Diet Club

I'm going to see my GP and get referred to my local gym to try and get fit for basic training. ;)

I always wish i had joined the army when i was young so i could do the training and be fit and have proper routine and all that malarky, but the rest of it ie the scary stuff just wasnt for me lol
I left the Military Police 22 years ago, I can't believe I'm going to attempt to put my wrinkled old body through the rigours of basic training all over again!
my recommended weight would mean me losing another 8 stone on top of the 4 I've already lost - ain't happening! :eek:
Oh don't worry about that. My recommended weight makes me look like a stick!
You look great as you are hun, it's what is on the inside that is all that matters i believe.
Ive only got to my recommended weight once and I looked awful, my cheeks were sunk in, my collar bone was very noticable etc so I always stay a stone over that which is where I aim to get to again :)
You look great as you are hun, it's what is on the inside that is all that matters i believe.
Ive only got to my recommended weight once and I looked awful, my cheeks were sunk in, my collar bone was very noticable etc so I always stay a stone over that which is where I aim to get to again :)
That sounds very sensible.
My weight range on the BMI scale is between 10,2 and 12,6. I would look anorexic at that weight. At my height of physical fitness in the Military Police, I was 14 & a half stone without an ounce of fat on me. If I can get to 15 stone, I'll be happy. ;)
My weight range on the BMI scale is between 10,2 and 12,6. I would look anorexic at that weight. At my height of physical fitness in the Military Police, I was 14 & a half stone without an ounce of fat on me. If I can get to 15 stone, I'll be happy. ;)
Gosh that is way too light! My lower range is meant to be eight stone and a half pounds. I could never, ever be that light.
I was told around the 9-10 stone mark is where I'm meant to be (I'm 5.5 ft) but my goal is 11 ive been 11 stone on and off a few times and felt good about myself ive just tipped over the 13 mark due to christmas so I'm getting it stored asap ha ha
I was told around the 9-10 stone mark is where I'm meant to be (I'm 5.5 ft) but my goal is 11 ive been 11 stone on and off a few times and felt good about myself ive just tipped over the 13 mark due to christmas so I'm getting it stored asap ha ha
Let us know how you are finding the plan when you do it.
Let us know how you are finding the plan when you do it.
Thank you hun :) I've seen some of the meal ideas and they are my kind of food so I hope I find it enjoyable and not stressful. I hate fatty foods anyway like burgers, sausages, chips (apart from chippy chips nom nom these have always been a rare treat though sadly) my perfect idea for a quick meal is scrambled egg on brown toast And i can have that no probs at all ive found out yahhhhh . I feed my family a lot of home good cooked food my problem is when him in doors says we're having foods such as homemade Mac and 4 cheese! or homemade fish pie made with double cream etc it's made as one meal for the whole family so ive been eating those kind of foods and its effected my weight :( I'm looking forward to eating my own food from next week and planing what I fancy to eat :)
Look for the food optimised way of doing your fish pie, you may be able to use fat free creme fresche for the same effect with a fraction of the calories. ;)
Look for the food optimised way of doing your fish pie, you may be able to use fat free creme fresche for the same effect with a fraction of the calories. ;)
Oohh theres a great idea :) I make stew and dumplings too I'm going to miss the dumplings but I know I can have the stew I asked my friend about that as its one of my favourites :)
Thanks boss :)
@piggyfan congratulations on your superb weight loss. I am planning on standing on the scales for the first time in years tomorrow morning. I think I am over 20 stone and I am dreading it. I am 5 feet 8 and big boned, years ago my GP said she would be happy if I got down to 14 stone so I have a huge mountain of flab to shift. My husband and son are also trying to eat more healthily, my son asked me not to buy anymore biscuits for him, that is a first!. I will post tomorrow night to let you know the full horror that the scales show.
@piggyfan congratulations on your superb weight loss. I am planning on standing on the scales for the first time in years tomorrow morning. I think I am over 20 stone and I am dreading it. I am 5 feet 8 and big boned, years ago my GP said she would be happy if I got down to 14 stone so I have a huge mountain of flab to shift. My husband and son are also trying to eat more healthily, my son asked me not to buy anymore biscuits for him, that is a first!. I will post tomorrow night to let you know the full horror that the scales show.
All the best Jenny
I am supposed to be between 7 and 10 stone..I used to be 8 stone and my pelvis would cut through jeans. Never again! Not happy at current weight but never going that low again,yuck.