Diet Club

I've just ordered £600 pounds worth of new uniform as all my old stuff is hanging off me!
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Welcome to the forum @MrsHoggett and welcome to this thread. What I love about this thread is the we are using different methods but are able to share our hints, tips and successes.

I am a weightwatchers member and have been on a bit of a diet holiday recently . Hopefully, I've done enough to maintain. My next weigh in is on Monday
You've got to think wider than your group Mr BossHogg, I think a trip to the national awards is called for! Even if it's only group, you have to post a photo of you wearing the ribbon/sash.

I have just had some lovely but naughty cauliflower cheese and red wine for dinner......all of my five a day, but not exactly great diet food, but my depression has lifted so much that I may be able to do some fast days. Thanks for all the good wishes and positive messages. My app (Libra) reckons I will hit 'overweight' (rather than the 'o' word) by Christmas, if I continue like this, which would be fantastic.
You've got to think wider than your group Mr BossHogg, I think a trip to the national awards is called for! Even if it's only group, you have to post a photo of you wearing the ribbon/sash.

I have just had some lovely but naughty cauliflower cheese and red wine for dinner......all of my five a day, but not exactly great diet food, but my depression has lifted so much that I may be able to do some fast days. Thanks for all the good wishes and positive messages. My app (Libra) reckons I will hit 'overweight' (rather than the 'o' word) by Christmas, if I continue like this, which would be fantastic.
You are doing so well. I am thrilled to hear your depression has lifted as it is such an awful feeling. I hate the o word too!
You are doing so well. I am thrilled to hear your depression has lifted as it is such an awful feeling. I hate the o word too!

Thanks Piggyfan. Let's banish the 'o' word together, Libra says I'm in Class 2 'o', i.e. over BMI 35; but am really close to class 1, so that's my next milestone.
Thanks Piggyfan. Let's banish the 'o' word together, Libra says I'm in Class 2 'o', i.e. over BMI 35; but am really close to class 1, so that's my next milestone.
You are doing wonderful! When I started my BMW was 38.
I've reduced my BMI by nearly 9 points from my heaviest. ;)
You are doing wonderful! When I started my BMW was 38.

I've reduced my BMI by nearly 9 points from my heaviest. ;)

You've both done so well. I love seeing Boss Hogg's ticker; it really shows what a great job you're doing, and as you say, your weight loss has been so consistent.
I've had the odd blip and had a small gain, but I've lost it the week after. I've gained 6lb in the time I've been at SW, so in reality, I could have lost another stone if my mind had been in the right place. ;)
That's great you have been nominated for an award Bosshog.

Posyrose, it sounds like you are doing really well.

I went to work yesterday with my jeans falling down, not worn them in months as were too tight. Had to buy 2 pairs a size smaller today. I live in dresses and legging usually and they all still fit ok they are just a bit loose.
I'm happy with my weigh in weight today. I haven't tracked for 2 weeks but have tried to keep sensible with what I have been eating.

I've lost 2 1/2 lb in the past 2 weeks and am now at the goal weight that was originally set in 2001.

I've lost a total of 22lb since I started in March. I know this is a fraction of what some other people have achieved but I am so relieved that I have done something to stop the pounds creeping on. I could still do with losing a few more pounds but that's not my priority now. My main goal now is working out the best way to maintain. I actually feeling very positive about the challenge of maintaining. I didn't feel like this the last 2 times I got to goal .
Well done! You should be proud of yourself and great that you are feeling positive about maintaining, that has got to be the most important first step to keeping it off!
-1.8lbs this week. My next target is to be in the 20s by xmas. Think that averages as about 1.3lbs a week.

In other news, for those who aren't on facebook so won't have seen, the medical marvel that is Maggie Maggot had one illness to many - she was PTS in the early hours of Thursday morning last week :(
I've been back dieting for three weeks tomorrow and have lost 5.5lb calorie counting with my fitness pal.
Lost three stone last year in 7 months (I have put some back on though) and went from a dress size 22 to 16.

I still have 40lb to loose by the start of June next year for my SIL wedding and want to get in a size 12.

My first goal is to loose another 10lb so that I'm light enough to bring my horse back into work.
I've been back dieting for three weeks tomorrow and have lost 5.5lb calorie counting with my fitness pal.
Lost three stone last year in 7 months (I have put some back on though) and went from a dress size 22 to 16.

I still have 40lb to loose by the start of June next year for my SIL wedding and want to get in a size 12.

My first goal is to loose another 10lb so that I'm light enough to bring my horse back into work.
You have done great!
-1.8lbs this week. My next target is to be in the 20s by xmas. Think that averages as about 1.3lbs a week.

In other news, for those who aren't on facebook so won't have seen, the medical marvel that is Maggie Maggot had one illness to many - she was PTS in the early hours of Thursday morning last week :(
So sorry to hear about Maggie!
I gained half a pound. The leader looked at my tracker and said it was fine. She has put me on 26 points. I was on 29 points. It is going to be tough dropping so many. She cannot understand why I am not losing weight. I increased my walking too. I may just be stuck being fat.
I gained half a pound. The leader looked at my tracker and said it was fine. She has put me on 26 points. I was on 29 points. It is going to be tough dropping so many. She cannot understand why I am not losing weight. I increased my walking too. I may just be stuck being fat.

There's no way you would have put on 1/2 lb of fat if you've stuck to your 29 points allowance so don't get disheartened. You've increased your walking so do you think this small gain could be because you are toning up?

A 1/2 lb gain on the scales could be muscle toning up or it could be fluid retention.

If I were you, I'd take some measurements too (waist and hip maybe).

I was on 26 points before I got to goal. I know it's restrictive but it's not impossible. Has your leader given you any menu planning advice?
There's no way you would have put on 1/2 lb of fat if you've stuck to your 29 points allowance so don't get disheartened. You've increased your walking so do you think this small gain could be because you are toning up?

A 1/2 lb gain on the scales could be muscle toning up or it could be fluid retention.

If I were you, I'd take some measurements too (waist and hip maybe).

I was on 26 points before I got to goal. I know it's restrictive but it's not impossible. Has your leader given you any menu planning advice?
Thank you. I have been taking my measurements but not lost anything for a while. I never thought the half pound gain could be due to toning up. My eating is fine. I eat quite a range of main meals as my partner cooks for me and is a great cook. I just hope the reduction of points shifts things.