Diet Club

I'm going to jump on this diet gang :)
Ever since becoming ill last May my fitness has been completely jeopardized. I have put on a stone since being my fittest condition ever :(
I'm not sure if I've told the forum about my illness, but out of nowhere I developed parathesia in my legs and arms. The cause is still unknown and I still have it but not to the extent I had it before. It got to the point where I couldn't walk longer than 5 minutes, hence why I have put on weight! I'm now the heaviest I've ever been and determined to get back into shape. I'm not saying I'm heavy but to me, I feel bigger than I should be.
Oh bless you - that sounds horrendous! Well if you are going to start exercising just take it easy and don't push yourself. I really hope you recover fully.

Lots of luck with the diet!
I had both hairy dieters books, AND an actifry for my birthday! Having actifry chips (normal potato and sweet potato) for tea tonight, I'll let you know how it goes!
Had a day off yesterday, but back on it today! Overnight oats for breakfast - nom!
We have an actifry. You can use it for lots of stuff but we only make chips in it. They end up half way between oven chips and chip shop chips.
We have an actifry. You can use it for lots of stuff but we only make chips in it. They end up half way between oven chips and chip shop chips.
I was quite pleased with yesterday's first attempt! Going to try roasted veg in it today I think. The OH liked them too
Mmmm sweet potato fries......I have these at Chiquitos and I looove them mmmm drool (when I'm bad). With the tequila and lime sauce...
Was at the gym @ 8 this morning :) Leg day. Can barely walk now!
On myfitnesspal your calorie allowance increases with exercise - put in my 2 and a half hours horse riding today and it's nearly doubled. Looks like i'm allowed that ice cream for pudding!
I am joining! I went for my first jog of 2014 today, in -3 cold! I didn't get far, but i haven't jogged since last october. So i have to start slow, especially in the cold.
Actifry roast veggies :D

I stepped on the scales yesterday morning to discover that I had put ON 4lbs - that's what happens when you have a weekend filled with booze n good food! :soz:
diet ... no diet here ... nvm. Not sure how this is meant to work on days where you get up, go to work, get home go to sleep haha
Have my gym induction tonight, and hoping to have a workout whilst i'm there. May need to burn off the sausage, chips, egg and beans for dinner though oops.
I still haven't found the motivation to go running - it's just too cold out. Enjoy your gym session. If you aren't sweating and sore when you come out then you haven't worked hard enough! :box:
Second weigh in tomorrow night! then 2 days away in a hotel on a course at work - not looking forward to not being in control of how the food is prepared. :(
Back on today:
breakfast: mixed nuts, lychees, satsuma. Lunch: sun dried tomato cous cous, falafels & hummus. Tea: roast veg and onion bhaji (yeah odd mix but they were both reduced to pennies so good budget meal)
another 2 and a half pound off, a bit disappointed its not more, but its still a loss.
another 2 and a half pound off, a bit disappointed its not more, but its still a loss.

Why disappointed? If you have a lot to lose, you'll nearly always have a massive loss in the first week, but you can't sustain these losses long term.

2 1/2lbs is an ideal safe amount to lose. If you lost 2 1/2lbs a week for the year, it'd be a total of almost 10st!
I suppose when you look at it like that. That makes 12 pound in 2 weeks. I'll have to be careful this week, I'm in a hotel for 2 days on a training course.
I suppose when you look at it like that. That makes 12 pound in 2 weeks. I'll have to be careful this week, I'm in a hotel for 2 days on a training course.

If you're eating out, don't be afraid to discuss it with them. Ask for salad plain or with the dressing on the side so you can use how much you want. Butter in a dish instead of put on your jacket potato for you. Fried items, the greater the surface area, the more fat. Most places will also happily do "non-menu" things, so you could just ask for a salad with X instead of X with chips or whatever.

2 days won't kill you, just be sensible and make up for it when you get home :) Last week, I had two days totally off track (including a of pringles!), and then another day I had a Chinese takeaway, but being sensible the rest of the week, I still had a loss of 3lb. Take some snacks with you, if you get hungry, you're more likely to lose control. Take a bag of apples and a bunch of bananas or maybe some small snack packs of nuts/dried fruits, I also find that the individually packaged biscuits and things (I'm doing this vegan thing and oreos are vegan friendly, so I get the 2 packs of oreos, or the small bags of mini ones), as I find I can eat one small individual pack and be satisfied - If I bought a packet, I'd eat the whole lot before I realised it!
Luckily my eating plan is quite good, so for breakfast, I'll have poached egg, beans, tomatoes and grilled bacon (fat cut off) and a bowl of bran flakes. I'll take some fruit with me for lunch. For dinner, I can have any lean meat - so gammon (fat off), grilled chicken etc and loads of steamed veg and I'll be able to stay on track.
Luckily my eating plan is quite good, so for breakfast, I'll have poached egg, beans, tomatoes and grilled bacon (fat cut off) and a bowl of bran flakes. I'll take some fruit with me for lunch. For dinner, I can have any lean meat - so gammon (fat off), grilled chicken etc and loads of steamed veg and I'll be able to stay on track.

That's the good thing about slimming world - it's quite adaptable. I tried it but didn't do too well (think my problem was going to meetings, I did the same with weight watchers and my inability to be in the same place at the same time once a week means it didn't happen!), so I'm doing WW online. WW requires a lot of weighing and calculating of nutritional info, which is fine if you prepare your own meals, but quite difficult for eating out and things (unless like some places, there's a calorie count on the menu!)
Slimming world is perfect for me as the group leader does 2 classes on a Thursday - 10am and 7pm. So if I'm on earlies/nights, I can make the evening class, if I'm on lates/rest, I can make the morning class. I got weighed in a different town tonight as she does classes in 2 other towns. I'm in Cheshire for the next 2 days so I couldn't make her class hence the early weigh in.
I have lost 3lbs in two weeks, which is some progress.. I'm doing weightlifting too so not expecting the weight to drop off. Hopefully muscles will be building as the fat is going ..
Second workout today! No weight loss yet but I ache all over so must be doing something! Trying to tone at the gym, rather than build muscle otherwise I won't lose any weight.
I have lost 3lbs in two weeks, which is some progress.. I'm doing weightlifting too so not expecting the weight to drop off. Hopefully muscles will be building as the fat is going ..

Make sure you take your measurements!

A girl I know is doing weight watchers and for the last 6 months, after losing about 6st, is really struggling to get any more weight off. She did body composition thing a while back, and did it again recently, and realised that while her weight hasn't changed, what shes lost in fat, shes gained in muscle.