Diet Club

I'm happy with it, expected a gain after the hectic week I've had!
Kinda new to this thread... Well done everyone that I've scrolled through and seen your achievement on! Wahey! Amazing :)

In June I joined the BGL online membership thing, it ran out yesterday but in those 3 months I lost 1.5 stone. I have another 3 stone to go. Can't afford anymore membership though, so I need to find ways of getting my motivation ... then I came across this :D

Also anyone recommend some standard excercise routines? Don't have much space and can't get my cross trainer until November.

Also didn't buy a bus pass this year as I've opted to walk or buy a bike, my uni is right on the beach so can cycle along the bay and walk the 20 mins to uni :) & hope confidence/paranoia issues don't stop me haha
Well done for your weight loss so far @H&&Frank . I hope you find this thread helps keep your motivation levels up.

I'm loving the sound of cycling along the bay.

I love this thread - mainly because we're using different ways to lose weight.

I'm with weightwatchers and have reached goal so I'm concentrating on maintaining at the moment. I'm still tracking - I've got to goal before and stopped tracking and the pounds have slowly crept on . I'm determined this isn't going to happen again.

I need to increase my exercise. I'm nowhere near as active as I should be - in fact the only exercise I get is running around after my three guinea pigs.

I feel knackered all the time and have just been to my GP about this.

I live 5 mins away from our local swimming pool so want to start swimming.
Hi everyone losing weight is so hard, anyway well done to all of you, please don't feel like you are alone,I'm sure our piggies love us no matter what we weigh!, maybe we should all eat more Piggie food? Well maybe not the grass and hay, at least we have a great forum with great friends to help us
Hi everyone losing weight is so hard, anyway well done to all of you, please don't feel like you are alone,I'm sure our piggies love us no matter what we weigh!, maybe we should all eat more Piggie food? Well maybe not the grass and hay, at least we have a great forum with great friends to help us

I share the guinea pigs' food. Actually, it would be truer to say I eat their surplus.

I'm afraid that backfired for me this morning. I was meant to have a blood test fasted this morning . I was OK with not eating my breakfast but realised too late when chopping their veggies that I was chomping on a piece of celeriac.
I cant win in my house, when I used to pig out on a full English, the cat and dog used to sit begging, now I'm eating all healthy, I get the pigs and buns sitting begging! :)) :)) :))
Thankfully I work in a uniformed job, my hobby also provides a uniform. So I'm either in t-shirt and track pants or uniform. ;)