Diet Club

My diet has not worked at all so far. My work trousers are still just as tight as they were last Monday, I am not looking forwards to getting into them tomorrow! Even given that kind of pressing need to lose the xmas flab I am finding this hard. Thank you all for your honesty and success, it makes me feel simply human and gives me hope.
Good luck! Do you have much to lose? I tried slimming world use for me, but WW really works well for me. I lost 30kg last year (almost it really?!) over the space of 6 months...unfortunately I gained it all again when I fell off the diet wagon...oops!
Yes, I do have plenty to lose, I am not worried, it will be fine... etc etc... Got to be done, can't stay like this for the rest of my life!
Hardest time of day for me is when I get in from work and I am tired. I just can't be bothered to cook anything for myself. I need more easy stuff in.
Yes, I do have plenty to lose, I am not worried, it will be fine... etc etc... Got to be done, can't stay like this for the rest of my life!
Hardest time of day for me is when I get in from work and I am tired. I just can't be bothered to cook anything for myself. I need more easy stuff in.

I'm on a really good, really active facebook group called "WW pp= 5+ stone to lose!" Loads of support, advice, and general chit chat on there, with about 150 members all at different stages
Thought i'd join in. I'm hoping to lose 2 stone (i'm more bothered about the inches, but horse riding dictates I must keep an eye on the weight) and a couple of inches. My simple goal is to eat less, and eat healthier but i'm struggling! Sat at work makes it really easy to think about food and go and have a cake. I need to keep my mind on other things! Any tips appreciated. I plan on weighing myself on a monday morning weekly. Wish me luck!
I have lost a pound so far - I lose weight during the week and then put it back on again at the weekend. Still, losing a pound overall is still good.

Tips for being at work - have low calorie items nearby, eg carrots already prepared in a bag to nibble on, cherry tomatoes, or use a low calorie cup of soup as a treat which you can look forwards to. You need something to have to substitute for the cake, so that you are eating but it just isn't cake. Then you can sort of tell yourself you will have that soup at 3pm, and look forwards to it, and then tell yourself that will get you through until tea time sort of thing. Support yourself mentally with low cal treats basically. If you have nothing to hand then the cake becomes the only option and that's when the diet goes pear shaped.

I do a Monday morning weekly weigh in because it is my heaviest time of the week. Perhaps I am not helping myself here!
Tried to start today, was doing well until I had a pub dinner. Must resume tomorrow! Also looking at joining a gym to improve overall fitness.

I'll have a look into low calorie snacks :) Thanks!
Another good day today, so far so good! I got some eggs today from a friend who has hens on her allotment, had two of them on toast for my tea. Hit the spot nicely!
I've done an online shop which will be delivered tomorrow night. Just need to sort something for lunch tomorrow now.
Just wanted to wish all you peeps good luck, you are all doing well for even trying, Amanda your weight loss last year...amazing, you can do it again, i never realised you lost so much, didnt i once say i would give you money for weight loss on a thread on here? It still stands if you can find it!

I am doing ok, i cant talk about it or i will talk myself out of it, and i am not weighing myself as i really dont want to know the damage, but so far i am sure its been a good week.

Keep up the good work gang x
Just wanted to wish all you peeps good luck, you are all doing well for even trying, Amanda your weight loss last year...amazing, you can do it again, i never realised you lost so much, didnt i once say i would give you money for weight loss on a thread on here? It still stands if you can find it!

I am doing ok, i cant talk about it or i will talk myself out of it, and i am not weighing myself as i really dont want to know the damage, but so far i am sure its been a good week.

Keep up the good work gang x

I didn't realise I lost so much either! Until I converted from kg to st!
Well, I weighed myself this morning (it isn't weigh day until Saturday but just thought I would see what was going on ). I have lost half a pound so far this week - its not much but given I have had lunch out twice (3 times if you count today) then I think its ok.

Will just have to see what happens between now and saturday
Well, I took the plunge last week, after my weight has been steadily increasing over the last 8 years, I joined slimming world. Had my first weigh in tonight. I've lost 9 and a half pound! :D
Blimey - well done! Be careful you don't starve and waste away!

Hardly, I've stuffed my big fat face all week! I can't eat enough and I'm still losing weight - that's my idea of a diet! :D :D :D
Well, I'm now back to my "sensible" diet, no biscuits, chocolates or sweets. Over Xmas I had put back on 5lbs by Jan 6th but have lost 3lbs of that & I'm now down to 14st 3.5lbs. I'm definitely going have to get the cycle machine back into use.
I've also found an app called MyFitnessPal that gives you a daily calorie allowance based on how much you weigh and how much you want to lose. I was over on Wednesday, down yesterday and fingers crossed I can keep it up. Congrats to everyone else for losing so much!

Shifting the weight I put on over christmas will be the hard bit - nearly a stone!
The word "diet" is banned at slimming world. It's a lifestyle change, I must admit, I was sceptical when I saw what you could eat on their healthy eating plan. I followed it and made the necessary changes, skimmed milk, fat free choices, plenty if fruit and veg and the results speak for themselves. I can honestly say I haven't felt hungry at all. :D
It's my birthday I have a day off or do I be boring and stick with it...hmm decisions decisions!
Well i have only lost 1lb this week but I'm ok with that given it was birthday week so I have had booze and 3 lunches out!

I haven't be doing any calorie counting and just been aware of what I have been eating, think I will carry on like that until I plateau and then start being really strict.

MrS has lost a couple of pounds too!
Well done all of you on your weight loss. I've managed to lose 4 lbs this last week not trying especially hard, just eating a bit less, trying to make sure I go for a walk every day, etc. (I did have a biscuit binge after our piggie Milly was put to sleep though)

I know I'll have to be stricter to carry on losing weight. My brother is getting married in September, and no way do I want to be a blot on the landscape of his wedding photos!

Also I am very fed up with wearing the same couple of outfits over and over - I've got many lovely clothes if only I could fit into them!

I've weighed too much for years, but this wedding is giving me the kick up the backside I need to finally do something about it! I really need to lose 3 stones (at least) - scary!