Diet Club

That's brilliant, must admit I get a lot out of my Biomechanics sessions which are similar to personal training. Killed my knees last night though so no more lunges off the power plate for me. I think I am enjoying the weights most too and noticing a difference in my shape. Weight is just about staying constant but am only maintaining now anyway.
That's brilliant, must admit I get a lot out of my Biomechanics sessions which are similar to personal training. Killed my knees last night though so no more lunges off the power plate for me. I think I am enjoying the weights most too and noticing a difference in my shape. Weight is just about staying constant but am only maintaining now anyway.
Do you have a fitbit...I seem to recall your saying you had one? the biomechanics does sound really interesting and much more in-depth. gosh the power plate, that's a real killer isn't it. I never knew 30 seconds on that could make you so weak...I'm normally crawling off it.LOL
Yeah, the weights are really good, sounds like we're doing something very similar. It's funny how it's the little things I notice in my body. running up the stairs is easier, which are steep and wooden, lifting up my arm and see definition, it's very encouraging. The PT I was chatting too was very interesting, I think he's also a dietician because he was talking about how the combination of foods when taken in one sitting can affect the nutrients you absorb or counteract one another and not do good. but it all depends on the person too and their metabolic rate. I'm quite fascinated by this to be honest and will be listening very hard on Monday.

The fitbit helps me focus on non exercise days (i.e. non gym days but I jog on these days instead), I log my food and helps me stay in tune. I check how many steps I've done, calorie outgoing, my heart rate when exercising and how man flights of stairs I do. Worth the money!
I do and would be so lost without it. Want to upgrade when I get my bonus to the Charge HR so I can measure my heart rate or the one above it. It does sound like we are doing very similar things. I do weights and planks plus some gentle yoga at home too plus foam rolling.
That's great for both of you! Can't wait to get to that stage. Never been more determined than I am now, but I think that's because it's for my health... and also ebcause i've gone off all the takeouts I like! :P :P
I still have takeaways but as a treat and I always record it on My Fitness pal, because I have slight OCD.
Only thing I'm liking at the moment is Dominos, but it's expensive so we only have it once a month :)
Stuff like that doesn't bother me anymore. I used to love all of it but this past 6 months I just don't fancy it anymore.
I do and would be so lost without it. Want to upgrade when I get my bonus to the Charge HR so I can measure my heart rate or the one above it. It does sound like we are doing very similar things. I do weights and planks plus some gentle yoga at home too plus foam rolling.
The Charge HR is brilliant, honestly so much better than the thing I've bought. I don't wear a watch anymore, just that once you get use to the size, and because it tells you everything you need to know through the day - good for keeping on track of your outgoing calories. Whoop whoop
Gutted, had a small gain this week, not too worried though as it's a slight blip, I've been on leave and too handy for the biscuit barrel and fridge. Back at work now so normal service is resumed, plenty of salads and fruit to fill me up. ;)
Are there any runners on here that can give me some tips. I'm on week 3 of the couch to 5k app but keep getting pain in both my knees. I'm also have trouble with pacing my breathing. Any advice welcome as I'm loving it and really want to succeed x
Are there any runners on here that can give me some tips. I'm on week 3 of the couch to 5k app but keep getting pain in both my knees. I'm also have trouble with pacing my breathing. Any advice welcome as I'm loving it and really want to succeed x
I am trying to run too but my knees are also bad, though I have always had issues with them. Am sure there are some runners though, possibly @sport_billy ?
The Charge HR is brilliant, honestly so much better than the thing I've bought. I don't wear a watch anymore, just that once you get use to the size, and because it tells you everything you need to know through the day - good for keeping on track of your outgoing calories. Whoop whoop
Will definitely get on bonus payday then unless I can get a bargain on Ebay like I did with my Flex.
Are there any runners on here that can give me some tips. I'm on week 3 of the couch to 5k app but keep getting pain in both my knees. I'm also have trouble with pacing my breathing. Any advice welcome as I'm loving it and really want to succeed x

Will drop you a pm tomorrow :)