Diet Club

I lost three pounds! I have no idea how but I am thrilled. I am now two and a half pounds away from losing five stone. The leader set us the challenge to lose half a stone in the seven weeks before the c word. I would love to achieve that. So many things have changed. My rings are all too big, my calf fitting boots are too big and I even think I may have lost a shoe size. It's an expensive journey!
That's amazing. Well done x
well done to you all. I wish i could have a loss of more than a pound a week its such slow progress for me, maybe i need to rethink things.

Regarding the shape stuff, like women shape, i have always had a thick waist and big hips and legs, but since i started boxing and circuit training my shape has changed, my waist will eventually be small and my legs are thinner and more shapely than they ever have been, sadly my arms are not changing much and i hate that.
well done to you all. I wish i could have a loss of more than a pound a week its such slow progress for me, maybe i need to rethink things.

Regarding the shape stuff, like women shape, i have always had a thick waist and big hips and legs, but since i started boxing and circuit training my shape has changed, my waist will eventually be small and my legs are thinner and more shapely than they ever have been, sadly my arms are not changing much and i hate that.

I'm afraid we have to work with what we have . It's genetics - blame your parents :lol:

You think you've got problems - whenever I walk past a mirror or see a refection in a shop mirror - I see my Mum :yikes:
well done to you all. I wish i could have a loss of more than a pound a week its such slow progress for me, maybe i need to rethink things.

Regarding the shape stuff, like women shape, i have always had a thick waist and big hips and legs, but since i started boxing and circuit training my shape has changed, my waist will eventually be small and my legs are thinner and more shapely than they ever have been, sadly my arms are not changing much and i hate that.
A thin waist and shapely legs sounds amazing. I bet you look great. Losing a pound a week is good. It means it will not return as quick.
We are looking at joining a gym at the moment, we need one that is convenient and not too expensive and have found one that is 2 minutes from the train station so handy for Ross on the way home and I can get there easily too, just waiting to see if they do joint membership. Karina, they do boxercise and circuits so I may look into that. It is also walkable from home if needed too, i.e when it snows and I won't drive.
We are looking at joining a gym at the moment, we need one that is convenient and not too expensive and have found one that is 2 minutes from the train station so handy for Ross on the way home and I can get there easily too, just waiting to see if they do joint membership. Karina, they do boxercise and circuits so I may look into that. It is also walkable from home if needed too, i.e when it snows and I won't drive.
Your turning into a fitness freak!
Will see how long it lasts ;) have been inspired by Fiona Oakes at the mo (everyone needs to Google her, amazing woman).
well done Boss. Ive lost 1.5lb in the last two weeks. Think that makes my total loss 18lb now. Sadly i have had to miss my boxing and circuits classes for a week as i have had poorly pigwigs, but back on it tomos!
Been weighed, another 1.5lb off and 2.5lb from my 4 and a half stone award. It would be nice to get that next week, and make it to 5 stone lost for Christmas. ;)

well done Boss. Ive lost 1.5lb in the last two weeks. Think that makes my totall loss 18lb now. Sadly i have had to miss my boxing and circuits classes for a week as i have had poorly pigwigs, but back on it tomos!

Well done both of you.

Sorry to hear your Guinea pigs haven't been well @doglovinpiggylover
both a bit better now thanks PO, one had a nasty hay seed stuck in his eye and the other I'm not sure just a bit off his grub, maybe because the other one was down.
I think my remaining piggies might have caught something from Rebel, they're not eating and drinking as much as usual, unless it was Reb doing all the eating and drinking! They might be grieving.
I think my remaining piggies might have caught something from Rebel, they're not eating and drinking as much as usual, unless it was Reb doing all the eating and drinking! They might be grieving.
Oh dear - it's such a worry when something's not right
Angel is already on borrowed time with her tumour, it might finish Lola off as she has spent her entire life with Angel. :(
Been weighed, another 1.5lb off and 2.5lb from my 4 and a half stone award. It would be nice to get that next week, and make it to 5 stone lost for Christmas. ;)
That is fantastic! I have lost exactly the same amount as you. How funny.
That is awful. What a horrible situation for you.

I think once these 2 are gone, I'll get no more pigs, I absolutely love them, but they don't half rip your heart out when it their time to go.