Diet Club

Pound and a half off, I'm on nights next block of shifts so I'll have to push on and keep up with the losing, I'm back to within 6 lb of my lowest weight since joining slimming world, so time to step up. ;)
Oh that is fantastic! Well done. All your exercising is paying off.
Well - I officially lost 3.5lb this week. I am so pleased. I actually think I might have found a diet that works and that I can stick to. I don't expect that much loss each week but even just 1lb off will do the job!
Wow that is amazing! Well done.
OMG! Just got on the scaled again thinking I would have put a tiny bit on after a huge cream filled donut yesterday and I have lost another 1.6lb! That's 4.6lb since last Friday! I now only have another 7lb to go. I love this diet!
That's fantastic!

OMG I really need to get my act together. Been ill this week to just ate full on crap. Put 4 anf a half on! that's means I've put 8lb of my 9lb that i'd lost back on, and only 1lb still off since I started. Really need to get myself in gear!
OMG! Just got on the scaled again thinking I would have put a tiny bit on after a huge cream filled donut yesterday and I have lost another 1.6lb! That's 4.6lb since last Friday! I now only have another 7lb to go. I love this diet!

Weighing frequently is quite pointless - your weight changes so much over the course of a day that you could get on the scales every 10 minutes throughout the day and you'd probably not get the same result twice. Best thing to do is stick to the same time (first thing in the morning is best) and the same day and weigh once a week. That way you're going to get the most accurate change.
That is why I avoid the scales in the gym. I get weighed on the slimming world scales only. ;)
@Amanda1801 i agree but I just have 'frequent weighing of myself' issues. I do try not to but it's a bit of an addiction! I do find it helps with motivation though - either I lose which Spurs me on or I gain which makes me put more effort in. Friday is my official weigh day. I posted yesterday with my 'official' weight loss because I thought I might put a tiny bit on by today with eating normally yesterday so was going to ignore it! Lol!
Ruth please do not feel bad. You have been unwell and when ill it is impossible to stick to a diet. Once you are well you will be able to start afresh.
Hi guys, I think I am a human yo-yo as my weight has gone up again this week by 2 pounds. I confess after Sunday lunch I had apple pie, it was delicious so I am not beating myself up over it, after all it was Mother's Day. I think I will have to start exercising, I have started using my vibration plate exerciser but my knees are sore so I am building up slowly. On the plus side my clothes are fitting better and people have begun to notice my weight loss so I will just keep plugging away. I hope everyone has a good, healthy and productive week. Onwards and downwards folks!
I'm sorry you had a gain this week Jenny. It's good though that you are starting to see results overall :)
It was the first pud that I've had since the 1st of January and it was without cream or custard so I'm trying to kid myself it wasn't that bad :D. Seriously though, I need to reduce my portion size and this is the bit that kills me. I LOVE food, it is one of life's great pleasures and I have managed fine cutting out the bad stuff, and now I have to try and eat less of everything else :bye:.
It was the first pud that I've had since the 1st of January and it was without cream or custard so I'm trying to kid myself it wasn't that bad :D. Seriously though, I need to reduce my portion size and this is the bit that kills me. I LOVE food, it is one of life's great pleasures and I have managed fine cutting out the bad stuff, and now I have to try and eat less of everything else :bye:.
I struggle to reduce my portion sizes too. I think that is the plus size of slimming world as you can still have big portions. It did not teach me about control though.
Just bought 2 slimmng world meals from Iceland, 2 for £5, absolutely massive portions and all syn free! I've got Chicken Tikka Masala and Singapore Chicken Noodles. That's my evening meal sorted for the next 2 nights. Today I've got Chicken Supreme which I made from a recipe on the slimming world website, syn free and a shed load of microwave veg to go with it, and a full melon for dessert. :yahoo:
Just bought 2 slimmng world meals from Iceland, 2 for £5, absolutely massive portions and all syn free! I've got Chicken Tikka Masala and Singapore Chicken Noodles. That's my evening meal sorted for the next 2 nights. Today I've got Chicken Supreme which I made from a recipe on the slimming world website, syn free and a shed load of microwave veg to go with it, and a full melon for dessert. :yahoo:

I bought groovy melon in M&S today. 4 quid! Just because it is nicely chopped up with a crinkle cut. I'm a sucker for a posh package!
My gym-joining got serious today. I went to a sports shop. Sports shop. Me. In a sports shop. Came home with these (my previous indoor trainers haven't seen the inside of a gym for at least 2 years, they've long been liberated to the outside world!)

Also, heart rate monitor has been dispatched :D image.webp
You are doing so well. You are going to be so fit.

It might take a while, but that's the plan! I used to be very athletic, team sports were my thing - hockey mainly. Would love to get back to team sports but that's a long way off yet. Me and Liam are doing a joint membership, and based on the pay as you go price, we will need to go to the gym 4 times a month and swimming twice a month to get our monies worth. So that's my initial aim!

The dog is starting to slow down - he can't do massive hikes any more as he's getting an old man, so my exercise plans will have to change :)