Diet Club

@Amanda1801 I think that how you are feeling is very likely the result of iron pills and all the messing around with your hormones, because I often feel like that. I am taking Ferrous sulphate 200mg 3 times a day and some days I just cant face eating at all. Also, I have had a year of being put on different birth control pills and also had the mirena IUD (which fell out....! :yikes:) all to control my anaemia so my body is now adjusting to levelling out with its own natural hormones, which is a lot of upheaval for your body to go through. I am now very late and also had to take a pregnancy test yesterday..... it was negative but then David noticed that it was a month out of date, and I have not bought a new one yet.
Another baby is very much NOT in my plans, we have our family and as much as I can cope with and I'm 38 this year so I hope its just hormonal weirdness!

The hormonal changes from the different contraception types and also the steroids have definitely contributed to my weight gain. I'm not weighing myself at the moment as I didn't loose weight last week and it made me fed up :( but I'm still following the WW points system so hopefully when I am feeling more positive I will weight myself and not be too depressed!

It was the iron tablets! Stopped taking them to see if it was those or the contraceptive pill. I was taking 210mg 3x a day. Stopped them on Saturday and today, I've been starving!

I've been having weird things going on - I've been bleeding since mid December, initial tests (bacterial and viral infections) have come back clear, so next step is the ultrasound. I've been put on the pill to stop the bleeding - and it's worked! Hallelujah! So can cut back on the iron now anyway. Doctor thinks that it may well be my hormones having issues as a result of the weightloss, but wants the scan done as I've had some pain in the region of my ovaries. Just waiting for an appointment to come through.
Well done Boss, that's a fab loss! My weigh day tomorrow. I've been eating like a pig. Ok, not that bad, but I certainly haven't been 100% either. The chicken and ham pie at work cannot be resisted!
Oh dear, weight gain this week, up a pound and a half, I cannot resist Lidls fresh baked rolls and bread, oh well onwards and downwards, porridge for lunch.
All you can do is get back on it, today is the start of a new week. Sorry about the bad week though, it's never nice when you have one.
Oh dear, weight gain this week, up a pound and a half, I cannot resist Lidls fresh baked rolls and bread, oh well onwards and downwards, porridge for lunch.
It is so hard to resist such temptations. Please do not feel bad as that is only a small gain. We all have times we do not stick to our diets.
I went to weightwatchers today and lost 3 pounds which means I have lost almost the weight I gained from my binging. Phew.

Brilliant! A lot of the time, if you get on track after a binge it comes off again very quickly because it's not true weight gain in terms of fat increase, it's water retention through eating high salt & sugar foods. A couple of days back on track, plenty of fluids and it's usually largely gone again :)

Just been weighed, 2 & a half pound off! :yahoo:

Well done :) How's the gym going? Determined to drag the boyfriend along to a couple of local ones soon to have a look around and discuss membership options. The trouble is finding times they're open when we're not working - he works shifts and I just work stupid hours.

Well done Boss, that's a fab loss! My weigh day tomorrow. I've been eating like a pig. Ok, not that bad, but I certainly haven't been 100% either. The chicken and ham pie at work cannot be resisted!

Eating like a pig - lots of high fibre hay and veggies? ;)

Oh dear, weight gain this week, up a pound and a half, I cannot resist Lidls fresh baked rolls and bread, oh well onwards and downwards, porridge for lunch.

Keep going - sometimes a gain can do wonders for your motivation and determination :)
The gym is going very well, I've increased the resistance and length of time on each piece of kit. On Monday I burned 1450 calories in 2 hours, I went home and thoroughly enjoyed my evening meal guilt free. ;)
Thanks Gigi. I was a good girl towards the end of the week. I suppose if I think about it, even though I havent been following the 'diet' properly, i've still been eating ten times better than what I did, so that's probably why it's still working. So that's 9lb so far. I'm more than chuffed with that, i'm back in the 16's now! :) :)
Thanks Gigi. I was a good girl towards the end of the week. I suppose if I think about it, even though I havent been following the 'diet' properly, i've still been eating ten times better than what I did, so that's probably why it's still working. So that's 9lb so far. I'm more than chuffed with that, i'm back in the 16's now! :) :)
9 Pounds off is fantastic! You are doing so well.
Thanks :) I'm just glad it's not continuing to go on, I really need to loose weight. Not bothered if it's slowly, as long as it's going down!