Diet Club

It's an awful thing to have to get over @Goth Mummy. Time is a fantastic healer, though you never get over something like that, you learn to deal with it better. I hope the doctor can be of some help to you, and we are all here to support you in what ways we can here. My diet is out the window at the moment, i'm so run down and stressed out at the moment. I think a few of us are in the same boat diet wise.
I was actually having significant problems with stress/anxiety for quite a while, then I got diagnosed with this immune system disease that is triggered by stress in January, then found out I have to have a biopsy, at the same time the pressure at work really increased and I was really struggling to cope at work having panic attacks. My horse dying was the thing that finally broke me I am afraid, but the cause was months and months of stuff building up. I was heading that way anyway! I miss him so much though, he was the one I talked to, I dream about him every night, I know he is waiting for me, he is my soul mate.

I'm going to plan my food for tomorrow, and sort it all out ready tonight, then hopefully tomorrow I can eat something sensible, not nothing all day then 15 biscuits at 10pm!
I really am so sorry for your pain. My heart goes out to you. xx
Rubbish! if you want it, you'll get a loss, I once lost five and a half pounds followed by a 2 further losses of 3 lb so its possible. ;) well done btw. :yahoo:
I am so pleased as I have lost 4.5 pounds. I have never lost so much in one week. I gained 2 pounds last week but this is still good news. I am now 12.5 pounds away from my goal. The leader said not to expect a loss next week though.
That's brilliant! It's fantastic to see that you have your goal in sight, well done! :) xx
I am so pleased as I have lost 4.5 pounds. I have never lost so much in one week. I gained 2 pounds last week but this is still good news. I am now 12.5 pounds away from my goal. The leader said not to expect a loss next week though.
So pleased for you Gigi, very well done. You are always so concerned and caring for everyone you deserve a big loss.
I had a small gain this week, I've been mad busy at work with the snow, plus I've been unable to get to the gym as much as I'd like. I'll be able to go 4 times next week and get back on track. ;)
Did anyone watch the big Fat Challenge last night. I lost interest early on but I did think the exercise information was interesting.

Basically for 2 minutes you push yourself as hard as you possibly can running, rest for 1 minute so stop then repeat 7 times. Apparently your body will continue burning fat way after you finish exercising.

Anyone else see it?
We didn't weigh at work this week, but we are making a fresh start next week as with job interviews etc it's been a complete mess.
Did anyone watch the big Fat Challenge last night. I lost interest early on but I did think the exercise information was interesting.

Basically for 2 minutes you push yourself as hard as you possibly can running, rest for 1 minute so stop then repeat 7 times. Apparently your body will continue burning fat way after you finish exercising.

Anyone else see it?
That is the principle behind the programmes I am given at the gym - intervals on the stepper, rower and treadmill. And lots of weights - the muscle keeps on working after you stops!
That is why I use the random program on the machines at the gym, it slows down and speeds up, it also increases and decreases the resistance, making it harder to use the machines. :tu:
Did anyone watch the big Fat Challenge last night. I lost interest early on but I did think the exercise information was interesting.

Basically for 2 minutes you push yourself as hard as you possibly can running, rest for 1 minute so stop then repeat 7 times. Apparently your body will continue burning fat way after you finish exercising.

Anyone else see it?

Any "fat burning" (aerobic) exercise you do sees you burning calories at a higher rate for the following 23-24 hours. It's also why it's important to have rest days
I had a couple of bottles of wine this week and put on 2lb! Oops. Not drinking for a few months now though so hopefully that will help.
Hi folks, I put on a half a pound this week but I thought it would be much more. It was my daughters birthday on Sunday so I cooked a proper roast dinner with sticky toffee pudding and cream, after that we had a party and I drank far too much and had a hangover for two days. I am back on track now though so hopefully I will lose again. I am going back on my vibration plate exerciser but building up slowly as I don't want to hurt my knees and if the weather allows I will be out in the garden. Hope you all have a nice Easter and keep on losing.
half a pound is nothing to worry about, half a pint of water weighs just over that, so a glass of water before getting on the scales without going to the loo will give you that gain. ;)
All hail the mighty MFP!

I've wanted a cream tea for days. I figure if I've wanted something for several days, I probably really do want it! So I bought some scones, jam and clotted cream for today, but last night it was calling my name. Very loudly!

So, 10pm last night, this happened.....but still within calories and therefore guilt free :D

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Had a long hilly walk planned today, but the dog was a bit under the weather this morning. He seemed much better by this afternoon though so we managed a nice, although flat walk :)

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