely seeing inch loss.

It looks great seeing an all round loss like yours in measurements.
Maybe I will start taking some now since I am at the start of my journey. Great way to spur me on.