Diet Club

I'm back at work after 3 weeks off, so I was away from the biscuit barrel and choccy box. ;) Plenty of salads and fruit and loads of speed foods. ;) Tried a cracking thing the other day, We had 2 cartons of fat free quark soft cheese that were close to their use by date. Into a big bowl and cracked in 5 eggs, whipped it all into a smooth batter like consistency. Into a flan dish and grated a matchbox size piece of cheddar over the top and into the oven on gas mark 5 for 30 minutes. Came out like a big cheese soufflé, bloody delicious and syn free! :yahoo: MrsHogg and I had half each and devoured it. ;)
Well Tuesday I did a different workout...I'm still walking like I've been riding a horse of weeks on end. It was hell, but so so good. lost another 2 lbs! Yeah baby, which is amazing considering the cake I ate last saturday and i managed to scoff every single gingerbread rabbit from TEAS Open Day..

I'm super happy and tomorrow I do the routine all over again...the workout not the cake I must add!
go go aching muscles!
i have eaten rubbish most of the day ! Cream cake for lunch, mars bar and two packets of crisps :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
I update it myself off site and add it to my profile. ;)