Diet Club

I need a kick up the bum. Gym was going so well then I got ill, struggling to get back to the gym...I'm due to go today, but I'm tired, done a load of washing and some ironing...and i slept until 11a.m. Heck...I need a big kick.
I need a kick up the bum. Gym was going so well then I got ill, struggling to get back to the gym...I'm due to go today, but I'm tired, done a load of washing and some ironing...and i slept until 11a.m. Heck...I need a big kick.

Can you go tomorrow? I always found that if I had to get things ready, it never happened! So I kept two gym bags ready to go (so that even when the contents of one was in the wash, there was still one good to be grabbed!) so that if the moment took me, there was no excuse not to go. Once you get there, you'll wonder what the fuss was about :)
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Same here @Mother Hubbard, I went back today after a bit of a break, it was ok, apart from the fact the whole place had been refurbished and everything had moved. They have this brilliant cardio wall though where you have to bash circles as they light up. Then when I got home I was that shattered I fell asleep on the sofa.
Its still a loss. ;) I've got 5 2 hour sessions in the gym this week! :yikes:
Its still a loss. ;) I've got 5 2 hour sessions in the gym this week! :yikes:

That's mental - and potentially verging on dangerous! Rest days are as important, if not more important, than training days.

Happy with my little loss, as had a very large loss last week
I have every weekend off. I'm not going flat out as I'm still working on my cardio, I haven't even started on weights yet!
Wow Amanda, that's an amazing difference. You are all a fantastic inspiration for me! I've got just over 4st to go lol.
Thank you :)

Went to the pub last night and met up with some ex-colleague friends. Ate pub food, including dessert, but didn't go mad. Have a bit of a food hangover today though - is it just me who feels rubbish after eating high fat/sugar food after being on track for a long time?
I feel the same too. I've been amazed at how I don't feel bloated all the time now, as I did when I was eating crap constantly.
Good on you, I'm not so confident this week, I've been on nights and I always gain when on nights as my eating habits are all over the place!
It must be really hard when you are on nights as your routine is messed up. You had a loss last week though and that was really good.
I'm even missing the gym today as I twisted my back getting out of the bath last night! :(
Ouch! That must really hurt. Do not worry about the gym. You need to rest your back.
Every time I move, it's sore. I'll have to take some painkillers as I'm Red Cross training later.
It's compulsory training to renew my first aid/trainers certificate so its pretty important that I attend, I'm the only trainer at the moment and a trainer from Newcastle is coming over to take my course.
Ah I see. It sounds like you better go then. Hopefully the painkillers will kick in and you will feel better.
That's good Gigi. I'm getting into a bad habit of weighing myself every day...
Right, off to iron my work/Red Cross uniforms. On earlies tomorrow. ;)
That's good Gigi. I'm getting into a bad habit of weighing myself every day...
Oh no, you really must not do that, Ruth. I know this sounds extreme but I would get rid of your scales. You do not need them and they only make a person paranoid. You get weighed once a week and that is enough. Weight can change throughout the week so weighing yourself daily is not accurate.
Thing is I know I shouldn't do it, but my work colleague always had done. I think I do it more out of curiosity. I am far from paranoid about my weight, infact I admit that i'm very comfortable with my body. I only want to loose weight for my health. Sadly they aren't my scales lol! I tend to just jump on because I can, not because I need to weight myself every day if you get what I mean. I know the numbers mean nothing til weigh day. I blame my work colleague lol.
I'm very pleased with myself, after the lull of gym routine and after getting to the gym on sunday. I went to the gym last night, kicked my routine real hard and then for extra punishment, went swimming this morning at 7am too! Yeeehaaaa x