Diet Club

Good luck, are you eating little and often throughout the day or one big meal tonight? I always ate throughout the day because my IBS makes me eat little and often or I get stomach pain.

I had juice for breakfast - freshly squeezed orange, apple and liquidised strawberries
Lunch is one poached egg with one slice of toast
Dinner - homemade prawn bhuna with as much rice as I can have with the calories I have left!

There is no way I could go all day without eating - I am already counting the minutes until 1pm!

My next fasting day will be Thursday I think and I will have the same for breakfast and lunch and then a chicken kebab - sadly without garlic mayo - for dinner. If I get lucky I might even be able to have a pitta to go with it. Or I might not have the pitta and have the mayo instead - choices, choices!
If I lose another 3lbs, I'll officially be halfway to a healthy BMI!
Hi Amanda, I just want to say well done losing all that weight it must make you feel so good. I need to lose another six stone but it s hard work. If I went by my ideal BMI I would have to drop another stone.
You must be so proud of yourself! You should be! And here is me getting distressed at being on a diet for 1 day! Well 3.5hours really!
I'm just plodding along! It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I know that sounds like a cheesy cliche (mmm, cheese!) but it really is. I genuinely no longer enjoy big greasy takeaways, I don't crave chocolate and cake, I can eat until I'm comfortably full and stop.
I had juice for breakfast - freshly squeezed orange, apple and liquidised strawberries
Lunch is one poached egg with one slice of toast
Dinner - homemade prawn bhuna with as much rice as I can have with the calories I have left!

There is no way I could go all day without eating - I am already counting the minutes until 1pm!

My next fasting day will be Thursday I think and I will have the same for breakfast and lunch and then a chicken kebab - sadly without garlic mayo - for dinner. If I get lucky I might even be able to have a pitta to go with it. Or I might not have the pitta and have the mayo instead - choices, choices!
That sounds a good way of doing it, you shouldn't be too hungry that way.
I'm just plodding along! It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I know that sounds like a cheesy cliche (mmm, cheese!) but it really is. I genuinely no longer enjoy big greasy takeaways, I don't crave chocolate and cake, I can eat until I'm comfortably full and stop.
I know what you mean, am looking at it that way too.

I have my Bio mechanics screening at the gym on Saturday and they confirmed what I had been told by the Physio a couple of years ago that my back issues are because my left leg is 8mm shorter. I am having my first session tonight to be shown exercises that will help and let me get the most out of my normal workout.

Am staying around the same weight at the moment give or take a fluctuation of a couple of lbs which are often linked to how my IBS is behaving.
I went to the gym this morning as I'm on lates today, I burnt off 1000 calories. I've just had a big bacon and fried egg sandwich, 6 rashers of grilled bacon with all the fat cut off, 2 eggs done in our new ceramic frying pan, no oil or fry light needed. Low fat spread and 2 thick slices of bread, with brown sauce. Thoroughly enjoyed it with no guilt whatsoever! :yahoo:
Ok stop you getting TOO hungry lol. It does get a bit easier. Some people on a vegan 5:2 group I am on drink stock cubes throughout the day.
Hi Claire :)

Do you keep a note of what you eat? There's lots of free apps out there that you can use, personally I use My Fitness Pal, it's so easy to use and keep track of things. It'd give you an idea of where you could make changes.

You can get moving more without leaving the house. Pop Lesley Sansone in youtube - she's a bit mad, but it's surprising how much you can do without leaving the living room!

Vegetarian wise - quorn and other meat replacements are often lower in fat than their meaty counterparts, so I'd just say watch things like cheese.

Welcome Claire. I use My Fitness Pal too and would be lost without it. See if you can get a cheap Fitbit on Ebay too, it really encourages you to move about more and you can sync it with My Fitness Pal too so it adjusts your calories depending on how active you have been that day.

Do you like tofu? it's really low fat and can take on any flavour that you put with it. I have also started making my own meat replacements using vital wheat gluten.
Thank you for the welcome and the advise. I think another problem I have is that I very rarely feel hungry and then when I do, I graze and pick at stuff which I know isn't good.

I like Tofu as well as Quorn :)

And @Amanda1801 you have done so incredibly well :)
I have just made my prawn bhuna and calculated that I can have 40g brown rice. I would normally have 50g so not too short!
I'm just plodding along! It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I know that sounds like a cheesy cliche (mmm, cheese!) but it really is. I genuinely no longer enjoy big greasy takeaways, I don't crave chocolate and cake, I can eat until I'm comfortably full and stop.

I haven't got to the stage where it's changed my lifestyle (unfortunately). I've been what I refer to as "free ranging" for 5 weeks now and have put on an average of 1lb a week. I had to force myself to go to my WW meeting tonight - but I went ! I've counted my points today - so, hopefully I'm back on track.
I haven't got to the stage where it's changed my lifestyle (unfortunately). I've been what I refer to as "free ranging" for 5 weeks now and have put on an average of 1lb a week. I had to force myself to go to my WW meeting tonight - but I went ! I've counted my points today - so, hopefully I'm back on track.
It is hard to stay on track. I wish you luck sticking to your points.
I hope everyone has a good week this week. I don't think I will, i'm ill, but i'll be back on the band wagon as soon as I feel better. Sending good vibes all your ways! :D
Yeah, you are right Gigi, thankyou. I don't have much of an appetite either, so at least I know I won't go mad while i'm ill.