Diet Club

I made a "fake-away" tonight - calzone with salad - serious noms! the calzone itself was only 5 points on weightwatchers


The only weight lifting I've done tonight is the fork to my mouth in the hotel restaurant. ;)
that Calzone looks amazing!
Did I post to say I lost 4lb last week? Can't remember if I did or not!
I made king prawn fried rice last night, really tasty. Loads of veg in it to bulk it out. Ate it slowly and enjoyed every mouthful.
Can anyone join? badly in need of motivation and a bit of moral support, since moving to france 9 months ago i have put on 2 stone and i am miserable, it's so hard to eat healthy here being vegan, the veg is really expensive (4 euros for a brocolli at the moment!) and i'm sick to the back teeth of lentils and chickpeas...they don't do take away so i think i'm exsisting on chocolate and crisp...does anyone do the SW on line? and is it worth the money?
Can anyone join? badly in need of motivation and a bit of moral support, since moving to france 9 months ago i have put on 2 stone and i am miserable, it's so hard to eat healthy here being vegan, the veg is really expensive (4 euros for a brocolli at the moment!) and i'm sick to the back teeth of lentils and chickpeas...they don't do take away so i think i'm exsisting on chocolate and crisp...does anyone do the SW on line? and is it worth the money?
Gosh it really sounds hard to buy any vegetables over there. I am doing slimming world but I attend the classes. I cannot speak for the online service but the plan is really good as you never have to go hungry or have small portions, which is a must for me!
I had a massive mixed grill tonight with steak cut chips in the hotel restaurant, the whole meal stuffed me senseless and was only 10 syns! :D
Weigh day is usually a Saturday but this week I weighed on Monday just to see what damage my birthday week had done - I had put on 4lb. Am pleased to say that I have lost all but 0.2lbs of that 4lb today. Let's hope I actually go lower this week!
Gosh it really sounds hard to buy any vegetables over there. I am doing slimming world but I attend the classes. I cannot speak for the online service but the plan is really good as you never have to go hungry or have small portions, which is a must for me!

it is, the plan was to grow them myself but i moved over too late last year to grow anything but chard, spinach and salad leaves, all the veg is really expensive over here, my veg bill for the guinea pigs has gone from £10 to about 30 euros a week, i have to import their dried food from the UK as over here the cheapest decient dried food is just under 40 euros for a 5kg bag, the only cheap things here is gas, fags, wine and guinea fowl. whine over for i weighed myself this morning and was 12 stone 3lbs, gutted heavier than i guessed, when i moved out here i was just under 10 stone... I did SW after having the children and loved it but found if i didn't go to class every few weeks then bad habits crept back they still do those yummy choc bars that were classed as a healthy extra ? (going back a few years now!)
it is, the plan was to grow them myself but i moved over too late last year to grow anything but chard, spinach and salad leaves, all the veg is really expensive over here, my veg bill for the guinea pigs has gone from £10 to about 30 euros a week, i have to import their dried food from the UK as over here the cheapest decient dried food is just under 40 euros for a 5kg bag, the only cheap things here is gas, fags, wine and guinea fowl. whine over for i weighed myself this morning and was 12 stone 3lbs, gutted heavier than i guessed, when i moved out here i was just under 10 stone... I did SW after having the children and loved it but found if i didn't go to class every few weeks then bad habits crept back they still do those yummy choc bars that were classed as a healthy extra ? (going back a few years now!)
Yes they still have those bars. I would be so happy with your weight so do not be hard on yourself. You do not have much to lose so it can be done.
Back home after my training course and back on track. ;)
Did 50 lengths of the local pool today at a steady breastroke. Fingers crossed by Tuesday i'll have my gym membership sorted out so I can really crack on. I may have had a chinese followed by a double caramel magnum for dinner but my app said I had the calories there, so why not?
I just did 13 lengths and felt really good about it too! I don't have an app, but I am allowing myself some healthy cashews instead of some unhealthy white chocolate now.
Wobbled...back on the wagon today - I can't seem to have a week without a wobble! If I could, maybe my body would wobble less!
Go away! I feel hungry now. I have a jacket potato and tuna arranged for my tea. Even whilst I was staying in the hotel, for breakfast, I had 1 piece of toasted brown bread, beans, grilled tomato, grilled mushrooms, 2 grilled lean bacon and 2 poached eggs. I was stuffed after eating that. :D
Go away! I feel hungry now. I have a jacket potato and tuna arranged for my tea. Even whilst I was staying in the hotel, for breakfast, I had 1 piece of toasted brown bread, beans, grilled tomato, grilled mushrooms, 2 grilled lean bacon and 2 poached eggs. I was stuffed after eating that. :D

Ah yes BossHogg - but that is why you have lost weight I have not! Be thankful I didn't post the photo of the chocolate eclair that I just ate. Starting on the proper calorie counting tomorrow!
Joining weight watchers on Wednesday with my mum, a couple years back we had 3 deaths in our family that happened very quickly within a couple of months and looking at myself now i didn't deal with in the best way possible... :no:

I've got quite a bit to lose and I'm pretty angry with myself right now but I'm really motivated because if i don't take control now while I'm young I might never do it!

I know what I'm doing wrong it's not my main meals is all the c..p i eat in between them so I'm going to swap it for fruit... and stick to this weight watchers plan!

I hope your all doing well with your diets and good luck! :)

Joining weight watchers on Wednesday with my mum, a couple years back we had 3 deaths in our family that happened very quickly within a couple of months and looking at myself now i didn't deal with in the best way possible... :no:

I've got quite a bit to lose and I'm pretty angry with myself right now but I'm really motivated because if i don't take control now while I'm young I might never do it!

I know what I'm doing wrong it's not my main meals is all the c..p i eat in between them so I'm going to swap it for fruit... and stick to this weight watchers plan!

I hope your all doing well with your diets and good luck! :)

Turning to food during difficult times was not something in your control. You needed a crutch. Please do not blame yourself. It is a lot better then turning to alcohol. I have to lose five stone so I know how you feel having to lose a lot.
Guinea pigs are rarely overweight. It is a good idea to get scales as monitoring their weight helps to spot weight loss which is a sign of illness. As long as they have unlimited hay,cup of pellets and two portions of fresh food each daily I am sure they are not overweight.
Only lost 1 pound so far, but I know it will take a while. Didn't help that I just had a HUGE meal at Frankie and Bennys. I'm going to the gym tomorrow so will work extra hard to burn it off!
Only lost 1 pound so far, but I know it will take a while. Didn't help that I just had a HUGE meal at Frankie and Bennys. I'm going to the gym tomorrow so will work extra hard to burn it off!
One pound is a slab of butter. That is great!
Turning to food during difficult times was not something in your control. You needed a crutch. Please do not blame yourself. It is a lot better then turning to alcohol. I have to lose five stone so I know how you feel having to lose a lot.

Thanks piggyfan, I'm glad you could understand me feeling that way!

Only lost 1 pound so far, but I know it will take a while. Didn't help that I just had a HUGE meal at Frankie and Bennys. I'm going to the gym tomorrow so will work extra hard to burn it off!

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

I think a pound it a great start!
