Diet Club

You have done really well. I can only dream of weighing what you weigh!
I know - I really don't have much to complain about because I have always been a normal BMI - that is why I struggle with the motivation of dieting every day because it is so easy for me to say 'one chocolate wont hurt'. However, I don't want to keep putting weight on until I develop a raised BMI and having to lose even more.

Also - I am starting another cycle of IVF in April and I typically put on 3/4 of a stone during it. I didn't manage to lose that weight after my last cycle (December 2013) so I want to try to get as much of it off before I start again and put it all back on - otherwise I will have 1.5 stones to lose!
I know - I really don't have much to complain about because I have always been a normal BMI - that is why I struggle with the motivation of dieting every day because it is so easy for me to say 'one chocolate wont hurt'. However, I don't want to keep putting weight on until I develop a raised BMI and having to lose even more.

Also - I am starting another cycle of IVF in April and I typically put on 3/4 of a stone during it. I didn't manage to lose that weight after my last cycle (December 2013) so I want to try to get as much of it off before I start again and put it all back on - otherwise I will have 1.5 stones to lose!
I can understand that. I wish you the best of luck with your IVF cycle.
I too wish you luck Abi, my sister has IVF twins and I know what she went through to get them.
I too wish you luck Abi, my sister has IVF twins and I know what she went through to get them.
Thanks dear, I'm not holding out much hope tbh - it is cycle #6 - I do think that if it was going to work it would have done by now but I cant help feeling that if we don't keep going I will regret it later in life - I cant be doing with 'what if's'. So my plan is to have one this year and if it doesn't work then another same time next year at which point I will be 39 and time to call it a day. I did the first 5 quite quickly, one after another, and it was really hard work both physically and emotionally and just took over my entire life (and I was really evil to MrS) which is why I am only doing one a year now.
Thanks dear, I'm not holding out much hope tbh - it is cycle #6 - I do think that if it was going to work it would have done by now but I cant help feeling that if we don't keep going I will regret it later in life - I cant be doing with 'what if's'. So my plan is to have one this year and if it doesn't work then another same time next year at which point I will be 39 and time to call it a day. I did the first 5 quite quickly, one after another, and it was really hard work both physically and emotionally and just took over my entire life (and I was really evil to MrS) which is why I am only doing one a year now.
That is a very good positive attitude to have Abi, I wish you all the best with your IVF and everything works out for you :tu: :)
I agree with Tim, Abi. Going in with a positive attitude is fantastic. I really do have my fingers crossed that this time is your time xx
Just found this thread, wow, you're going very well with the exercises .

I'm not that good, today I ate a slice of cake :no:

it was so good
Just found this thread, wow, you're going very well with the exercises .

I'm not that good, today I ate a slice of cake :no:

it was so good

No one ever got fat by eating a single piece of cake! I've lost nearly 25% of my body weight and I eat cake or chocolate pretty much every day (some days, I eat both!)
Me too! My life has just got scary - the application for the reserves has stalled for the last 10 weeks - I've had an email telling me previous service checks have been completed and I've just submitted my online medical questionnaire - so full steam ahead with the gym and slimming world, I've now got to get another 4 stone off as quick as possible! :yikes:
Me too! My life has just got scary - the application for the reserves has stalled for the last 10 weeks - I've had an email telling me previous service checks have been completed and I've just submitted my online medical questionnaire - so full steam ahead with the gym and slimming world, I've now got to get another 4 stone off as quick as possible! :yikes:
Gosh I hope that is not too much pressure for you.
Yeah, you're right. But I'd like not to be that addicted to sugar :(

If you think you're eating too much sugar, just reduce it slowly. Stopping suddenly and denying yourself the things you enjoy is more likely to end in failure. I tend to allow myself something in the evening (I had not one, but two slices of cheese cake yesterday!) because by then, I've eaten everything and tracked my calories and can see what I have left to play with.

Fruit is a great source of sugar. When I need a sugar hit during the day, a ripe banana or a few raisins are just as good as some chocolate or something.
If you think you're eating too much sugar, just reduce it slowly. Stopping suddenly and denying yourself the things you enjoy is more likely to end in failure. I tend to allow myself something in the evening (I had not one, but two slices of cheese cake yesterday!) because by then, I've eaten everything and tracked my calories and can see what I have left to play with.

Fruit is a great source of sugar. When I need a sugar hit during the day, a ripe banana or a few raisins are just as good as some chocolate or something.

Yeah I do the same everytime I have some fruit in my house! Bad thing it's more easy to buy candies than fruits :no:

But I'll give it a try!
Yeah I do the same everytime I have some fruit in my house! Bad thing it's more easy to buy candies than fruits :no:

But I'll give it a try!

I initially didn't buy them - if I didn't have them, I couldn't eat them. When I did buy them, I found that buying individually packaged items in a single portion was much easier than trying to control myself to eat a small amount of a whole pack. But now I'm not overly fussed - I'd rather have some fruit and yoghurt or some carrot sticks and houmous than chocolate or cake. Most of it for me is being prepared - having food made and ready to take to work, rather than trying to rely on buying something on the go.
@AbiS I will keep everything crossed for you. I know its going to be tough ((hugs)).

I have not been doing well at all, to be honest I have hardly been thinking about watching my weight, its all been about survival and keeping upright! Loosing my horse, then some more health stuff to worry about has just knocked that out of my brain. I am weighing in at 13 7 lbs:( I'm 5ft 8 so obviously thats not good, I think I need to be around 11 stone.
@AbiS I will keep everything crossed for you. I know its going to be tough ((hugs)).

I have not been doing well at all, to be honest I have hardly been thinking about watching my weight, its all been about survival and keeping upright! Loosing my horse, then some more health stuff to worry about has just knocked that out of my brain. I am weighing in at 13 7 lbs:( I'm 5ft 8 so obviously thats not good, I think I need to be around 11 stone.
You have had a terrible shock losing Domino and you have other things going on too. Please do not be so hard on yourself. I really believe a person needs to be in the right frame of mind to focus on losing weight. You should give yourself time to grieve right now.
@Goth Mummy - I hadn't realised you had lost your horse - I am so sorry to hear that. Piggyfan is right - you need to give yourself time to grieve and not put so much pressure on yourself to lose weight at the same time - that is just impossible. Sending you huge hugs x
Well my diet is going out of the window this week. I had it all planned for Wednesday but mum has just been on the phone and invited me out for breakfast for her birthday. I was expecting her to have the day out with my dad. Their idea of 'breakfast' is 11:00 for Carluccio's for eggs benedict/Florentine and a large glass of wine - I cant wait till I retire and can do that too!
Well my diet is going out of the window this week. I had it all planned for Wednesday but mum has just been on the phone and invited me out for breakfast for her birthday. I was expecting her to have the day out with my dad. Their idea of 'breakfast' is 11:00 for Carluccio's for eggs benedict/Florentine and a large glass of wine - I cant wait till I retire and can do that too!
I am sure you will not gain weight if that is all you have. You have been doing so well since you started.
I am sure you will not gain weight if that is all you have. You have been doing so well since you started.
Would be great if I don't gain but have been on night shift and it is so easy to convince yourself that calories don't exist in the middle of the night! Not to mention the bottle of wine I just opened to help me sleep tonight because I forgot to set my alarm so didn't wake up until 15:30 instead of 13:30! Haha!
thanks everyone, I went to my GP today and told her that I was feeling pretty desperate, really struggling at work etc and she has increased my dose of propanalol and made an appt for me in a few days to discuss taking something else (an SSRI I think). She also tested my thyroid. I am actually struggling to eat at all, but when I do its something really bad like a chocolate bar. I did say how I was trying to loose weight but she just said try to eat something, and if possible try to make it good things, but she didn't seem concerned about my weight at this stage.
thanks everyone, I went to my GP today and told her that I was feeling pretty desperate, really struggling at work etc and she has increased my dose of propanalol and made an appt for me in a few days to discuss taking something else (an SSRI I think). She also tested my thyroid. I am actually struggling to eat at all, but when I do its something really bad like a chocolate bar. I did say how I was trying to loose weight but she just said try to eat something, and if possible try to make it good things, but she didn't seem concerned about my weight at this stage.
Well done for going to your GP. That was really brave of you. I am sorry you are struggling to eat. I imagine that is because you are too sad. xx
I was actually having significant problems with stress/anxiety for quite a while, then I got diagnosed with this immune system disease that is triggered by stress in January, then found out I have to have a biopsy, at the same time the pressure at work really increased and I was really struggling to cope at work having panic attacks. My horse dying was the thing that finally broke me I am afraid, but the cause was months and months of stuff building up. I was heading that way anyway! I miss him so much though, he was the one I talked to, I dream about him every night, I know he is waiting for me, he is my soul mate.

I'm going to plan my food for tomorrow, and sort it all out ready tonight, then hopefully tomorrow I can eat something sensible, not nothing all day then 15 biscuits at 10pm!
You are amazing Amanda!

Not amazing, just twigged that more calories out than in actually works!

Got a bit of a food hangover today, too many carbs yesterday! Toast for breakfast, quorn chilli and rice for lunch, lasagne and garlic bread baguette (a whole one!) for dinner. And chocolate. All within calories. Think I need to eat some lettuce today!