Diet Club

Well done BossHog - how do you do your syns may I ask? do you save them all up for the weekend or do you use them daily - do you use all 15 or just do 10?
Been completely off track lately. Think the combination of the weather and working loads (60 hours this week, 70 hours the week before) has taken its toll.

Back on track today though, not waiting until Monday. I've been cooking all day, my freezer is full of meals for next week so I can't use work as an excuse!

Today I've made cottage pie, lasagne, spag Bol, sweet and sour "chicken" and a korma. All packaged up and in the freezer :)
Been completely off track lately. Think the combination of the weather and working loads (60 hours this week, 70 hours the week before) has taken its toll.

Back on track today though, not waiting until Monday. I've been cooking all day, my freezer is full of meals for next week so I can't use work as an excuse!

Today I've made cottage pie, lasagne, spag Bol, sweet and sour "chicken" and a korma. All packaged up and in the freezer :)
It is very hard with the long hours you are doing and in the heat ice cream appeals!
They really need air conditioning.

They're trying to convince head office of that, so we have thermometers all over the place currently. The new surgery has air conditioning - I'm working there on Friday for 12 hours :D
I've been really strict all week as I want to get within the weight range where I don't have to pay.

I've lost 2 1/2 lb this week - only another 1/2 lb and it's free for me . I'm such a skinflint !:D
I've been really strict all week as I want to get within the weight range where I don't have to pay.

I've lost 2 1/2 lb this week - only another 1/2 lb and it's free for me . I'm such a skinflint !:D
Wow at your goal so soon!
I'll be surprised if I don't gain this week, I had a good blow out for my birthday and ate anything I wanted. :oops:
Wow at your goal so soon!

Not quite. I've got to gold before so only need to get to 5lb above my goal weight and I don't have to pay.

Have only recently got into the swing of tracking points. I know I will have to rack to maintain so feel like I am about to enter a new era !
I'll be surprised if I don't gain this week, I had a good blow out for my birthday and ate anything I wanted. :oops:

I was right - 2lb on! I'm not too downhearted, I did have a right blow out, the highest belt popping one since starting the plan. More surprised it wasn't more!
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Oh yes! :yahoo: back on plan now, I usually follow a gain with a big loss. ;) I couldn't stop for class last night as I was giving blood, my arm is sore this morning! :(
Well done Gigi.

Have stopped 5:2 for now but am sticking to 1200 calories ish a day and have now lost 1 stone 1lb and can fit into some clothes that didn't used to fit that well. Will go back to 5:2 if needed though. Was already calorie counting on the other days anyway and so could even do just 1 fast day a week.
Well done you 2. Got my weigh in later, I'm not confident, hopefully I'll have lost the 2lb I put on last week.
I had a maintain, I'm pleased with that, especially with the amount of junk I had the week before. :tu: