Flippin heck I'm exhausted just reading it!
So question, has anyone does protein shakes in replace of food?
I used to down diclofenac tablets, for my arthritis, like smarties! since I've lost the weight, I haven't taken one in nearly 12 months.So, the hubby and I are going back to slimming world on tuesday, to a completely new group for our old one which we loved, but its closer and more convenient for us to do! We both did really well last time, hubby got to target and lost 2st and I lost 2 and a half stone before falling off the rails, putting it back on and more! The trouble i'm having with my knees means I desperately need to shed something! My colleguea at work is doing the 5:2 plan, I can't be doing with any of that so going back to what I know and enjoy!
and slimmer of the week too!just been weighed, 4lb off that's half a stone off in 2 weeks.
Wondering @BossHogg if we get another version of the mankini after you have hit your final target?
You know, like a pin up?...
Ha ha ! My daughter aged 10 said " just go in the pool like I do mum " her from doing it again gross child !How posh - council estate kids just go in the pool!