Diet Club

Hehe, I can give or take pizza it doesn't fuss me. Now donner meat and chips... :drool:

Anyway the veggie burgers went down well lol
I'm starting my 'healthy eating' regime (I can't call it a diet because then I start craving everything) on Monday. I want to try and lose a couple of stone if I can and get a bit fitter. I'm going to have to be strict with myself and get exercising. I go horse riding every week, but want to get out there on the bike when the weather gets nicer. Gotta get a decent figure for the holiday in August so that I can go holiday shopping. XD Good luck to everyone that's dieting/healthy eating.
Oh how lovely to go horse riding. i have always wanted to try that. I wish you luck.
I went back to weightwatchers and found I had gained 3.5 pounds. I am fine with that as I thought I had gained lots more. I feel more able to stick to it now.
Hi Gigi, that is just a small weight gain, nothing to beat yourself up over. I hope you are feeling up to staying on track now you know your weight increase was only a small one. Its great to be able to come on here and know that everyone is in the same boat, the support is fantastic, it has madethings easier for me and hopefully you feel the same way too. Keep your chin up and best wishes from the three of us.
In the queue to get weighed, I'm not confident this week, I'm feeling very bloated! :(
I was right not to feel confident, 2lb on, I feel like crap and have stomach cramps! :(
Aww I am sorry Tom. I know how disappointed you will be but you are four stone lighter then this time last year. Just remember that.
Hope you are feeling better now Tom, today's weigh in is just a minor blip. We all know how committed you are to getting fit and healthy for your medical/ fitness test to join the reserve's, you should feel rightfully proud of yourself.
Hi guys, we are a happy household :yahoo:. Hubby is now less than 16 stone down a pound and a half and I have lost 2 and a half so I have lost my first stone, it gives me even more determination to lose the rest of the flab.
Oh well done! That is fantastic. It shows how hard you have all been working. That is really great.
Oh well done! That is fantastic. It shows how hard you have all been working. That is really great.
Thank you so much Gigi, the encouragement I get from everyone really helps, this is the first time I can really say that I don't feel like a fat freak, and I had never told anyone how much I weighed before. The forum makes me feel better.
Thank you so much Gigi, the encouragement I get from everyone really helps, this is the first time I can really say that I don't feel like a fat freak, and I had never told anyone how much I weighed before. The forum makes me feel better.
You are not a fat freak at all. I have just been watching a channel five programme about women with the biggest hips. One womans hips are eight feet. These women are all confident and positive and watching it made me feel better about myself. Maybe you would like to watch it too.
You are not a fat freak at all. I have just been watching a channel five programme about women with the biggest hips. One womans hips are eight feet. These women are all confident and positive and watching it made me feel better about myself. Maybe you would like to watch it too.
Thanks again, I know I'm not huge huge but I am still far too fat. I had forgotten that programme was on , I will watch it on catch up TV tomorrow, I love watching things like that, they make me feel better too.
Thanks again, I know I'm not huge huge but I am still far too fat. I had forgotten that programme was on , I will watch it on catch up TV tomorrow, I love watching things like that, they make me feel better too.
Yes they make me feel better too. I wish I had the confidence!
I'm currently making a cake (started at 6am!) - it's the perfect diet cake, watch this space, no one will want to eat it!
That hips programme looks interesting!...

Weigh in for me in an hour! It's going to be bad I just know it. Really got to get back on it next week!
I... er... What? Is that a cake... I have to say it looks like something else...