Diet Club

Don't forget to set it to sleep mode when you crawl into bed. Rapid taps until you see the two light flash slowly. Rapid taps again to wake up and the lights do the knight rider type flash thing, as I call it. It's fascinating to see the sleep pattern.
Yes will definitely do that, will be interesting to see what it shows, just hope I get to sleep quickly and Ross doesn't have his sleepy tourettes which keeps me awake laughing for ages.
It can be amusing but not as am just dosing off and he shouts "cat sitting in a frying pan" or tells me to f off. It's the effects of his medication we think.
Minuscule 0.4lb loss this week!

But can I get a standing ovation for my willpower today please! A colleague won £50 on the lottery today when she checked her ticket at lunch time. Everyone has been very stretched and busy lately, so she decided to use her winnings to buy everyone Dominoes for lunch...but I sat and ate my apple & banana instead!
A loss is a loss, I'm proud of you for your will power. :clap:
I'm getting very good at will power. When I'm at work, I tuck into massive low syn meals that I prepared myself. The guys I work with don't believe me when I tell them their packed lunches contain as many as 10 times the amount of syns as my meal and only a fraction as filling as mine. The proof is in my steady weight loss. The lads cant believe that I'm gorging myself slim! :)) :)) :))
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Minuscule 0.4lb loss this week!

But can I get a standing ovation for my willpower today please! A colleague won £50 on the lottery today when she checked her ticket at lunch time. Everyone has been very stretched and busy lately, so she decided to use her winnings to buy everyone Dominoes for lunch...but I sat and ate my apple & banana instead!
Wow Amanda you did so well to refuse pizza!
Lost 1 1/2 lb this week - don't know how I did it - over sinned every day - so will have to really go for it this week - didnt realise if you are doing the extra easy and have a muller light as a snack,you also have to have a piece of fruit with it as a"superfree" to your free - never knew this - thats probably why I could eat 2 or 3 muller lights with choccy sprinkles at a sitting - girl next to me said the penny dropped last week and she started having a superfree with a free when snacking and lost 4 1lb this week! - here's hoping for next week.
Lost 1 1/2 lb this week - don't know how I did it - over sinned every day - so will have to really go for it this week - didnt realise if you are doing the extra easy and have a muller light as a snack,you also have to have a piece of fruit with it as a"superfree" to your free - never knew this - thats probably why I could eat 2 or 3 muller lights with choccy sprinkles at a sitting - girl next to me said the penny dropped last week and she started having a superfree with a free when snacking and lost 4 1lb this week! - here's hoping for next week.
Well done to you!
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Lost 1 1/2 lb this week - don't know how I did it - over sinned every day - so will have to really go for it this week - didnt realise if you are doing the extra easy and have a muller light as a snack,you also have to have a piece of fruit with it as a"superfree" to your free - never knew this - thats probably why I could eat 2 or 3 muller lights with choccy sprinkles at a sitting - girl next to me said the penny dropped last week and she started having a superfree with a free when snacking and lost 4 1lb this week! - here's hoping for next week.

I couldn't believe a couple of weeks back, I was having a really bad week, so I had chip shop takeaway 3 times and lost 5lb! :))
I couldn't believe a couple of weeks back, I was having a really bad week, so I had chip shop takeaway 3 times and lost 5lb! :))
Do you buy the hi-fi bars - I find I eat the whole pack in one go and then fart like a trooper all night! - at least I then get the settee to myself - smells so bad even the pigs run and hide:lol!:
Oooohhhh no no no! I bought a pack of the salted caramel once and demolished the full pack in one sitting! :eek:
My weight loss has been going really slowly (I've lost 11.5 lb since I started in April) - not surprising as I haven't really got on board with it all . BUT - I had the boost I needed today .

My work trousers were embarrassingly loose so I managed to find enough time to go up into the loft and look for the clothes I have stowed away up there over the years. Quite a few of them, I remember the day when I gave up trying to get into them so it really lifted my spirits when I discovered that I can put them on again.
My weight loss has been going really slowly (I've lost 11.5 lb since I started in April) - not surprising as I haven't really got on board with it all . BUT - I had the boost I needed today .

My work trousers were embarrassingly loose so I managed to find enough time to go up into the loft and look for the clothes I have stowed away up there over the years. Quite a few of them, I remember the day when I gave up trying to get into them so it really lifted my spirits when I discovered that I can put them on again.
What a nice surprise! You have almost lost a stone so you are doing really well.
Thank you
Hello me and my husband have just started a diet a week and a half ago. We are on the green smoothie meal replacement diet.
We have 1 smoothie for breakfast one for lunch then a healthy dinner. We have healthy snacks as well. All our smoothies have everything in that is needed so we are not loosing out.
I am currently at a 2 lb loss, my next weigh in day is Sunday :)
Just back from weigh in, another one and a half pound off, making 3 stone 9 and a half pound off. Pledged 3lb loss for next week, but going to go for 5 to get my 4 stone award. ;)
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Oooohhhh no no no! I bought a pack of the salted caramel once and demolished the full pack in one sitting! :eek:
Thats what I did last night with the peanut and toffee ones - kept waking myself up farting - thats why I was on here at 2.21 am this morning!
Just back from weigh in, another one and a half pound off, making 3 stone 9 and a half pound off. Pledged 3lb loss for next week, but going to go for 5 to get my 4 stone award. ;)
Well done you!
Thats what I did last night with the peanut and toffee ones - kept waking myself up farting - thats why I was on here at 2.21 am this morning!

Oh dear me - and I thought you were a sociable sort of person :lol!:
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Yesterday morning was my weigh in and i lost 2lb so that's a total of 4lb in 2 weeks, its a nice slow steady loss which i am happy with and seem to be loosing inches aswell, not bad for being 2 weeks into my diet :)