Diet Club

I have not lost any weight for two weeks. I spoke to the leader today and she told me it is because I have lost four stone which is a lot. She said in her own meeting people were saying they did not lose weight for months after losing a large amount. She said just carry on and eventually I will lose weight. I feel so upset. I am stuck looking like a fat fool. I try so hard to even stick to the plan as it is because I have a binge eating disorder. All that work for nothing.

Please don't get disheartened. You have come so far and it would be a shame to undo all the hard work you have put in .

Losing 4 stone is a fantastic achievement - so , all your hard work has NOT been for nothing .

It is not unusual for people to plateau when they have been on a weight loss plan for some time. - and their are so many reasons people plateau (toning up being one). Your leader should be supporting you with this.

Your leader should be discussing goals with you . Personally, I think you should be looking at a maintain week as a plus - and a weight loss week as a double plus.
Please don't get disheartened. You have come so far and it would be a shame to undo all the hard work you have put in .

Losing 4 stone is a fantastic achievement - so , all your hard work has NOT been for nothing .

It is not unusual for people to plateau when they have been on a weight loss plan for some time. - and their are so many reasons people plateau (toning up being one). Your leader should be supporting you with this.

Your leader should be discussing goals with you . Personally, I think you should be looking at a maintain week as a plus - and a weight loss week as a double plus.
Thank you very much. You are very kind. I guess I just hate the way I look and long to be slim.
I'm the same as you PF, my losses has levelled off, I still go every week, as I feel I will gain if I stop going. ;)
Wow four stone, i am so impressed, what an absolute achievement for you. Please dont give up, even if you are staying the same that in itself is a bonus as we all know how easy it is to put on. I am stuck at a stone loss but am toning up slightly so am happy enough with that for now. Good luck honey x
Wow four stone, i am so impressed, what an absolute achievement for you. Please dont give up, even if you are staying the same that in itself is a bonus as we all know how easy it is to put on. I am stuck at a stone loss but am toning up slightly so am happy enough with that for now. Good luck honey x
Thank you. Toning up is great.
Today I joined slimming world after my biggest loser subscription ran out last month and gaining 5lbs :( - how shockingly awful (guess whose parents are going to mention that and be nasty about it next week - MINE! Used to it so pfft!) D;
So getting back on track hopefully, although .... Slimming world has confused my brain :( so if anyone can shed any light I'd be ever so grateful!

Your all doing so well as well, I do keep a look on this thread, keep it up guys! :D
Well done for going back. It is not an easy thing to do. Please do not worry about five pounds. Is that all you have to lose? You will soon lose that.
Do not worry. I have lost four stone. Two of that was with slimming world and the other two with weightwatchers. I have another two stone to lose. It is hard work! You have done so well to keep the stone off.
What part are you finding hard? I've lost all my weight with slimming world. ;)
What part are you finding hard? I've lost all my weight with slimming world. ;)

I was too pussy to go to meetings, so basically the whole online thing. Took three hours to find the diary and that just confused me so I left it haha!
And of course well done! :D
I've never done the online thing, I stay to classes religiously every week. I find the image therapy after the weigh in to be the most important part, otherwise I'd think feck it! no-one will know. ;)
I've never done the online thing, I stay to classes religiously every week. I find the image therapy after the weigh in to be the most important part, otherwise I'd think feck it! no-one will know. ;)
I agree. If I did not go to group I could never do it on my own.
I've never done the online thing, I stay to classes religiously every week. I find the image therapy after the weigh in to be the most important part, otherwise I'd think feck it! no-one will know. ;)

Haha! I did quite well online before so I think once I get my head around it, I'll be okay!
I just can't deal with people hahaha!
Haha! I did quite well online before so I think once I get my head around it, I'll be okay!
I just can't deal with people hahaha!

I deal with people all the time in my day job and my hobby. I'm a motorway traffic officer and in my spare time I'm a Red Cross first aid trainer, so I'm handy with my gob - plus I'm a scouser so it comes naturally! :))
I deal with people all the time in my day job and my hobby. I'm a motorway traffic officer and in my spare time I'm a Red Cross first aid trainer, so I'm handy with my gob - plus I'm a scouser so it comes naturally! :))
That's interesting :) Yeah I would think it does come naturally haha!
I'm naturally afraid of people (social anxiety) so actually meetings might help, as I'm assuming you meet people - never know I might make friends! haha! So, once my subs up I might try and drag someone to do the meetings with me instead - or just go alone.. scary thought, as I can see what you mean by it keeps you going and stuff because I do feel my motivation wains sometimes!
Welcome to this thread @TheFurryGodmother . I'm a weightwatchers member and am at goal so am concentrating on maintaining.
This a great thread - really interesting getting hints and tips from people using different methods.
I attend the meetings -it 's what keeps me on track.

I can finally reply to you, yay!
Thank you for the welcome!
Well done for reaching your goal that's amazing! :D
Seems the meetings really help, as said above, may have to start pushing myself! D:
I've still got to find that diet coke chicken recipe! ha :')
I've still got to find that diet coke chicken recipe! ha :')

@TheFurryGodmother ;)

Diet cola chicken

Serves: 4

Cook time: Ready in under an hour

Total time: 30-60 Minutes

Diet cola chicken is one of Slimming World's most popular and versatile dishes.


Low calorie cooking spray

1 red pepper, 1 yellow and 1 green pepper, chopped into chunks

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into pieces

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

4 tbsp tomato purée

8 tbsp passata with onions and garlic (I use a tin of chopped tomatoes/herbs)

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tsp dried mixed herbs

330ml can diet cola (any brand will do)

200ml chicken stock

200g sugar snap peas


Place a large pan sprayed with low calorie cooking spray over a high heat.

Add the chicken, peppers and onion and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until lightly browned

Add the diet cola, stock, passata, tomato purée, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and dried mixed herbs and stir well.

Bring to the boil, cover, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 12-15 minutes

Add the sugar snap peas, stir and increase the heat to medium-high.

Cook for another 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the veg is tender.

Tip: Try swapping diet cola for diet orange, for a tasty change.
@TheFurryGodmother ;)

[you]Diet cola chicken[/you]

Serves: 4

Cook time: Ready in under an hour

Total time: 30-60 Minutes

Diet cola chicken is one of Slimming World's most popular and versatile dishes.


Low calorie cooking spray

1 red pepper, 1 yellow and 1 green pepper, chopped into chunks

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

4 skinless chicken breasts, cut into pieces

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

4 tbsp tomato purée

8 tbsp passata with onions and garlic (I use a tin of chopped tomatoes/herbs)

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tsp dried mixed herbs

330ml can diet cola (any brand will do)

200ml chicken stock

200g sugar snap peas


Place a large pan sprayed with low calorie cooking spray over a high heat.

Add the chicken, peppers and onion and stir-fry for 4-5 minutes, or until lightly browned

Add the diet cola, stock, passata, tomato purée, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and dried mixed herbs and stir well.

Bring to the boil, cover, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 12-15 minutes

Add the sugar snap peas, stir and increase the heat to medium-high.

Cook for another 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the veg is tender.

Tip: Try swapping diet cola for diet orange, for a tasty change.

Thank you, I'm going to try that either this week or next :D!