Diet Club

Wow Bosshog!
4 stone is amazing.

I'm seeing me psychiatrist tomorrow, and was going to ask her to swop my new tablets if my weight was continuing upwards despite my, fairly good,taking account of my mental health problems, efforts to lose weight.

Well, over the last week or so, I have started a downwards trend towards my starting weight, so I'm happy to keep on this medication and see whether it works.

Everyone is doing so well.
Wow well done Bosshog, that's amazing.

Posyrose am so pleased you are starting to lose now.

I went off the boil this weekend with a barbeque on Saturday and the meet up yesterday. Then we had the day off today so have not eaten as well as I should plus I discovered Lazy days Vegan rocky road :) Back on track from tomorrow though.
Wow Bosshog!
4 stone is amazing.

I'm seeing me psychiatrist tomorrow, and was going to ask her to swop my new tablets if my weight was continuing upwards despite my, fairly good,taking account of my mental health problems, efforts to lose weight.

Well, over the last week or so, I have started a downwards trend towards my starting weight, so I'm happy to keep on this medication and see whether it works.

Everyone is doing so well.
It is really good you are managing to lose weight. Hopefully you can stay on your medication now.
Wow well done Bosshog, that's amazing.

Posyrose am so pleased you are starting to lose now.

I went off the boil this weekend with a barbeque on Saturday and the meet up yesterday. Then we had the day off today so have not eaten as well as I should plus I discovered Lazy days Vegan rocky road :) Back on track from tomorrow though.
Do not worry helen. You are entitled to a break. You really do not look like you need to lose weight anyway.
So I've been AWOL for a bit!

Since starting MFP on 6th August, I've lost 11lbs in total, taking me up to a loss of 2st 13.9lbs.

I'm on a Facebook group (started out as WW but looks of people are now doing SW and MFP too), and they're doing 100 days if healthy starting yesterday, and ending just before Xmas,. My 100 days will be simple - stick to my calories! I will mix it up a bit with things like making a new recipe once a week etc. but so far, day 1 down, so far so good!

Looks as though everyone else has been getting on well :)
So I've been AWOL for a bit!

Since starting MFP on 6th August, I've lost 11lbs in total, taking me up to a loss of 2st 13.9lbs.

I'm on a Facebook group (started out as WW but looks of people are now doing SW and MFP too), and they're doing 100 days if healthy starting yesterday, and ending just before Xmas,. My 100 days will be simple - stick to my calories! I will mix it up a bit with things like making a new recipe once a week etc. but so far, day 1 down, so far so good!

Looks as though everyone else has been getting on well :)
Good luck with it. You are doing great.
Frustratingly I have not lost anything. The leader said I seem to have reached a plateau due to losing quite a bit. She told me to keep a tracker and show her next week. I just know that will mean a lecture about needing more fruit and vegetables. I am quite sensitive towards my eating habits as I have major issues with food. I just really hope I can lose this excess two stone I urgently need to.
I've also hit the wall, I've only lost 1 stone in the last 3 months, compared to 3 stone in the 5 months before that! :(
The same thing happened to my sister, not sure what she did about it though. I think it meant dropping her calories or points.
Frustratingly I have not lost anything. The leader said I seem to have reached a plateau due to losing quite a bit. She told me to keep a tracker and show her next week. I just know that will mean a lecture about needing more fruit and vegetables. I am quite sensitive towards my eating habits as I have major issues with food. I just really hope I can lose this excess two stone I urgently need to.

Don't give up @piggyfan . I know it's horrible when you plateau but the worst thing you can do is give up and undo all the hard work you've put in . Your leader is only trying to help by asking you to keep a tracker.

and , @BossHogg - you have done so well. It's quite natural for your weight loss to slow down sometimes so don't get disheartened.

sometimes it's worth "taking stock" and just setting your goal to maintain for a while.
It's normal to lose a lot of weight very quickly...and then it becomes difficult!

Break it down into smaller goals and work towards them each in turn, whether it's each 2lbs (about a guinea pig!), or each half stone, or getting into the next stone bracket etc. whatever helps get break it down into bite size chunks.

If you've lost a lot of weight through food changes alone, and then hit a plateau, I hate to be the one to say it, but that's when it's time to start upping the exercise.
Whilst I'm still losing, I'm sticking with food changes, I am getting a bike for Christmas so I'll soon be out for miles at a time. ;)
Hope no one minds me sticking my neb in but i have lost 11 pound since 19th July when i went to the doctors and they weighed me and i had the shock of my life, so i have been calorie counting and excercising and stuff oh and ive had all my hair chopped off so obv that would count for a few pounds, anyway good to see you are all still doing it. sorry I'm not around much but there just arent enough hours in the day these days. Keep up the good work everyone.
Hope no one minds me sticking my neb in but i have lost 11 pound since 19th July when i went to the doctors and they weighed me and i had the shock of my life, so i have been calorie counting and excercising and stuff oh and ive had all my hair chopped off so obv that would count for a few pounds, anyway good to see you are all still doing it. sorry I'm not around much but there just arent enough hours in the day these days. Keep up the good work everyone.
Wow that is a lot! Well done.
re the exercise, i have been doing a Hatton boxing class every monday since 20/1/14 and either a body condition or a dvd at home on a wednesday and circuit training on a Friday. I love the exercise, but to be honest it did not make a bit of difference to my weight until i started counting calories! gutting really. I'm just hoping that once all the weight drops off i will be a super toned beauty underneath lololol
Newbie here (joined yesterday) but this thread is totally up my street! I have been dieting since 9th Jan. Just calorie counting myself at home and I have lost almost 3 & 1/2 stone, just over 20kgs. The last few weeks have been tough with summer holidays and lots of socialising (why is food always involved!) and I lost my diet mojo a bit but back on it today! Determined for 5 stone by Christmas! New trainers purchased so going to increase the exercise a bit! Hoping reading your posts will give me the boost I need.
Newbie here (joined yesterday) but this thread is totally up my street! I have been dieting since 9th Jan. Just calorie counting myself at home and I have lost almost 3 & 1/2 stone, just over 20kgs. The last few weeks have been tough with summer holidays and lots of socialising (why is food always involved!) and I lost my diet mojo a bit but back on it today! Determined for 5 stone by Christmas! New trainers purchased so going to increase the exercise a bit! Hoping reading your posts will give me the boost I need.
Wow that is great! Well done. You sound very strong to be doing it on your own too.
Wow that is great! Well done. You sound very strong to be doing it on your own too.
Just incredibly determined! I was just getting bigger and bigger (a size 22 at my biggest) so I had to do something! The thought of not seeing my little girl grow up was the only inspiration I needed!
Just incredibly determined! I was just getting bigger and bigger (a size 22 at my biggest) so I had to do something! The thought of not seeing my little girl grow up was the only inspiration I needed!
I was a size 22 and have got down to a 16. I still have a long way to go. I wish you luck.
Amazing! Well done you two! I am also now a 16. Hardly any of my clothes fit anymore but have been putting off buying anymore. Such a good feeling putting on the big clothes and seeing such a difference!