Diet Club

I would be interested in canicross, but I don't think my Labrador would......
You are all doing so well.
@jenny57 don't worry about the weight gain - it could be hormonal fluctuations as well you know, I always put on a couple of pounds one week a month.

So, I weighed in today and have only lost 1lb. I'm a bit annoyed as I have been trying really hard and have been quite hungry a lot of the time.

However, am having to use a high potency steroid cream long term now, and I did notice that the info leaflet says it can make it harder to loose weight or even make you gain weight? I actually dismissed that as unlikely as it was only cream, but does anyone think that is what may be happening here?

I'm now this week starting the maintenance level of the steroid cream only 3 times a week so maybe if it is that the effect will taper off? Its been 2 x a day since November, then tapered off to once a day in the last 2 weeks.

@BossHogg I really hope you achieve your goal but I will be worried about you if you do go back into conflict areas :(

1lb off :) Weight loss twins, well done!
Everyone at work has dropped out of the diet club and theres a table full of sweeties and truffles (vegan ones!) so I am relying on you guys to keep me on the straight and narrow. I'm disappointed that my colleagues don't want to continue but perhaps its not the right time for them to be trying to loose weight, I firmly believe you have to be in the right "head space" to be able to do it.
Everyone at work has dropped out of the diet club and theres a table full of sweeties and truffles (vegan ones!) so I am relying on you guys to keep me on the straight and narrow. I'm disappointed that my colleagues don't want to continue but perhaps its not the right time for them to be trying to loose weight, I firmly believe you have to be in the right "head space" to be able to do it.

I agree that you need the right "head space" - but it's so nice when you can have some peer support so it's a pity the people around you aren't on board with it at the moment.

I resigned mysefl to the fact I need regular weigh ins - which is why I go to weightwatchers meetings.

I struggling to maintain at the moment - I'm so hungry all the time !
Yes, they were in a vegan snackbox gift from our lovely ex-colleague who has just left our department to concentrate on charity work :wub:

@PiggyOwner are you hungry because its cold? I am not so much hungry but am struggling to stick to my diet because I'm a bit fed up and tummy achey (women's problems!) but trying to overcome the "comfort eat" thing and break that habit for good.
Yes, they were in a vegan snackbox gift from our lovely ex-colleague who has just left our department to concentrate on charity work :wub:

@PiggyOwner are you hungry because its cold? I am not so much hungry but am struggling to stick to my diet because I'm a bit fed up and tummy achey (women's problems!) but trying to overcome the "comfort eat" thing and break that habit for good.

I wish I knew - I'm just hungry !
Tom you have done so well in the gym. I hope the gain has not upset you.
I know the gain is down to fluid retention in my legs, I'm back on anti inflammation meds as my arthritis is screaming at me to stop. My GP said it will get worse before it gets better, I'll just have to persevere. Everyone in diet group this morning said they couldn't do what I've done over the last week.
I know the gain is down to fluid retention in my legs, I'm back on anti inflammation meds as my arthritis is screaming at me to stop. My GP said it will get worse before it gets better, I'll just have to persevere. Everyone in diet group this morning said they couldn't do what I've done over the last week.

Keep up the good work Boss .
I must be mad! Watch me put myself through all this pain to get told I'm too old! :eek:
I know the gain is down to fluid retention in my legs, I'm back on anti inflammation meds as my arthritis is screaming at me to stop. My GP said it will get worse before it gets better, I'll just have to persevere. Everyone in diet group this morning said they couldn't do what I've done over the last week.

What cardio/weight equipment are you using at the gym?
At the moment, I start off and do 20 minutes on the bike, I then do 2000m on the rowing machine - when I started last week it took me 9 and a half minutes, after just a week, I've got it down to 8:22. I then do 25 minutes on the treadmill, followed by 20 minutes on the cross stepper (I was thinking of sport billy and nearly put cross dresser! :)) ) I then finish on a 10 minute cool down on the bike. I'm sticking at that for a month before I start introducing weights in as well. ;)
No pain, no gain! I need to get my fitness back up to scratch sharpish in case I get called for my medical. :tu:
It does sound like a lot from nothing in a short space of time.

The treadmill will do nothing for your arthritis, the rower may also aggravate it. Does your gym have a pool?
I was told at my gym that I am best running or walking on an incline with my dodgy back and knees if I want to use the treadmill. The rower cripples my knees so I avoid that. My gym has a Pinacle trainer which is good and doesn't make things worse.
I am pushing myself as I need to strengthen up prior to recruit training, it will be far harder than anything I have done so far.
I am pushing myself as I need to strengthen up prior to recruit training, it will be far harder than anything I have done so far.

No point in pushing yourself too hard and exacerbating your arthritis, because you'll be worse off in the long run. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease so it's never going to heal, it's only going to get worse over time, but you can slow the progression by looking after your joints, not going hell for leather :)

Swimming, or even aqua aerobics or water running which is relatively new, are great for joint issues because there's less impact on your joints, and the resistance from the water will improve your strength
I know my body, if it hurts, I ease off, I've got to prove the arthritis doesn't slow me down, otherwise I don't get in the reserves. ;)
I know my body, if it hurts, I ease off, I've got to prove the arthritis doesn't slow me down, otherwise I don't get in the reserves. ;)
Have you tried glucosamine tablets Tom. I have arthritis in my knees so I did a bit of research and decided to try them. It took a couple of months to work but they work for me and now David takes them too.
I use Diclofenac, its pretty fast acting and eases the pain quickly.
Hi guys, after my gain last week I'm down 4 pounds this week. I don't understand it but I'm happy, hubby and son have lost again too. I agree that you have to set your mind to losing weight it's not something you can do halfheartedly, it took me months to get in the correct frame of mind but I'm so glad I'm doing it now.It's such a shame that the people in your office gave up on losing weight with you @Goth Mummy but persevere, think on how good you will feel when you have lost what you need to and the rest of the office are jealous of you.