Diet Club

I have really tried my best to not go over my points and failed. I did it for one week but keep eating Christmas cake. I feel so disappointed with myself. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.
I have really tried my best to not go over my points and failed. I did it for one week but keep eating Christmas cake. I feel so disappointed with myself. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

That's Christmas for you.

This is why Weightwatchers have the saying "get back on track" .
Not all at once - over a few days, also had pizza today - I get weighed tomorrow, then have 9 days to my next weigh in to try and shift the gain. ;)
Not all at once - over a few days, also had pizza today - I get weighed tomorrow, then have 9 days to my next weigh in to try and shift the gain. ;)
Well as long as your not sad when you get weighed. My class is shut for two weeks which makes it harder to stick to.
My class has been open over the holidays, getting weighed on Tuesday instead of Thursday. I wont be sad with a gain, I've enjoyed myself over the Christmas period and not worried about sticking to plan. Get my new slimming world pack tomorrow, so new plan - new stab at getting to target. ;)
My class has been open over the holidays, getting weighed on Tuesday instead of Thursday. I wont be sad with a gain, I've enjoyed myself over the Christmas period and not worried about sticking to plan. Get my new slimming world pack tomorrow, so new plan - new stab at getting to target. ;)
It is great to hear you sounding so positive. Here is to another year of losing weight my diet buddy.
I have eaten everything that has been put in my sight lol and drunk it too. I dont care, can make up for it life is really too short not to enjoy christmas its only a couple of days, was back to boxing tonight after two weeks off...gulp!

good luck with your weigh ins everyone x
OOOOOO! I didn't know there was a diet club! Awesome! I've been really focussing on my weight because I am worried about my mom, who just turned 59 and is at risk for diabetes. I'm trying to get her more active, so I thought that I should start with myself as well and try to entice her to join! I started an elliptical machine routine that has been going great for me. I only started 8 days ago, but so far I have been on that machine every single day! I've done over 60 km! I'm lucky as I still have some youth on my side although I can understand the injuries slowing you down as I worked for forestry since I was 16 and 12 years of that kind of work will take some toll on the joints. The elliptical is epic though! So easy on my knees! I'm not slim either. I'm weighing in right now 225 pounds :( I'm lucky in that I have a bit of height and the weight isn't so obvious on me as it is on some of my friends who struggle with it as well. But 225 pounds no matter how it sits, is still overweight for me :( I'm proud of myself though. I'm not inactive- I take my dog out every day for at least 40 minutes of off-leash walk time and we usually do at least 3 km. I also take her hiking on weekends where we usually do the 8 km route. But I do love my food! Who doesn't? Portion control is my utmost goal right now. I'm actually quite content with the way I look (I always have been really) but I know that I'm not as healthy as I could be. Weight loss here I come! I think my goal would be about 180 pounds. Apparently for my height I should weigh about 150 pounds- I'm pretty sure I would look like Gollum if I weighed 150 pounds and I'd be utterly useless! Hahahaha!
OOOOOO! I didn't know there was a diet club! Awesome! I've been really focussing on my weight because I am worried about my mom, who just turned 59 and is at risk for diabetes. I'm trying to get her more active, so I thought that I should start with myself as well and try to entice her to join! I started an elliptical machine routine that has been going great for me. I only started 8 days ago, but so far I have been on that machine every single day! I've done over 60 km! I'm lucky as I still have some youth on my side although I can understand the injuries slowing you down as I worked for forestry since I was 16 and 12 years of that kind of work will take some toll on the joints. The elliptical is epic though! So easy on my knees! I'm not slim either. I'm weighing in right now 225 pounds :( I'm lucky in that I have a bit of height and the weight isn't so obvious on me as it is on some of my friends who struggle with it as well. But 225 pounds no matter how it sits, is still overweight for me :( I'm proud of myself though. I'm not inactive- I take my dog out every day for at least 40 minutes of off-leash walk time and we usually do at least 3 km. I also take her hiking on weekends where we usually do the 8 km route. But I do love my food! Who doesn't? Portion control is my utmost goal right now. I'm actually quite content with the way I look (I always have been really) but I know that I'm not as healthy as I could be. Weight loss here I come! I think my goal would be about 180 pounds. Apparently for my height I should weigh about 150 pounds- I'm pretty sure I would look like Gollum if I weighed 150 pounds and I'd be utterly useless! Hahahaha!
I was nearly 330lbs before I started my weight loss plan. I got down to 315lbs and joined slimming world. I'm now just over 252lbs with another 56lbs to go to reach target. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I suffer from osteoarthritis of both knees, I've been told they're both going to need replacing if my large weight was maintained, I was eating anti-inflammatory medication like sweeties! I haven't touched a single one in 6 months. ;)
I was nearly 330lbs before I started my weight loss plan. I got down to 315lbs and joined slimming world. I'm now just over 252lbs with another 56lbs to go to reach target. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I suffer from osteoarthritis of both knees, I've been told they're both going to need replacing if my large weight was maintained, I was eating anti-inflammatory medication like sweeties! I haven't touched a single one in 6 months. ;)
Holey Moley! You go! You're my new inspiration!
Hi guys, I have had a VERY Indulgent Christmas, New Year is big up here too, but I have just done something I have never done before, I told my relations I wasn't drinking or celebrating it. I will make a really nice dinner for us and our kids and son- in - law and that will be that.

I am stuck in a total rut, my health is suffering and so is David, he has type 1 diabetes and is on 4 injections a day. We are both obese, I haven't weighed myself yet but I must be about 20 stone and David is about 17 stone.

Are we making a new sticky for 2015 or just continuing on with this year's one?