Diet Club

I'm really upset (as in floods of tears)! I'm putting on loads of weight. I'm not sticking to my diet, but it's really hard when I'm feeling so depressed and anxious. I've put on half a stone in a week and I hope it's not because of my new pills as they seem to be helping.

Well this has been a right kick up the backside, because unless I can reverse this trend and get back to my starting weight, I'll have to come off the pills, so today's a fast day and I'm going to stick to I'll post on here with my weight each week - sharing might help me keep on track. I'm giving myself two weeks to change from an upwards trend to a downwards one (I use Libra to track my weight) as I see my doctor in two weeks
I am so sorry you have gained weight. Are you on antidepressant? Some can cause weight gain. You are being very hard on yourself. If you are feeling depressed or anxious then losing weight is the last thong on your mind. Although you really want to lose weight it may not ne the right time. You may need to concentrate on your health right now.

I was unable to lose any weight at all until I had therapy. I just could not focus and used food to get me through it so I really do understand. You are welcome to pm me if you ever want to talk.
I agree with Piggyfan. Please don't come off your meds as you will make yourself ill. A lot of medication can make you gain wait, my OH is trying to but he has to have occasional courses of steroids (for ulcerative colitis) which then put him back to square one.
Hi Everyone, especially Helen and Piggyfan,I knew there would be so much support here as with everything else. I have a very long standing problem with anxiety and particularly depression. I put

on about 6 stones in 18 months because of the impact of medication. I would never stop taking drugs without consulting my doctor, but I am overweight (see above! ) and at risk of diabetes and very concerned that I put weight on despite trying to lose it.
I'm on 6 drugs for my anxiety and depression and even though my doctor has tried to avoid it I am on 5 different drugs with usual side effects of weight gain, including regular steroid injections. I have lost several pounds s
Sorry early post. .....just to add that I lost three pounds today so hopefully a blip. I was hoping for a fast day but couldn't cos I was feeling awful, so tried a modified version that seems to have worked.

Thanks all for your good wishes. As I say, posting on here my ups and downs weight wise should help me keep on the straight and narrow
Glad we could help even if my post made hardly any sense and I can't spell weight (just read it back).

When I do 5:2 if I go over the 500 calories I tend to try to stay below about 800 and I still found I was losing weight that way.
I've got my weigh in tomorrow, I need to lose 2.5lb to reach my 4 stone. Not confident as I've been comfort eating over the rabbits fighting. :(
I've got my weigh in tomorrow, I need to lose 2.5lb to reach my 4 stone. Not confident as I've been comfort eating over the rabbits fighting. :(
Aww Tom. Even if you have gained just write it off. You are very upset right now and with good reason. This does not take away the fact you have lost four stone.
Sorry early post. .....just to add that I lost three pounds today so hopefully a blip. I was hoping for a fast day but couldn't cos I was feeling awful, so tried a modified version that seems to have worked.

Thanks all for your good wishes. As I say, posting on here my ups and downs weight wise should help me keep on the straight and narrow
Six medications is such a lot. The most I have been on is three for mental health. Like you, I gained six stone so I really do understand. Please know you are not alone.
I've lost 2.3 st this year so far idk how it happened but it did!
I am like always on a diet! (mentally) Lol I just can't stick to my diet plan as the rest of my family eatsstuff that I am not ment to! I have always been very chubby in my life... One in grade one I lost weight because I couldn't swallow food as it hurt... So Yeah I'm on a forever diet though one day it won't be just mental! :)
Hi all
I lost a pound plus todsy but have been so depressed and anxious that I expect to put on some tomorrow. Luckily my libra app helps even out those ups and downs. I recommend bit.
Thanks. I'm hoping not to have put on too much tomorrow, but at least now with few good losses things don't look so bleak anymore. I'm
I'm bound to have good and bad days as I am quite seriously ill, but self employed so have to plod on, anf frankly it's better for me if I can.
Thanks. I'm hoping not to have put on too much tomorrow, but at least now with few good losses things don't look so bleak anymore. I'm
I'm bound to have good and bad days as I am quite seriously ill, but self employed so have to plod on, anf frankly it's better for me if I can.
You will get bad days and it is important to accept that and not be hard on yourself. I'm so sorry you are feeling so unwell.
Thanks. I'm hoping not to have put on too much tomorrow, but at least now with few good losses things don't look so bleak anymore. I'm
I'm bound to have good and bad days as I am quite seriously ill, but self employed so have to plod on, anf frankly it's better for me if I can.

I agree with @piggyfan - don't be too hard on yourself. I am sorry are so ill.
Thanks everyone. I'll get better slowly and hope to lose a few pounds on way. As you say I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
Will share the figures at the beginning of next week. You're so great thanks for caring.

Just remember, a slow weight loss is the healthiest and a maintain is better than a gain.
I only lost half a pound. It seems I do not really lose weight unless I walk everyday. I am really disappointed as I'm lazy and dislike walking.
I only lost half a pound. It seems I do not really lose weight unless I walk everyday. I am really disappointed as I'm lazy and dislike walking.

I know what you mean - I need to exercise more but it's finding the time. All my spare time is taken up doing something for my guinea pigs - so the only exercise I get is running around after them.
Another pound off giving me my 4 stone award:- :yahoo:
