Diet Club

Thank you hon, its not kickboxing, just normal boxing, but yes i am pleased i am still doing it too, was a year on 20th Jan. Cant remember the last time i stuck to something for as long ha ha! Have to say though i prefer the circuits class to the boxing, but will stay with both for now.
Well guys, I feel really peed off. I put on 2.5 lbs this week! David lost a pound and Jamie lost 2 and I was eating less than them! If I had been eating a load of crap I would understand but I haven't. I'm not giving up but it doesn't half take the wind out of your sails. On the other hand I was able to wear a pair of jeans that haven't fitted for ages so I am confused.
Well guys, I feel really peed off. I put on 2.5 lbs this week! David lost a pound and Jamie lost 2 and I was eating less than them! If I had been eating a load of crap I would understand but I haven't. I'm not giving up but it doesn't half take the wind out of your sails. On the other hand I was able to wear a pair of jeans that haven't fitted for ages so I am confused.

Sounds like you've toned up a lot recently - muscle weighs more than fat.

Your jeans have been the best indicator of how you're doing this week !
Here's an interesting fact for you, a pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh exactly the same, when you tone up, the muscle retains water to protect itself. As you know - a pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter. So muscle doesn't weigh heavier, its your body retaining water. ;)
Here's an interesting fact for you, a pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh exactly the same, when you tone up, the muscle retains water to protect itself. As you know - a pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter. So muscle doesn't weigh heavier, its your body retaining water. ;)
Ooh -the science bit :)
Well guys, I feel really peed off. I put on 2.5 lbs this week! David lost a pound and Jamie lost 2 and I was eating less than them! If I had been eating a load of crap I would understand but I haven't. I'm not giving up but it doesn't half take the wind out of your sails. On the other hand I was able to wear a pair of jeans that haven't fitted for ages so I am confused.
This can happen as your body is adjusting. Please do not let it get you down as you are doing so well.
Just something I thought I'd share with you...

I'm on a very small, very nice weightloss group on Facebook. Tonight someone posted something which prompted my grey matter to get thinking...and I've drawn up a weight loss bucket list - a list of things I'd like to do/try/achieve, where previously my weight would have held me back. It's a reasonable length list, and I'll probably add things to it as I go along, with the hope of maybe continuing a few things once I've tried them!

  • Take horse riding lessons
  • Have a go at snowboarding
  • Have a go at kayaking
  • Go aqua zorbing
  • Complete the Aspire channel swim ( )
  • Go rock climbing
  • Take part in a competitive team sport (I'd like to play hockey again!)
  • Join a gym - do some weights
  • Walk the Jurassic Coast
  • Try canicross (should probably learn to run first)
  • Try yoga
It's made me realise that the once fit and active person that I used to be is still in there somewhere, and is trying to get out!

Does anyone have anything similar?
Just something I thought I'd share with you...

I'm on a very small, very nice weightloss group on Facebook. Tonight someone posted something which prompted my grey matter to get thinking...and I've drawn up a weight loss bucket list - a list of things I'd like to do/try/achieve, where previously my weight would have held me back. It's a reasonable length list, and I'll probably add things to it as I go along, with the hope of maybe continuing a few things once I've tried them!

  • Take horse riding lessons
  • Have a go at snowboarding
  • Have a go at kayaking
  • Go aqua zorbing
  • Complete the Aspire channel swim ( )
  • Go rock climbing
  • Take part in a competitive team sport (I'd like to play hockey again!)
  • Join a gym - do some weights
  • Walk the Jurassic Coast
  • Try canicross (should probably learn to run first)
  • Try yoga
It's made me realise that the once fit and active person that I used to be is still in there somewhere, and is trying to get out!

Does anyone have anything similar?
That's a very admirable list.
I'm getting fit to try and join the army reserves 22 years after leaving the regulars!
Not quite got a list but my goal is to learn to run, and just generally get fitter. I have joined the gym which is the first step and is going well. My aim really is to be a healthy vegan role model.

I'd like to have a go at canicross - for that I would A) need to learn to run and B) get a new dog!
I would be interested in canicross, but I don't think my Labrador would......
You are all doing so well.
@jenny57 don't worry about the weight gain - it could be hormonal fluctuations as well you know, I always put on a couple of pounds one week a month.

So, I weighed in today and have only lost 1lb. I'm a bit annoyed as I have been trying really hard and have been quite hungry a lot of the time.

However, am having to use a high potency steroid cream long term now, and I did notice that the info leaflet says it can make it harder to loose weight or even make you gain weight? I actually dismissed that as unlikely as it was only cream, but does anyone think that is what may be happening here?

I'm now this week starting the maintenance level of the steroid cream only 3 times a week so maybe if it is that the effect will taper off? Its been 2 x a day since November, then tapered off to once a day in the last 2 weeks.

@BossHogg I really hope you achieve your goal but I will be worried about you if you do go back into conflict areas :(
I would be interested in canicross, but I don't think my Labrador would......
You are all doing so well.
@jenny57 don't worry about the weight gain - it could be hormonal fluctuations as well you know, I always put on a couple of pounds one week a month.

So, I weighed in today and have only lost 1lb. I'm a bit annoyed as I have been trying really hard and have been quite hungry a lot of the time.

However, am having to use a high potency steroid cream long term now, and I did notice that the info leaflet says it can make it harder to loose weight or even make you gain weight? I actually dismissed that as unlikely as it was only cream, but does anyone think that is what may be happening here?

I'm now this week starting the maintenance level of the steroid cream only 3 times a week so maybe if it is that the effect will taper off? Its been 2 x a day since November, then tapered off to once a day in the last 2 weeks.

@BossHogg I really hope you achieve your goal but I will be worried about you if you do go back into conflict areas :(
One pound off is great! That is a healthy weight loss and you really have no need to be disappointed. They always bang on about one pound being the best amount to lose. It is sad you have been feeling hungry though. That is not a nice feeling. Did you look into the up to date weightwatchers plan?
No, not yet but I need to! I am not sure the plan that I am following (pure points) is sustainable if I'm not going to see big weight losses each week! I didn't know that 1lb was supposed to be the best amount to loose, I feel better now, thanks ;)
No, not yet but I need to! I am not sure the plan that I am following (pure points) is sustainable if I'm not going to see big weight losses each week! I didn't know that 1lb was supposed to be the best amount to loose, I feel better now, thanks ;)
One pound is a healthy loss. Also when a person looses huge amounts they are losing water, not fat. That is what the leader says.
I would be interested in canicross, but I don't think my Labrador would......
You are all doing so well.
@jenny57 don't worry about the weight gain - it could be hormonal fluctuations as well you know, I always put on a couple of pounds one week a month.

So, I weighed in today and have only lost 1lb. I'm a bit annoyed as I have been trying really hard and have been quite hungry a lot of the time.

However, am having to use a high potency steroid cream long term now, and I did notice that the info leaflet says it can make it harder to loose weight or even make you gain weight? I actually dismissed that as unlikely as it was only cream, but does anyone think that is what may be happening here?

I'm now this week starting the maintenance level of the steroid cream only 3 times a week so maybe if it is that the effect will taper off? Its been 2 x a day since November, then tapered off to once a day in the last 2 weeks.

@BossHogg I really hope you achieve your goal but I will be worried about you if you do go back into conflict areas :(
Hi Rachel, don't right off the potency of steroid cream. Steroids can be a life saver, they saved my life but the downside is all the side effects you get with them, fluid retention and weight gain being just a few but hopefully the effect will wear off as you use less of it . My hormones are all over the place just now, it's my age I'm afraid but hopefully this week I will have lost. It's not right that you feel hungry, please don't starve yourself no amount of weight loss is worth that!
@piggyfan my name is indeed Cassandra :)

@Flutterby that is really good weight loss, well done!

@jenny57 my hormones are all over the place as well at the moment, I'm 37 so it could be my age I guess.
Dave and I both dreamt I was pregnant last night. Now that would be a nightmare, for health reasons as well as practical reasons!

I'm desperate to loose this extra weight as soon as possible so that the doctor can see that I have been a good girl and followed her advice!