Diet Club

OMG I thought I was going mad! That is one kick ass kitty-litter-cake! I was convinced for a moment, didn't want to offend you by saying 'you cake looks like kitty crap'... :P :P
Have eaten absolute rubbish for the last 2 weeks leading up to and after my birthday and have lost a 1lb woo hoo. Now need to maintain my weight or the dress I have for a family wedding in April won't fit. Must not go near the brownies on the side at work.
Yes, just need to regain some willpower, total weightloss is now 2 stone 8lb. The receptionist in the vet noticed last night too. Off out to dinner tonight with a friend to Prezzo but the Penne Arrabiata Light is only 383 calories so am having that. The dinner with the OH for my birthday tomorrow is all accounted for on my app too.
That's very good planning. Last time I did SW I lost 2st 7lb and then went off the rails when my step dad died and had a hell of a year, piled it all back on plus another stone. I really need to get it off!
Have eaten absolute rubbish for the last 2 weeks leading up to and after my birthday and have lost a 1lb woo hoo. Now need to maintain my weight or the dress I have for a family wedding in April won't fit. Must not go near the brownies on the side at work.
Well done! You must be so pleased.
Hi eight pounds in three weeks is fantastic :yahoo:well done ,I too am a comfort eater, I do a lot of home made cakes for my family , well of course love to eat them as well, I have just joined slimming world and think I will have a go at making some home made soup, its good weather for it.
Something weird is going on. Yesterday evening I wasn't hungry (what!) so had a small salad for tea, and expected to be starving this morning. Nope. Forced myself to eat breakfast at 6am before work, worked through until lunch time, walked the dog, got home at gone 2pm and managed to eat a poached egg on one slice of toast. Eaten a meal tonight and it was an effort. Preceded that I wanted a yoghurt an hour ago, and it's still sat on the table in front of me. What's happening?!
Something weird is going on. Yesterday evening I wasn't hungry (what!) so had a small salad for tea, and expected to be starving this morning. Nope. Forced myself to eat breakfast at 6am before work, worked through until lunch time, walked the dog, got home at gone 2pm and managed to eat a poached egg on one slice of toast. Eaten a meal tonight and it was an effort. Preceded that I wanted a yoghurt an hour ago, and it's still sat on the table in front of me. What's happening?!
I envy you not wanting much food!
I envy you not wanting much food!

I'm hoping it's nothing major! Possibly due to the amount of iron supplements I've been taking, and/or the fact I've been put on the pill in addition to having an implant. Been backwards and forwards to the doctor, got to go for a pelvic ultrasound so hopefully my lack of appetite isn't due to anything too bad
I don't feel unwell as such (apart from being light headed every time I stand up or do anything involving mild exertion!) but I don't feel "right". Even did a pregnancy test today just in case!
@Amanda1801 I think that how you are feeling is very likely the result of iron pills and all the messing around with your hormones, because I often feel like that. I am taking Ferrous sulphate 200mg 3 times a day and some days I just cant face eating at all. Also, I have had a year of being put on different birth control pills and also had the mirena IUD (which fell out....! :yikes:) all to control my anaemia so my body is now adjusting to levelling out with its own natural hormones, which is a lot of upheaval for your body to go through. I am now very late and also had to take a pregnancy test yesterday..... it was negative but then David noticed that it was a month out of date, and I have not bought a new one yet.
Another baby is very much NOT in my plans, we have our family and as much as I can cope with and I'm 38 this year so I hope its just hormonal weirdness!

The hormonal changes from the different contraception types and also the steroids have definitely contributed to my weight gain. I'm not weighing myself at the moment as I didn't loose weight last week and it made me fed up :( but I'm still following the WW points system so hopefully when I am feeling more positive I will weight myself and not be too depressed!