Diet Club

@piggyfan congratulations on your superb weight loss. I am planning on standing on the scales for the first time in years tomorrow morning. I think I am over 20 stone and I am dreading it. I am 5 feet 8 and big boned, years ago my GP said she would be happy if I got down to 14 stone so I have a huge mountain of flab to shift. My husband and son are also trying to eat more healthily, my son asked me not to buy anymore biscuits for him, that is a first!. I will post tomorrow night to let you know the full horror that the scales show.
Good luck.
@piggyfan congratulations on your superb weight loss. I am planning on standing on the scales for the first time in years tomorrow morning. I think I am over 20 stone and I am dreading it. I am 5 feet 8 and big boned, years ago my GP said she would be happy if I got down to 14 stone so I have a huge mountain of flab to shift. My husband and son are also trying to eat more healthily, my son asked me not to buy anymore biscuits for him, that is a first!. I will post tomorrow night to let you know the full horror that the scales show.

Welcome to the thread
Well folks, I had my first weigh in this morning and I am 19 st 4lb. I honestly thought I would be over 20, so in some small way I am relieved. I am not following a diet plan as such, I've done so many in the past including getting Zenical from my GP and weight I lost went straight back on and more besides. I have to reeducate my body and my mind so I am making small adjustments, no snacking, no biscuits, no alcohol and cutting down on fat. I have also begun using my vibration plate exerciser, I will be building up very gently. Any ideas you have would be gratefully received, I feel better knowing I can chat to you, you are all so warm and supportive I am lucky to have you all.
I am supposed to be between 7 and 10 stone..I used to be 8 stone and my pelvis would cut through jeans. Never again! Not happy at current weight but never going that low again,yuck.
That's the same with me! I'm supposed to weigh 150 lbs. I would be nothing at 150 lbs- my guinea pigs could knock me over and break me at that weight! The way they calculate those estimates are so dumb! I find that my perfect healthy fit weight is 170-180 pounds. If I weighed 150 lbs at my height of 5'7" it would just be.... yuck!
My mom and I are on a nice healthy, fresh diet. I think it's silly to cut out any one food group (unless you're allergic) but I've cut back on my grains and dairy. I never liked milk anyway (except for straight out of the cow!) and the only thing I find I really want is cheese! Hahaha! I still eat it, but I'm learning moderation. I try to have yoghurt at least twice a week. I do eat a ridiculous amount of veggies. I love spinach :) I also still have bread but again, I don't eat toast every morning or have a sandwich for every lunch meal. I love pasta and I still eat it sometimes but I found this "pasta" that is made out of water and black beans! That's the list on the ingredient chart! Ha! Amazingly enough, it's good! I'm doing at least 3 times a week on the elliptical and that, combined with the new approach to eating, I've lost 4.5 pounds. So, right now I'm at 225 pounds. Wish it could be less faster but, alas :( I feel better though! I don't have that disgusting feeling after eating an entire bag of caramel popcorn ;) I still have craving for sweet stuff though... I like to mix up a frozen banana with a couple of dates in the processor: I'm calling it banana ice cream! Lol
Well folks, I had my first weigh in this morning and I am 19 st 4lb. I honestly thought I would be over 20, so in some small way I am relieved. I am not following a diet plan as such, I've done so many in the past including getting Zenical from my GP and weight I lost went straight back on and more besides. I have to reeducate my body and my mind so I am making small adjustments, no snacking, no biscuits, no alcohol and cutting down on fat. I have also begun using my vibration plate exerciser, I will be building up very gently. Any ideas you have would be gratefully received, I feel better knowing I can chat to you, you are all so warm and supportive I am lucky to have you all.
Well that is almost a stone lighter then then you thought! That is great. Now you know your weight how about you work towards a flat 19 stone? It helps setting mini goals.
My mom and I are on a nice healthy, fresh diet. I think it's silly to cut out any one food group (unless you're allergic) but I've cut back on my grains and dairy. I never liked milk anyway (except for straight out of the cow!) and the only thing I find I really want is cheese! Hahaha! I still eat it, but I'm learning moderation. I try to have yoghurt at least twice a week. I do eat a ridiculous amount of veggies. I love spinach :) I also still have bread but again, I don't eat toast every morning or have a sandwich for every lunch meal. I love pasta and I still eat it sometimes but I found this "pasta" that is made out of water and black beans! That's the list on the ingredient chart! Ha! Amazingly enough, it's good! I'm doing at least 3 times a week on the elliptical and that, combined with the new approach to eating, I've lost 4.5 pounds. So, right now I'm at 225 pounds. Wish it could be less faster but, alas :( I feel better though! I don't have that disgusting feeling after eating an entire bag of caramel popcorn ;) I still have craving for sweet stuff though... I like to mix up a frozen banana with a couple of dates in the processor: I'm calling it banana ice cream! Lol
You are doing great! Well done. Losing weight slowly is healthy and means it is slower to return so try not to be in too much of a hurry. I have seen pictures of you and you don't look overweight at all. I hope you don't mind me saying that.
Well that is almost a stone lighter then then you thought! That is great. Now you know your weight how about you work towards a flat 19 stone? It helps setting mini goals.
Thanks piggyfan, I will do just that. Baby steps are what I'm taking.
You are doing great! Well done. Losing weight slowly is healthy and means it is slower to return so try not to be in too much of a hurry. I have seen pictures of you and you don't look overweight at all. I hope you don't mind me saying that.
Lol! I don't mind at all! Hahaha! I've always been kind of lucky in that I have the height, which I think allows me to carry the weight differently. I'm pretty muscley in my calves and my biceps- I think that's probably why I chose to work in forestry in such a male-oriented field! :) I'm oddly enough quite happy with my appearance (I cracked a joke about my "food baby" at a dinner out with my friends and I was laughing hysterically while everyone else was like, "Um... should we laugh too?"!) but it's kind of a matter of wanting to be in better shape too. I go hiking with the dog every weekend and I'd like to see how much faster I could be! If I didn't have a dog, I'm pretty sure I would be quite a bit heavier- she just looks at me with those big labrador eyes... the "I'm wasting away" eyes ;) The diet is good too, because like most people, I like to sit and watch television or read a book and I munch on things! Darn sugary goodness!
I thought I would share my banana ice cream recipe!

I usually take a banana, chop it into some pieces and then I throw it in the freezer for about two hours. (freezing the banana in the skin doesn't really work well as it's crazy hard to get the peel off!)

Once the banana is frozen through, take it out and place it in a food processor. Next add frozen fruit (I like mango and sometimes I add dates at room temp.).

Blend until it's ice cream consistency! I like it at about custard ice cream thickness.

You can add a teeny bit of milk or almond milk and about 1/2 a teaspoon of almond or vanilla extract as well if you like which will help it to reach a creamy consistency! The only bad thing is that it loses its ice cream consistency as it warms (faster than real ice cream). It's good for when you're craving something sweet! Only contains natural sugar from the bananas and fruit.
You are doing great! Well done. Losing weight slowly is healthy and means it is slower to return

I agree. So many people have gone on quick fix diets and just put the weight back on when they've finished.There's no point in doing that !
I have for the first time ever just been counting calories and its worked, better than any diet i have ever done. Good luck to you all and remember even a pound a week adds up so fast and before you know it you have lost half a stone etc.
i have to get weighed in at Weightwatchers -that's what works for me.
Can I join to, ? just joined slimming world, we have to keep a food diary , write down everything we eat ,
trouble is, a cuppa is just not the same with an apple as a doughnut.:no: we can have a doughnut as a syn oops
looks like I'm a syner, naughty :evil:joking aside I will really try to eat more fruit and veg this week.
good luck to everyone.
Can I join to, ? just joined slimming world, we have to keep a food diary , write down everything we eat ,
trouble is, a cuppa is just not the same with an apple as a doughnut.:no: we can have a doughnut as a syn oops
looks like I'm a syner, naughty :evil:joking aside I will really try to eat more fruit and veg this week.
good luck to everyone.
You are very welcome. How about buying the hifi bars they sell and having one of them with tea?
Can I join to, ? just joined slimming world, we have to keep a food diary , write down everything we eat ,
trouble is, a cuppa is just not the same with an apple as a doughnut.:no: we can have a doughnut as a syn oops
looks like I'm a syner, naughty :evil:joking aside I will really try to eat more fruit and veg this week.
good luck to everyone.

Welcome to the thread.
That's why I like slimming world - no portion sizes or calorie counting, its worked for me. ;)
You can if you syn them and include them on your food diary. ;)
I pigged out on fruit with my tea, I had low calorie chicken chow mein padded out with golden veg micro rice and steamed micro veg, 6 syns for the lot, I needed mountaineering kit to get to the top of the plate! :)) followed by a banana, an apple, a pear and 3 tangerines. ;)
I am really struggling on 26 points a day. I am always hungry. Yesterday I went over by 6 points as I was so hungry and had alpen cereal bars. I worry I will stop losing weight. It is getting harder now. At least when I was on more points I could eat more.
I am really struggling on 26 points a day. I am always hungry. Yesterday I went over by 6 points as I was so hungry and had alpen cereal bars. I worry I will stop losing weight. It is getting harder now. At least when I was on more points I could eat more.

26 points is not easy. I can only do 26 points if I spread my weekly 49 allowance throghout the week too.