Diet Club

Holy crap! Oops, it all happens when you've been offline for a day! Jeez, bad bad BossHogg (whilst giving you a virtual hug) and hoping you're okay too. Well you're forgiven, take a few Senakot and move on sweetie...x
Well I'm well and truly off the rails! Don't see me starting again any time soon with everything thats going on. Good luck, everyone is doing so well :)
Amanda you look brilliant.

I am getting back on track slowly after this damn flu. I still feel rubbish but managed to stick to my calories yesterday for the first time in ages and didn't go into my Fitbit exercise calories either.
@Amanda1801 you have done amazingly well, do you really have any more weight to loose? You look stunning! It must have been so hard for you, you are a hero!

Well I have not been really thinking about dieting or eating well whilst being unwell and having this operation, but just in case anyone was wondering, I have taking citalopram for about 6 weeks now and have not had any problems with weight gain as a result. I'm sure I have actually lost weight as some skirts are definitely looser but I dont know as my scales are at work and I'm currently signed off!

I have also stopped comfort/stress eating which I'm sure is a direct result of the citalopram, and something I am very thankful for :)
I haven't been the gym as much over this last 10 days since I lost my car. I made up for it today with my new one. 2 hours and 15 minutes and 1500 calories burnt off, I feel so money supermarket! :yahoo:
@Amanda1801 you have done amazingly well, do you really have any more weight to loose? You look stunning! It must have been so hard for you, you are a hero!

Well I have not been really thinking about dieting or eating well whilst being unwell and having this operation, but just in case anyone was wondering, I have taking citalopram for about 6 weeks now and have not had any problems with weight gain as a result. I'm sure I have actually lost weight as some skirts are definitely looser but I dont know as my scales are at work and I'm currently signed off!

I have also stopped comfort/stress eating which I'm sure is a direct result of the citalopram, and something I am very thankful for :)

To reach the upper end of a healthy BMI, I have 5st to go. I'm wondering whether or not that is healthy and/or possible - I'm tall and have a fair bit of muscle mass that I'm building upon too....

I've always said my initial goal will be 15st and then I'll re-evaluate, with the help of a professional (my GP surgery is very geared up to weight loss with weight clinics and access to suitably trained professionals who visit the surgery each month). As of yesterday morning, I was 18st 0.2lbs so still a way to go :)
I'm hoping to get down to 14 1/2 - 15 1/2 stone, so just under 3 stone to go. A big difference to this time last year when it was nearly 9 stone to go! :yikes:
@Amanda1801 I never would have guessed from that photo that you still had much weight to loose. You really have done well.
@BossHogg that is amazing, do you feel much healthier in youself?

@ClaireW I think I am lucky, the doctor told me that some people find they loose weight on citalopram as it is an appetite suppressant, so they have to keep checking people are not loosing too much weight, I certainly dont think at all about eating between meals now, as far as I'm concerned I'm thrilled with that side effect.

I should think some of your weight gain at least was because you cant do a lot in hospital, and being stuck sitting around or lying in bed would put weight on anyway. I'm sure it will come off steadily (hugs) x
I do feel a whole lot better, especially at work running out a 100m lane closure, I used to be absolutely breathless, now I can do it without raising a sweat or getting out of breath. ;)
I've knocked my pan in this week, loads of salad and fruit. I've food optimized big time and I've beasted myself for 2 and a half hours in the gym every day this week. Result - 5 & a 1/2 lb off! :yahoo:
I've knocked my pan in this week, loads of salad and fruit. I've food optimized big time and I've beasted myself for 2 and a half hours in the gym every day this week. Result - 5 & a 1/2 lb off! :yahoo:

What do you do for 2 1/2 hours?! I manage 50 minutes and I'm so bored that I have to leave!
25 minutes on the bike, 2000m on the rowing machine, 45 minutes on the treadmill, 25 minutes on the cross stepper, and finish off on the bike again. ;)
So, the hubby and I are going back to slimming world on tuesday, to a completely new group for our old one which we loved, but its closer and more convenient for us to do! We both did really well last time, hubby got to target and lost 2st and I lost 2 and a half stone before falling off the rails, putting it back on and more! The trouble i'm having with my knees means I desperately need to shed something! My colleguea at work is doing the 5:2 plan, I can't be doing with any of that so going back to what I know and enjoy!
I had a big gain this week! Living in a hotel and eating bar meals and buffet didn't help! Back to the gym tomorrow and try and get rid of the gain. ;)