Diet Club

WHOOP WHOOP. Got on the scales this morning, I have lost a total of 10lbs! Considering the amount of gym work outs I've been doing, I'm surprised because of the conversion into muscle. I honestly thought that the scales weren't going to move much....finally it's working....months of hard work...:yahoo:
Flippin heck I'm exhausted just reading it!

So question, has anyone does protein shakes in replace of food?

I have started having a raw protein shake for breakfast but mainly because I have trouble digesting a lot of proteins because of my IBS and this is a form that I can cope with. Most vegans can eat loads of pulses etc but I can't. It also fills me up until lunch and I have a lot more energy. From what I have read though it is actually the carb part of them that is the issue, as they are high Fodmap.
So, the hubby and I are going back to slimming world on tuesday, to a completely new group for our old one which we loved, but its closer and more convenient for us to do! We both did really well last time, hubby got to target and lost 2st and I lost 2 and a half stone before falling off the rails, putting it back on and more! The trouble i'm having with my knees means I desperately need to shed something! My colleguea at work is doing the 5:2 plan, I can't be doing with any of that so going back to what I know and enjoy!
I used to down diclofenac tablets, for my arthritis, like smarties! since I've lost the weight, I haven't taken one in nearly 12 months. ;)
We didn't get there on tuesday, Duncan only got back from lees late, so we are off this tuesday to the group. Bought new stuff for the kitchen today for cooking to replace some ancient stuff. I really need to get some of this weight off! I don't want to end up having Knee replacements in my thirties! :P
I had been told I was odds on for knee replacements by the time I was 50. I'm 48 next month and showing no sign of slowing down, now that I've lost a load of weight and hitting the gym on a regular basis. ;)
just been weighed, 4lb off :yahoo: that's half a stone off in 2 weeks. ;)
and slimmer of the week too! :yahoo:

You're all inspirational!

I decided to loose some weight before our 30th wedding anniversary holiday in November. I lost 4 kilo in a month. Since then I've list s further 5 and kept it off for a couple of months. Now with winter it's harder walking in this cold weather but I'm determined to keep weight off for my birthday holiday!

Keep going guys :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
well done, I'm hoping to get a pound off by tomorrow for my 4 1/2 stone award. ;)
I have started swimming, only once a week.. Can't walk much as have a dodgy leg so swimming is the gentlest exercise.. First week I did 14 lengths and today week 4 I managed 22... I could've done a few more but needed the little girls room :shh:
Just back in from being weighed, another 1 1/2lb off making 8 1/2lb off in 3 weeks means I'm now 17st 13 1/2 lb. I'm the lightest I've been in 22 years and gained my latest award! :yahoo:

another 2lbs off....get in there.

Am seriously addicted to exercise now. Was home alone, getting annoyed with myself and pulled on the trainers and the over boulder shoulder enforcer contraption and went for a run...the temperature is lovely now...As the Nike advert says 'just do it'!