Diet Club

We are continuing with this one as there are lots of tips and information.

Well done! I think you have really achieved already by not celebrating new year with drink and food. I applaud you for that. I understand you feel you have a lot to lose but try not to think of it like that. If you take it in small steps it will be more manageable.
We are continuing with this one as there are lots of tips and information.

Well done! I think you have really achieved already by not celebrating new year with drink and food. I applaud you for that. I understand you feel you have a lot to lose but try not to think of it like that. If you take it in small steps it will be more manageable.
Thanks piggyfan, it will help knowing I can come on here and let off steam. I don't intend going to weightwatchers that is just not for me, I know myself what I've got to do. Food has always been a crutch for me, when I'm upset or sad I eat, but I love eating when I'm happy too. If only all food tasted like fish I wouldn't have a problem!
Comfort eating is such a hard habit to break as not eating can feel like you are depriving yourself. I am the same and tend to gulp diet coke all day to get the full feeling. That is not healthy so do not copy me!
i comfort eat too, but i have been counting my calories and exercising and its coming off slowly. It can be done, and i agree with Piggyfan, dont think of the bigger picture, just focus on the smaller steps and good luck xx
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Thats what i thought too, but i knew i needed more than just to diet. I just cant wait until ive lost another stone then you might be able to see my new muscles lol, they are under there honest

Seriously though, after the initial few classes where i was huge and totally struggling i got over it and just enjoy it now, I'm still the biggest girl and probably the least fit but I'm a regular and ive never had that before, i love that fact
Thats what i thought too, but i knew i needed more than just to diet. I just cant wait until ive lost another stone then you might be able to see my new muscles lol, they are under there honest

Seriously though, after the initial few classes where i was huge and totally struggling i got over it and just enjoy it now, I'm still the biggest girl and probably the least fit but I'm a regular and ive never had that before, i love that fact
You are so strong to do this class and carry on despite feeling you are the biggest. It shows you have more confidence then you realise.
I would like you agree with you but i havent at all, i just felt that if i didnt do something i never would. I must admit i have gained a little confidence in my ability to exercise that is all.
Thats what i thought too, but i knew i needed more than just to diet. I just cant wait until ive lost another stone then you might be able to see my new muscles lol, they are under there honest

Seriously though, after the initial few classes where i was huge and totally struggling i got over it and just enjoy it now, I'm still the biggest girl and probably the least fit but I'm a regular and ive never had that before, i love that fact

Like piggyfan, I admire your strength and determination in going to an exercise class when you are the biggest there.
I have always struggled to find an exercise program that I can do due to my cerebral palsy. Last year after a lot of research I bought a vibration plate machine, after using it for a few weeks I ended up with very sore knees, this time though I will start very slowly and build up gradually, hopefully this will do the trick as I enjoyed using it, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Like piggyfan, I admire your strength and determination in going to an exercise class when you are the biggest there.
I have always struggled to find an exercise program that I can do due to my cerebral palsy. Last year after a lot of research I bought a vibration plate machine, after using it for a few weeks I ended up with very sore knees, this time though I will start very slowly and build up gradually, hopefully this will do the trick as I enjoyed using it, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Oh definately will cross everything for you.

I think i am quite lucky really, the class i joined is just a simple class in an infant school run by one of the teachers that took herself off to train in fitness alongside her teaching and most people are either related or have known each other for years, except me. But, not one of them are judgemental and absolutely no one is up their own bums if you know what i mean, they are just all lovely girls and guys.
Oh definately will cross everything for you.

I think i am quite lucky really, the class i joined is just a simple class in an infant school run by one of the teachers that took herself off to train in fitness alongside her teaching and most people are either related or have known each other for years, except me. But, not one of them are judgemental and absolutely no one is up their own bums if you know what i mean, they are just all lovely girls and guys.

That sounds lovley, up here there's not many classes and the folk that go tend to be cliquey, and thin!
hmmm that would totally put me off. Have to say though, the year before i got so big i started jogging with a friend and not one person laughed or anything, in fact all the real runners that used to zoom passed us would always nod at us. I gave that up for one reason and another BUT it made me think that maybe other peoples judging was all in my head really lol
Its amazing how quickly you get into it, i literally jogged for about 10 secs then walked until i got my breath and kept repeating until i could do it for longer. the first time i ran the whole length of the part of the prom we went to without stopping was one of the best feelings i have ever had. I even did a 5k jog one day. Then, stupidly i had a tattoo done on my shoulder and couldnt wear my sports bra and one missed day led to another and i never went again. So silly really.

I do wonder if i would be able to run at all now with doing boxing and circuits, but I'm not going to try lol. I can do a class non stop for an hour but i have no stamina for running, cross trainer, rowers etc i get bored too easy
It is my goal to learn to run this year. Have dabbled in it a bit in the last few months but with illness and Christmas I have not had the time.

Found out today my gym are doing Saturday ballet classes for adults so may look into that. I did it a few years back but was always bloated and uncomfortable after work so a Saturday would work better for me. It is in addition to the gym price though which is a pain. I still have my vegan ballet shoes which I had to order from New York.
Good lass, I think I've gained this week, time to knuckle down and shift the flab if I want to join the reserves.
Especially as I now have the army reserves to aim for. :tu:
I think over the last 6 weeks I have put a stone on! :(