Diet Club

Don't be downhearted, its a marathon not a sprint. We're in it for the long haul, you'll lose it next week no problems. ;)
yeah I agree, I reckon all I ate last week will catch up with me next week, its a funny old thing this diet lark.
You often say you had a bad week then maintain!
It was a very bad week - 3 and a half pound gain! It was all the comfort eating mourning Rebel and Angel. :( that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. ;) Tomorrow's a new week, piggies are gone, time to concentrate on Lola and getting this weight off. ;)
It was a very bad week - 3 and a half pound gain! It was all the comfort eating mourning Rebel and Angel. :( that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. ;) Tomorrow's a new week, piggies are gone, time to concentrate on Lola and getting this weight off. ;)
Oh Tom, you never said you lost Angel. I'm so sorry. No wonder you had a gain after such a heartbreaking loss. Well you and I both gained so hopefully next week we will lose.
Yeah, I put it in Rebel's rainbow topic. :( It would be nice to get under 18 by the end of the year. Including what I'd lost before starting Slimming World, that would take me to a 5 stone 4lb overall loss since Christmas last year. ;)
Yeah, I put it in Rebel's rainbow topic. :( It would be nice to get under 18 by the end of the year. Including what I'd lost before starting Slimming World, that would take me to a 5 stone 4lb overall loss since Christmas last year. ;)
Oh sorry. I did not see it.

I hope you do get to your goal. If I lose one pound more I will have lost five stone but it is getting harder to lose now!
Tell me about, I've yo yo'd for the last 12 weeks, gaining and losing, so I have maintained my weight since 1st September, so I've got a little disheartened. I'm going to take it steady over the festive season and behave myself. Come new year, I'm going to have a serious push to get to target. ;)
Tell me about, I've yo yo'd for the last 12 weeks, gaining and losing, so I have maintained my weight since 1st September, so I've got a little disheartened. I'm going to take it steady over the festive season and behave myself. Come new year, I'm going to have a serious push to get to target. ;)
It is very annoying. I know how you feel. It will be so hard for us around this time as food is everywhere!
Both you @BossHogg and @piggyfan are both doing so wonderfully well, I Lisa struggle sometimes then try to rein the eating in again. Ali is desperate to start working towards losing some weight but can't seem to get "in the zone" at the moment. Its hard to keep to a healthy eating plan especially at this time of year and as Ali says "there are other stressers involved too including work" but he does admit that this is just an excuse. Keep working towards your goals guys, you are an inspiration to us all....

Lisa & Ali....xx
Both you @BossHogg and @piggyfan are both doing so wonderfully well, I Lisa struggle sometimes then try to rein the eating in again. Ali is desperate to start working towards losing some weight but can't seem to get "in the zone" at the moment. Its hard to keep to a healthy eating plan especially at this time of year and as Ali says "there are other stressers involved too including work" but he does admit that this is just an excuse. Keep working towards your goals guys, you are an inspiration to us all....

Lisa & Ali....xx
Thank you. Ali, maybe you can start afresh in January? You may feel ready. It really helps to follow a plan. If you ever need any support then I am here.
We both are, along with the rest of the topic inhabitants. ;) Maybe we should rename the topic as simply "Diet Club" to save starting a new topic in a few weeks, that way all the tips and encouragement in this topic wont fade into oblivion. :tu:
We both are, along with the rest of the topic inhabitants. ;) Maybe we should rename the topic as simply "Diet Club" to save starting a new topic in a few weeks, that way all the tips and encouragement in this topic wont fade into oblivion. :tu:
That is a good idea. Could it be made a sticky maybe?
I'll probably have a small gain again this week. I'm not going to let it get me down, its been a bad month, chin up - get the year over with and push on to target in the new year. ;)
I'll probably have a small gain again this week. I'm not going to let it get me down, its been a bad month, chin up - get the year over with and push on to target in the new year. ;)
That is a good way of looking at it and you have still lost over four stone.
Can I join the diet club in the new year? I really need to shift a lot of flab, I have never fancied weight watcher's or any of those types of clubs but would love to have the forum folk along with me.
Can I join the diet club in the new year? I really need to shift a lot of flab, I have never fancied weight watcher's or any of those types of clubs but would love to have the forum folk along with me.

It would be great to have you along ! This thread is great and it's really interesting to share hints and tips with people using different methods. I'm a weightwatchers member and I know for a fact that it's the getting weighed in at a meeting which keeps me on track.

My goal for 2015 is to do more exercise - I don't know how I'm going to achieve this - I'm knackered all the time !