Diet Club

There must be something bad in the air that is having a negative effect on our weight loss regime's people. I have my weigh in tomorrow and I am not confident that I have lost any weight, for me the initial enthusiasm has worn off and now it is a bit of a slog. I will give you the bad news tomorrow.
Have been eating way too much lately too, I agree there must be something in the air.
Well, the human yo-yo is at it again this week. After putting on a couple of pounds last week, I have lost over four pounds this week! I have now lost a stone and a half but for the life of me I cannot understand why when I eat the same stuff all the time my weight goes up and down. I think I must have the same problem as @Goth Mummy and @BossHogg.
Well, the human yo-yo is at it again this week. After putting on a couple of pounds last week, I have lost over four pounds this week! I have now lost a stone and a half but for the life of me I cannot understand why when I eat the same stuff all the time my weight goes up and down. I think I must have the same problem as @Goth Mummy and @BossHogg.
Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! That is really great.
It is so horrible when dieting and feeling hungry. I sympathise.
Pain in the bum isn't it. I am feeling super-sorry for myself and just want chocolate, cake and honey Jack Daniels! I have a fridge full of tasties that I cant eat until tomorrow - at least I can have them then though - could be worse!
Pain in the bum isn't it. I am feeling super-sorry for myself and just want chocolate, cake and honey Jack Daniels! I have a fridge full of tasties that I cant eat until tomorrow - at least I can have them then though - could be worse!
Ooh that sounds yum. I hope tomorrow comes quickly for you. You are doing so well to stick to this plan.
Ooh that sounds yum. I hope tomorrow comes quickly for you. You are doing so well to stick to this plan.
I have to say that I find it a lot easier than trying to be good every single day. I just have to get through 2 hard days a week. Am not sure if I will have lost anything this week because of the horrible hormones but will see what the scales say tomorrow - hopefully make up for it next week.

Everyone is doing so well - I do think this thread is great for motivation!
Well done @PiggyOwner! Hope everyone else is doing ok this week. Mine's been up and down, will see on the scales tomorrow!

I have to say that I find it a lot easier than trying to be good every single day. I just have to get through 2 hard days a week. Am not sure if I will have lost anything this week because of the horrible hormones but will see what the scales say tomorrow - hopefully make up for it next week.

Everyone is doing so well - I do think this thread is great for motivation!

:agr: This is a great thread .

I'm afraid I don't deserve congratulations at the moment @Flutterby . I should be maintaining and always knew it would be difficult for me .

Never mind - I know what I need to do and I know it is up to me to find a way to do it .
A loss is a loss, regardless of what you should be doing lol. If you want to go down, and you loose, it's the right direction!

I'm coming down with a bad chest, had the nephews at the weekend and they had the lurgy, now Duncan and I are full of bad chests. I'm not a 'sickly' person and this is twice in 2 weeks now. Makes me want to eat rubbish!
A loss is a loss, regardless of what you should be doing lol. If you want to go down, and you loose, it's the right direction!

I'm coming down with a bad chest, had the nephews at the weekend and they had the lurgy, now Duncan and I are full of bad chests. I'm not a 'sickly' person and this is twice in 2 weeks now. Makes me want to eat rubbish!

Feeling crap = eating rubbish . I understand that equation.

I hope you feel better soon.
Just been weighed, I've lost 2lb! This month has been quite good, I've lost 6lb and only gained half a pound. I think the gym sessions are starting to pay off. :yahoo:
I've started to increase the resistance on the machines this week too. On the treadmill, I normally do 20 minutes at 3.8 mph at level 14 (out of 20) and burn roughly 350 calories. This week I've been doing 35 minutes at level 20. Walking for 5 minutes at 4mph then running for 5 minutes at 5mph then walking again. I'm burning 750 calories on the treadmill alone! At the end the cool down, my heart was 80-90 beats per minute, compared to the 160 beats per minute when I was flat out! ;)
I have lost 0.2lb this week - not great given that I have stuck to it and it was only week 2 however I'm hoping it is because of the hormones and next week will be better.

I am aiming for 10st but about a year or so ago I said that my 'safe' zone was 10-10st7 and I am now 10st7.0 so have to be pleased with that.
Well done Abi, it's still a loss! I've stayed the same this week. I am happy as long as i'm not going up, would be happier if i was going down though.
Thankyou! I completely agree! I weigh in at 17st7lb. I need to get my ass in gear. I was a lovely 12st when I met my hubby, damn getting comfortable and all that! Grr! :P
Thankyou! I completely agree! I weigh in at 17st7lb. I need to get my ass in gear. I was a lovely 12st when I met my hubby, damn getting comfortable and all that! Grr! :P

I was 9st4 when I got married - admittedly, looking back at photos, I looked awful at that weight but I easily maintained it because I didn't bother with carbs. Then moved in with MrS and put in a stone in about a month because of rice and potatoes!
I have lost 0.2lb this week - not great given that I have stuck to it and it was only week 2 however I'm hoping it is because of the hormones and next week will be better.

I am aiming for 10st but about a year or so ago I said that my 'safe' zone was 10-10st7 and I am now 10st7.0 so have to be pleased with that.
You have done really well. I can only dream of weighing what you weigh!