Diet Club

Can I join the diet club in the new year? I really need to shift a lot of flab, I have never fancied weight watcher's or any of those types of clubs but would love to have the forum folk along with me.
You are very welcome here. Do you have any idea how you will attempt to lose weight?
My main goal at the start of the year was to get 4 stone off and keep it off, I actually achieved 5 with what I lost before joining slimming world. My next goal for the new year is to lose 4 stone and get fit. So I'm going to get myself a bike in the new year and start gently before building on that. I'm never going to be a Hoy or a Wiggins, but I'll be healthy and that's the main thing. If I can firm up some of these saggy bits at the same time, it'll be a win win situation. :tu:
My main goal at the start of the year was to get 4 stone off and keep it off, I actually achieved 5 with what I lost before joining slimming world. My next goal for the new year is to lose 4 stone and get fit. So I'm going to get myself a bike in the new year and start gently before building on that. I'm never going to be a Hoy or a Wiggins, but I'll be healthy and that's the main thing. If I can firm up some of these saggy bits at the same time, it'll be a win win situation. :tu:
I wish you lots of luck in achieving your goal. You have done fantastically well already.
You are very welcome here. Do you have any idea how you will attempt to lose weight?

Hi piggyfan, I am delighted that I can join. I haven't dared step on the scales for a long time bit I reckon I need to lose more than five stone. It is more for health and mobility reasons, I have cerebral palsy which affects my right side. I am limited to the type of exercise I can do but, I have a tricycle which I love if only the weather were better. I also have a vibration plate which I haven't used much.
My aim is to cut out the crappy food, eat smaller portions and move more, it sounds easy in theory but in practice it's noe especially when you love food the way I do. In the new year I'm going to give it my best shot, I have to , for the sake of my health.
Hi piggyfan, I am delighted that I can join. I haven't dared step on the scales for a long time bit I reckon I need to lose more than five stone. It is more for health and mobility reasons, I have cerebral palsy which affects my right side. I am limited to the type of exercise I can do but, I have a tricycle which I love if only the weather were better. I also have a vibration plate which I haven't used much.
My aim is to cut out the crappy food, eat smaller portions and move more, it sounds easy in theory but in practice it's noe especially when you love food the way I do. In the new year I'm going to give it my best shot, I have to , for the sake of my health.
I have needed to lose over six sone so please do not feel overwhelmed by how much you have to lose. Once you start it is best to think of it is smaller steps such as seven pounds at a time. It must be a lot harder for you to exercise but even cutting out certain food will help you to lose weight. I will support you in any way I can too.
Thank you for the warm welcome. I have not tried to lose any weight for a long time. In my late twenties I lost over four stone, calorie counting and using an exercise bike. The bike caused varicose veins in my good ( left) leg due to pushing harder with that one than my right leg. At the same time David my husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, he weighed less than 10 stone and he is 6 foot 3. Needless to say the diet went out the window.

I am forty six now and know I have to start looking after myself otherwise I could end up in a wheelchair. In 1999 I was seriously ill, I was in a coma for three weeks and when I woke up I couldn't even life my head up let alone walk, I was in hospital in Inverness 120 mile south of where I live for three months. My kids were 8 and 4 then so I gave it absolutely everything to get home to them. The physiotherapy was hellish, but I made it home on my 31st birthday. I have been left with permanent nerve damage and I am a lot weaker than I used to be but I am delighted still to be here, poor David, the doctors told him I was dying at one stage.
I'm sorry for the ramble, I just wanted you to know my background and that I am very stubborn. I will go now had have a look at the link you gave me boss man, it good that you could still eat plenty and lose weight, sounds good to me!
Thank you for the warm welcome. I have not tried to lose any weight for a long time. In my late twenties I lost over four stone, calorie counting and using an exercise bike. The bike caused varicose veins in my good ( left) leg due to pushing harder with that one than my right leg. At the same time David my husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, he weighed less than 10 stone and he is 6 foot 3. Needless to say the diet went out the window.

I am forty six now and know I have to start looking after myself otherwise I could end up in a wheelchair. In 1999 I was seriously ill, I was in a coma for three weeks and when I woke up I couldn't even life my head up let alone walk, I was in hospital in Inverness 120 mile south of where I live for three months. My kids were 8 and 4 then so I gave it absolutely everything to get home to them. The physiotherapy was hellish, but I made it home on my 31st birthday. I have been left with permanent nerve damage and I am a lot weaker than I used to be but I am delighted still to be here, poor David, the doctors told him I was dying at one stage.
I'm sorry for the ramble, I just wanted you to know my background and that I am very stubborn. I will go now had have a look at the link you gave me boss man, it good that you could still eat plenty and lose weight, sounds good to me!
Jenny, you have been through so much and you are amazing to have overcome it all. It does show you are very strong. I am so glad you are in a better position now.
Jenny, you have been through so much and you are amazing to have overcome it all. It does show you are very strong. I am so glad you are in a better position now.

Thank you piggyfan, that means a great deal to me, but I only did what anyone would do, getting back to my kids gave me strength I didn't know I had.
Thank you piggyfan, that means a great deal to me, but I only did what anyone would do, getting back to my kids gave me strength I didn't know I had.
Actually, I think a lot of people would have given up so you are very strong.
well done on your loss Gigi and Boss well done on your maintain. I'm definately not weighing in until after christmas now, but at the same time i am really going to try hard to not overdo it too much, pffffft as if!

Boss, good luck trying to tone up those saggy bits mine are tough little buggers and are just not changing, it has made me realise you definately need to do it earlier in life when you still have elasticity ha ha ha ho ho ho!

Jenny57...just wow! good luck x
So I started this thread at the beginning of the year and it seems to have been successful...except for me! I'm now the heaviest I have been however I have joined the gym and have been going regularly since October but that means I have actually out weight on! Anyhoo I have decided that I am going to do carol vodermans 14day detox starting 1st jan. I have done it before and it is harsh but I think its the only way to get my insides (and hopefully outsides) sorted short of a full body uplift!
Thank you for the warm welcome. I have not tried to lose any weight for a long time. In my late twenties I lost over four stone, calorie counting and using an exercise bike. The bike caused varicose veins in my good ( left) leg due to pushing harder with that one than my right leg. At the same time David my husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, he weighed less than 10 stone and he is 6 foot 3. Needless to say the diet went out the window.

I am forty six now and know I have to start looking after myself otherwise I could end up in a wheelchair. In 1999 I was seriously ill, I was in a coma for three weeks and when I woke up I couldn't even life my head up let alone walk, I was in hospital in Inverness 120 mile south of where I live for three months. My kids were 8 and 4 then so I gave it absolutely everything to get home to them. The physiotherapy was hellish, but I made it home on my 31st birthday. I have been left with permanent nerve damage and I am a lot weaker than I used to be but I am delighted still to be here, poor David, the doctors told him I was dying at one stage.
I'm sorry for the ramble, I just wanted you to know my background and that I am very stubborn. I will go now had have a look at the link you gave me boss man, it good that you could still eat plenty and lose weight, sounds good to me!

I know I've said this before, but you are amazing! Wishing you the best of luck! :)
So I started this thread at the beginning of the year and it seems to have been successful...except for me! I'm now the heaviest I have been however I have joined the gym and have been going regularly since October but that means I have actually out weight on! Anyhoo I have decided that I am going to do carol vodermans 14day detox starting 1st jan. I have done it before and it is harsh but I think its the only way to get my insides (and hopefully outsides) sorted short of a full body uplift!
I wanted to do the juice diet thing that some guy did on TV, I tried it a bit last year, might do that in January, seeing as all the hard work I put in over the summer was a waste! Sigh.

Good luck to you! :')
I have lost half a pound. I know weightwatchers is meant to work on its own but unless I walk a lot I do not lose weight. I only went on one walk this week hence losing the half pound. I wish the plan worked for me without having to walk as I am not always able to motivate myself.
A loss is a loss me duck, I've gained and maintained over the last 3 weeks! Got my weigh in tomorrow and I've got a dreaded feeling its another gain! :(
Aww, Tom. You have often thought it was a gain only to have a nice suprise so tomorrow you could be lucky.
After 3 bad weeks I'm extremely downhearted, so I'll have to see what tomorrow brings.
You did say that you will make changes next year so maybe you need to start afresh then? It could be that you are not in the right frame of mind right now.
Luckily there is only 2 weeks left this year, so I cant do too much damage.
It may not be as bad as you think, you could be pleasantly surprised.

Am managing to maintain at the moment, fitness is now the thing to aim for though the run up to Christmas has meant we haven't got to the gym much in the last few weeks. My manager is doing this in June:

So I stupidly said to Ross about it and he only wants to do it. At least it will give me something to aim for and one of the charities is the one he works for so we could do it for that.
My gym is now closed until 5th January as they are refurbing it - part of me is quite pleased but the rest is feeling guilty every time my hand dips into that tin of roses!

Have any of you got a juicer? I'm thinking about getting one but not sure how much I would use it. I do not eat fruit as the texture, taste and sweetness is so inconsistent that I just can't deal with it. I do like things that taste of fruit though (juice, jam etc). I like veg but probs don't eat enough so was thinking a juicer might be the way forward to getting 5 a day and keeping my hand out of the biscuit barrel!
I have a Nutribullet which is a cross between a juicer and smoothie maker. I love it, but my IBS tends to rebel if I have too much fruit and veg in one go. I recommend it though and there are some good deals around at the mo.
That one is a little out of my price range. I was looking at one in Argos that had really good reviews and was £25. I think if I started juicing and really enjoyed it then I would consider a more expensive one in time but you never know if it might just end up in the back of a cupboard when you haven't used one before.
It may not be as bad as you think, you could be pleasantly surprised.

Am managing to maintain at the moment, fitness is now the thing to aim for though the run up to Christmas has meant we haven't got to the gym much in the last few weeks. My manager is doing this in June:

So I stupidly said to Ross about it and he only wants to do it. At least it will give me something to aim for and one of the charities is the one he works for so we could do it for that.
Wow, that is a huge challenge! You are very brave.