Diet Club

-2.6lbs this week.

Been having a look at cosmetic surgery prices for after weightloss for excess skin removal. So far I have a "shopping list" of over £20,000 - think I need to start saving!
Wow! That's great. Are you serious about the surgery?
Just done 2 hours in the gym and burnt off 1200 calories, I'm now going to enjoy my tea before getting a bath and a shave prior to night duty. :tu:
omg 2 hours? I struggle with my hour lol. Happy birthday for Wed Gigi, sorry you are having a tough time, but dont be too hard on yourself, you have done amazingly well. I am struggling since chrimmbo tbh, its hard when you go off track, i wish id stayed on it really. Enjoy your carrot cake! I might just get a cake to virtually celebrate with you lol. Keep up the good work everyone x
omg 2 hours? I struggle with my hour lol. Happy birthday for Wed Gigi, sorry you are having a tough time, but dont be too hard on yourself, you have done amazingly well. I am struggling since chrimmbo tbh, its hard when you go off track, i wish id stayed on it really. Enjoy your carrot cake! I might just get a cake to virtually celebrate with you lol. Keep up the good work everyone x
Aww thanks. I hope you do get a cake as you will be celebrating with me. Xx
Mine is £30 a month but I got a slight discount for doing joint membership with Ross. We pay £60 altogether. No pool though but I hate swimming.
I admire your determination Tom for spending two hours a day in the gym, I know you have a goal to aim for but you sound super determined. Do you have a date for your medical/ fitness test yet?
I admire your determination Tom for spending two hours a day in the gym, I know you have a goal to aim for but you sound super determined. Do you have a date for your medical/ fitness test yet?
I haven't even had my application acknowledged! I want to be ready for when I do get the call. :tu:
My local council run leisure centre (usually pretty cheap!) is £38 a month or £60 for a joint membership. Maybe when I've paid off my £700 odd vets bill I might be able to afford it! But then again, it's a question of actually being able to go around work times. My contracted hours are 40 a week, but in reality I do anything up to 70. Plus there's a dog that needs walking etc. so time is short!

I shouldn't complain though, my previous gym membership was £99 a month :yikes: That was before I was a grown up and subsequently poor though!
Half a pound off, settling in to the gym and not aching as much, increased session to 2 hours a day, so the weight loss should start increasing soon. ;)
Has a lot of crap going on at home, grandma isn't well, sister was in a car accident so I've just eaten whatever I could grab. Next week is a new week :)
Thanks :) I've got to do it, one bad week doesn't mean I have to have another!
I've been terrible all month and know I have gained a lot of weight. Wednesday will be hard getting weighed. Your not alone, Ruth.
Exactly. I love that saying. We'll all get there eventually! It's a goal for me not putting weight on, that's always good :P
I got asked if I want to become a slimming world consultant at my meeting tonight. I said I'd give it serious consideration, however, I'm not in a position to invest into a franchise at the moment. It could cost up to £1500!
I got asked if I want to become a slimming world consultant at my meeting tonight. I said I'd give it serious consideration, however, I'm not in a position to invest into a franchise at the moment. It could cost up to £1500!

What a compliment.
I feel for everyone who is struggling just now, I have gone through much the same thing in previous attempts to get my weight under control.

I lost a pound and s half this week, another half pound and that is the first stone shifted.
Jenny! I'm so happy for you. A stone off already. Well done!