Diet Club

Wow well done @jenny57

@BossHogg you know your body best and are big enough to make your own decisions about your fitness regime but PLEASE don't do permanent damage to your joints! What will it actually mean if you get into the reserves, could you be called up for duty overseas or is it UK based?

Well I think this week has been a wash-out for me, I have had a bit of a difficult time with a few things, have some "family issues" - all Dave's family not mine LOL and a few arguments with David as a result (which is really unusual for us as we are usually rock solid) and it has been hard for me to be really strict. I'm just trying to keep on and remember its about changing the way I eat for life, not just a short term diet. It might not be too bad as I have not given to stress eating. I will see at my weigh in on Monday anyway.
Hi guys, after my gain last week I'm down 4 pounds this week. I don't understand it but I'm happy, hubby and son have lost again too. I agree that you have to set your mind to losing weight it's not something you can do halfheartedly, it took me months to get in the correct frame of mind but I'm so glad I'm doing it now.It's such a shame that the people in your office gave up on losing weight with you @Goth Mummy but persevere, think on how good you will feel when you have lost what you need to and the rest of the office are jealous of you.
Wow, well done!
Wow well done @jenny57

@BossHogg you know your body best and are big enough to make your own decisions about your fitness regime but PLEASE don't do permanent damage to your joints! What will it actually mean if you get into the reserves, could you be called up for duty overseas or is it UK based?

Well I think this week has been a wash-out for me, I have had a bit of a difficult time with a few things, have some "family issues" - all Dave's family not mine LOL and a few arguments with David as a result (which is really unusual for us as we are usually rock solid) and it has been hard for me to be really strict. I'm just trying to keep on and remember its about changing the way I eat for life, not just a short term diet. It might not be too bad as I have not given to stress eating. I will see at my weigh in on Monday anyway.
I really sympathise with you. When other things are going on it's hard to focus and be strict.
I really sympathise with you. When other things are going on it's hard to focus and be strict.

I agree. I'm struggling at the moment. There are 3 things that really help me ...

My weekly weigh ins at the meetings .
The support from everyone on this thread.
Remembering that you have to eat a surplus of 3600 calories to gain a pound of fat ( conversely, you have to eat a deficit of 3600 calories to lose a pound). As long as I don't go beer, I should be able to maintain on the difficult weeks .
I agree. I'm struggling at the moment. There are 3 things that really help me ...

My weekly weigh ins at the meetings .
The support from everyone on this thread.
Remembering that you have to eat a surplus of 3600 calories to gain a pound of fat ( conversely, you have to eat a deficit of 3600 calories to lose a pound). As long as I don't go beer, I should be able to maintain on the difficult weeks .
I think your doing so well and being really strong.
Thanks Gigi. To be honest it was the furthest thing from my mind this week. How have you done?
Thanks Gigi. To be honest it was the furthest thing from my mind this week. How have you done?
I've done terrible. Last weekend I binged due to depression. Then I struggled to stick to it. On Wednesday it's my birthday and I'm not sticking to it then as it's bad enough having my birthday due to other issues and eating is the only way I will get through it. I will have to start from scratch after my birthday. It's just terrible to think of the weight gain.
I'm sorry you've had a bad time too. It's not nice thinking of a gain, but you can have a new start, it's not over and i'm here to support you too! :)
Oh no @piggyfan I am sorry that you are having a bad time. I always struggle on my birthday I dont know why. I love to celebrate other people's though. Is there anything that can make it easier (even fun?) for you? Do be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. x
Oh no @piggyfan I am sorry that you are having a bad time. I always struggle on my birthday I dont know why. I love to celebrate other people's though. Is there anything that can make it easier (even fun?) for you? Do be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. x
I guess the only nice thing is my boyfriend is making me a carrot cake. I'm lucky to have him or I would be alone for it. Thank you for caring. Xx
I've done terrible. Last weekend I binged due to depression. Then I struggled to stick to it. On Wednesday it's my birthday and I'm not sticking to it then as it's bad enough having my birthday due to other issues and eating is the only way I will get through it. I will have to start from scratch after my birthday. It's just terrible to think of the weight gain.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again, we've got your back. ;)
I've put 10lb on since beginning of December, I just can't motivate myself. Hopefully the gym will give me the kick up the backside I deserve. :tu:
I've done terrible. Last weekend I binged due to depression. Then I struggled to stick to it. On Wednesday it's my birthday and I'm not sticking to it then as it's bad enough having my birthday due to other issues and eating is the only way I will get through it. I will have to start from scratch after my birthday. It's just terrible to think of the weight gain.

Dear Piggyfan, or can I call you Gigi, don't be hard on yourself just now. As I know from experience depression is one of the most god awful illnesses you can get and I too tried to find solace in food. I am so glad my doctor prescribed me citalopram, it has made such a difference to my life and I feel so much better.
Birthday's can be hard, but remember it is only one day and then you can forget it, don't beat yourself up about what you have eaten or should or shouldn't have done, give yourself time to feel better then you can think about losing weight. If you ever feel like a blether feel free to PM me at any time.
Dear Piggyfan, or can I call you Gigi, don't be hard on yourself just now. As I know from experience depression is one of the most god awful illnesses you can get and I too tried to find solace in food. I am so glad my doctor prescribed me citalopram, it has made such a difference to my life and I feel so much better.
Birthday's can be hard, but remember it is only one day and then you can forget it, don't beat yourself up about what you have eaten or should or shouldn't have done, give yourself time to feel better then you can think about losing weight. If you ever feel like a blether feel free to PM me at any time.
Of course you can call me Gigi. Thank you very much for being so understanding and kind. That means such a lot to me. X
-2.6lbs this week.

Been having a look at cosmetic surgery prices for after weightloss for excess skin removal. So far I have a "shopping list" of over £20,000 - think I need to start saving!
I lost another 1lb this week :)
Hopefully this is steady loss and will stay off. When I have dieted before I have lost like, 4lbs a week and its been a quick process. Perhaps this is what happens to your body when you are over 35 though LOL!

@piggyfan how are you feeling? We are all here for you. You can always PM me as well. I struggle with anxiety rather than depression but I do understand what its like not to feel mentally balanced all the time!
I lost another 1lb this week :)
Hopefully this is steady loss and will stay off. When I have dieted before I have lost like, 4lbs a week and its been a quick process. Perhaps this is what happens to your body when you are over 35 though LOL!

@piggyfan how are you feeling? We are all here for you. You can always PM me as well. I struggle with anxiety rather than depression but I do understand what its like not to feel mentally balanced all the time!
Well done. A pound loss is great. Slowly but steady is ideal.

Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. Xx