Diet Club

I lost five stone. I have another stone to lose but its not really happening. The leader said some people take a year to lose the final stone. How are you doing?

Wahey! Amazing! I too have just reached 5st lost, 5st 2.1llbs to be precise. I have a lot more than 1st to go though! Have at least 5 but more like 7 to go, but plodding onwards and downwards. Dropped a few clothes sizes (finally!) too!
I lost five stone. I have another stone to lose but its not really happening. The leader said some people take a year to lose the final stone. How are you doing?

Wahey! Amazing! I too have just reached 5st lost, 5st 2.1llbs to be precise. I have a lot more than 1st to go though! Have at least 5 but more like 7 to go, but plodding onwards and downwards. Dropped a few clothes sizes (finally!) too!

Well done both of you .
Wahey! Amazing! I too have just reached 5st lost, 5st 2.1llbs to be precise. I have a lot more than 1st to go though! Have at least 5 but more like 7 to go, but plodding onwards and downwards. Dropped a few clothes sizes (finally!) too!
Oh that is fantastic! You have done so well. You must be thrilled to have dropped dress sizes too. It is an expensive business loosing weight!
Welcome back Amanda, I had lost over 4 stone, but have hit a brick wall. I have enrolled at my local gym and have my induction tomorrow. Losing the remainder of my flab is even more important now, as I'm attempting to join the Royal Military Police reserves - 22 years after leaving the regulars! :eek:
Welcome back Amanda, I had lost over 4 stone, but have hit a brick wall. I have enrolled at my local gym and have my induction tomorrow. Losing the remainder of my flab is even more important now, as I'm attempting to join the Royal Military Police reserves - 22 years after leaving the regulars! :eek:
Good luck at the gym.
Welcome back Amanda, I had lost over 4 stone, but have hit a brick wall. I have enrolled at my local gym and have my induction tomorrow. Losing the remainder of my flab is even more important now, as I'm attempting to join the Royal Military Police reserves - 22 years after leaving the regulars! :eek:

That's great :D you will find that you can only get so far without exercise. Hope your induction goes well - does your membership allow regular personal trainer sessions? It was my idea of hell but actually, it as very helpful (and I secretly quite enjoyed it!). I currently have neither the time nor the money for a gym membership, but I'm hoping to find the time to go swimming regularly, even if it's just once a week.
Good luck Boss!

And to everyone else with their weight loss journey! Weigh in number 2 for me in the morning :)
That's great :D you will find that you can only get so far without exercise. Hope your induction goes well - does your membership allow regular personal trainer sessions? It was my idea of hell but actually, it as very helpful (and I secretly quite enjoyed it!). I currently have neither the time nor the money for a gym membership, but I'm hoping to find the time to go swimming regularly, even if it's just once a week.

My problem is that I'm exhausted after a days work. When I get home, I can just about summon up enough energy to do the guinea pigs tea , then ours ( in that order).

I really must try to start swimming - I live 5 min walk away from our local swimming pool so I have no excuse really.
That's great :D you will find that you can only get so far without exercise. Hope your induction goes well - does your membership allow regular personal trainer sessions? It was my idea of hell but actually, it as very helpful (and I secretly quite enjoyed it!). I currently have neither the time nor the money for a gym membership, but I'm hoping to find the time to go swimming regularly, even if it's just once a week.
Induction went very well, spent 90 minutes on my first session. Now I'm aching! :D Gym staff will do one to one if its not busy. I lost half a pound, I'm happy with that, my consultant says my weight will go up and down for a couple of weeks whilst my body gets used to exercise. :tu:
Induction went very well, spent 90 minutes on my first session. Now I'm aching! :D Gym staff will do one to one if its not busy. I lost half a pound, I'm happy with that, my consultant says my weight will go up and down for a couple of weeks whilst my body gets used to exercise. :tu:
Well done on losing weight. I'm pleased your induction went well.
Oh No ! It's all gone pear shaped for me . Curry (from a Canteen) for lunch - quiche for tea - what am I doing ?
It's a marathon not a sprint, put today to the back of your mind and straight back on plan tomorrow. :tu:
It is impossible to stick to it forever. Maybe today you just need a break from it?

Yeah, I am feeling that way . I'll be happy if I can maintain for a few weeks but am remembering all the other times I have got to goal and the weight has crept back on.
Yeah, I am feeling that way . I'll be happy if I can maintain for a few weeks but am remembering all the other times I have got to goal and the weight has crept back on.
Do not scare yourself with those memories. Having an odd day here and there will not result in you putting back all the weight you have lost. Just take each day as it comes. I do not know but maybe things are difficult for you right now and you just needed to break today. That is not your fault. Life can just be mean to us.
Glad the gym induction went well. Must admit I get a lot more out of my workout now I have had a one to one with an instructor and they have shown we what I need to do. Am also going to have some Biomechanics sessions to sort my back and knees out so I get the most out of exercise. Is not cheap though so have asked for money for my birthday.

Am managing to maintain my weight now give or take a couple of pounds.
Glad the gym induction went well. Must admit I get a lot more out of my workout now I have had a one to one with an instructor and they have shown we what I need to do. Am also going to have some Biomechanics sessions to sort my back and knees out so I get the most out of exercise. Is not cheap though so have asked for money for my birthday.

Am managing to maintain my weight now give or take a couple of pounds.
Well done. You are doing so well.
well done amanda that is awesome! Boss i envy you so much joining a gym, i wish i had the guts to do it, but i dont and never will so can only stick to my classes for now. Well done to everyone on losses and sts's i know its crappy staying the same, BUT its quite a big deal really to have not gained so dont be so hard on yourselves.

I have had a bad week again, i went to my first class in a week on Monday and wasnt quite ready for it and its set me back and i feel crappy again and have no energy at all, but i dont have another class now until next wed so lots of rest. Definately not weighing in at the moment or the forseeable.
You'll be fine my love, you have us mad lot to cheer you up. :D
well done amanda that is awesome! Boss i envy you so much joining a gym, i wish i had the guts to do it, but i dont and never will so can only stick to my classes for now. Well done to everyone on losses and sts's i know its crappy staying the same, BUT its quite a big deal really to have not gained so dont be so hard on yourselves.

I have had a bad week again, i went to my first class in a week on Monday and wasnt quite ready for it and its set me back and i feel crappy again and have no energy at all, but i dont have another class now until next wed so lots of rest. Definately not weighing in at the moment or the forseeable.
Aww I am sorry to hear your class has set you back. I really admire you for sticking to your classes. I was thinking about you today and how great it is you do kick boxing. I hope you feel better after resting.