Diet Club

Well done Amanda!

3lb off this week, not really on the zone at all and I desperately need to be!
Another pound off, haven't been focussed this week, plus I've only been the gym twice as it was shut for the whole Easter weekend. Nose to the grindstone and back to plan this week.
I lost another 3/4 of a pound this week despite being tempted by my bad husband who came home with Lidl chocolate mousse with cake pieces it was absolutely gorgeous but I found it really filling, this is new for me, before I was eating healthy I could have snaffled two of those without thinking. I have been busy in the garden but I find that I really get the munchies, which is not helpful. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
Another pound off, haven't been focussed this week, plus I've only been the gym twice as it was shut for the whole Easter weekend. Nose to the grindstone and back to plan this week.
Don't be so hard on yourself Tom I know that you have your Reservist medical coming up but think back to where you were this time last year. Relax and draw breath you are doing brilliantly!
The reserves might not be happening, a scan on my knees has shown my arthritis is more advanced than I thought. Since losing the weight, I haven't taken any medication as I've had no trouble. I'll be lodging an appeal, I'll speak to my doctor, he'll be able to tell them that it doesn't bother me.
The reserves might not be happening, a scan on my knees has shown my arthritis is more advanced than I thought. Since losing the weight, I haven't taken any medication as I've had no trouble. I'll be lodging an appeal, I'll speak to my doctor, he'll be able to tell them that it doesn't bother me.
Let's hope your doc can put them straight and he can get you in the reserves, best of luck mate! :)
The reserves might not be happening, a scan on my knees has shown my arthritis is more advanced than I thought. Since losing the weight, I haven't taken any medication as I've had no trouble. I'll be lodging an appeal, I'll speak to my doctor, he'll be able to tell them that it doesn't bother me.
Oh Tom I'm so sorry, I know you had your heart set on joining up again, I hope your appeal is successful, they would be mad to let you go with all the experience you have.
I can't seem to get below 10st7. It is very frustrating. I have just got all my uni work done so will be going back to the gym from Monday (haven't been for about 3 months) so hopefully that will make a difference.
I can't seem to get below 10st7. It is very frustrating. I have just got all my uni work done so will be going back to the gym from Monday (haven't been for about 3 months) so hopefully that will make a difference.
Good luck in the gym Abi, I have read that the last stone is the hardest to shift so the exercise should help.
Just been to the gym. It hurt! Had to laugh - I am rubbish at press ups - I have to do 2 sets of 10 but before I had to stop going to the gym because of uni work I had just managed to do 4 sets of 5, so was getting there. I just collapsed (literally) half way through number 3! !

I came home hungry and just ate a cookie! Hmmm....not sure if that was helpful! Haha! At least I am having salad and no carbs for dinner tonight!
Now I know I am not meant to weigh myself every day but we all know I do and just keep quiet about it. I had to share this time though as I have finally broken 10st7 and was 10st6.6 this morning. The gym obviously did the trick yesterday. I was still surprised because of the 1.5brownies I ate yesterday! I am just so pleased. I really need to get as close to 10st0 as I can by the end of the month.
Now I know I am not meant to weigh myself every day but we all know I do and just keep quiet about it. I had to share this time though as I have finally broken 10st7 and was 10st6.6 this morning. The gym obviously did the trick yesterday. I was still surprised because of the 1.5brownies I ate yesterday! I am just so pleased. I really need to get as close to 10st0 as I can by the end of the month.
You can do it Abi! :)
Well my official weigh day put me up 0.2lb from last week. Disappointing after my midweek loss. Am hoping it's because fat is turning into muscle because of my gym going!