Diet Club

Aww that's dissapointing, but onwards and upwards. You have more motivation than me at the moment!
I like cake...
Last night I ate a whole tub of ben and jerrys... I am completely off it.
Another half pound off this week, now only a pound and a half to my pre Christmas weight, its been a long slog, but coupled with the gym, its starting to come together. :yahoo:
Great news Tom, getting back to your pre Christmas weigh will give you a big boost confidence wise.
Why is every food that I love bad for me? Ice cream ( any kind doesn't have to be Ben and Jerry's) CHOCOLATE, cheese, cake, the list goes on and on @AbiS and @Flutterby I know exactly how you are feeling. I lost a pound this week but I feel like it should have been more.
I daren't get on the scales, been signed off work for 3 weeks with flu and these last 2 I have been so bored and eaten loads of rubbish. I need to try and get back on track once I am back at work on Monday.
I daren't get on the scales, been signed off work for 3 weeks with flu and these last 2 I have been so bored and eaten loads of rubbish. I need to try and get back on track once I am back at work on Monday.
Hopefully your weigh in won't be as bad as you imagine Helen, and when you feel better you can start eating healthily again.
Fingers crossed. Is not an official weigh in as not gone to anything like weight watchers, and am just on maintaining now. Will eat loads next weekend though as have a wedding on Friday and Birmingham on Saturday.
Congratulations, my wife says you look fantastic. ;)
I have now started my 7 weeks of damage limitation. Not dieting (not that it had been going very well), just trying not to put too much on although I am expecting about 3/4 st :no:
-2.6lbs this week. And a comparison photo just because I was trying to work out if my new tops fit!

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Holy hell Amanda that's brilliant, keep going, it certainly helps to see what other people have achieved!

So a question to the dieters on here...has anyone used a personal trainer? Has anyone tried a blood test to check for their metabolic rate or to see if you're prone to holding onto your fat? Apparently there's something that can be idea, just putting it out there.
I had a small gain this week, which is understandable after the week I've had! :yikes:
Holy hell Amanda that's brilliant, keep going, it certainly helps to see what other people have achieved!

So a question to the dieters on here...has anyone used a personal trainer? Has anyone tried a blood test to check for their metabolic rate or to see if you're prone to holding onto your fat? Apparently there's something that can be idea, just putting it out there.

Not quite a personal trainer as such but I have one doing my Biomechanics sessions for my back at the moment and he nearly kills me. Can see how it would be good though, they really put you through it.
Yeah I'm thinking of going down that route...PT that is. I can diet, loose 5 lbs and stop, no matter what...just stop...I've done the calories in v calories out...I really struggle - blooming HRT!