Diet Club

Actually I have just realised, I have achieved 12% of my target to lose weight also....hell yeah, that should encourage me to do a work out in a little while.
Have tonight re-joined Slimming world - weighing in at 12st 4lb and being 5ft 6" - so just had a big "last supper" of mint choc chip ice cream sprinkled with giant chocolate buttons - will let you know what I weigh this time next week.
I haven't been contributing loads on this thread, but I am back on track.
No alcohol, on account of my medication, but managing the work outs weekdays and fitbit back on...eating better and lost a 1lbs. I am happy with that, still 3 stone to go, but it's not just the weight, it's the BMI, fitness and getting into some old but nice clothes.

Are you a fitbitter too?
Haven't changed much, besides drinking more water. Not giving up, it's just a hard habit to break the unhealthy foods out - when it's what I'm mostly used to eating, and my mom is always bringing more home as it's cheap to purchase. When I do grocery shopping, it's what I usually get too, for the same reason. Going to take a look around online, to see what I can find for good, less costly healthy meals & deals!
Am intrigued by Fitbit, do you have the wristband or the cheaper one? There is a cheaper one on eBay at the mo for £25. I track everything on My Fitness Pal already but this I assume would tell me how many calories I burn when doing the daily cage cleans etc?
Are you a fitbitter too?
I am indeed a Fitbitter. got my flex a month or so ago after the OH got one...whilst I haven't been walking as much, it helps me to keep an eye on calories, water intake, log my activity and I love the clarity of the dashboard...certainly keeps the mind focused on it. How long have you had yours?
I am indeed a Fitbitter. got my flex a month or so ago after the OH got one...whilst I haven't been walking as much, it helps me to keep an eye on calories, water intake, log my activity and I love the clarity of the dashboard...certainly keeps the mind focused on it. How long have you had yours?

I've had mine about a year, I have the fitbit one. I love it, definitely gets me moving more! I'm on a weightwatchers group on Facebook and it's the nicest, friendliest group ever. Lots of them have fitbits or similar, and someone is running a challenge, and you basically set your target number of steps for July, so some people are aiming for 5000 a day, some aiming for up to 30,000 a day and many in between. I got a bit competitive and I'm aiming for 350,000 for July, which is 11,291 a day (I was going to go for 10k per day originally!) so I'm making a conscious effort to get up and out walking more at the moment! I'm 230 steps short of my daily target today!
@Amanda1801 Wow, wee that's brilliant! Talk about encouragement and incentive. I do agree, they are are good and does keep you motivated. I love the steps, I even bought the aria scales which are great. It can tell the difference between me and the OH. Gosh you really are putting me to shame now...that's some serious amount of steps. I'm happy with 5k steps a day! Truly ace target, I bet you can easily pace things out now. I have to say also, its great when you see what you've done, ate and how much more you need to do for the day....Go girl!
@Amanda1801 Wow, wee that's brilliant! Talk about encouragement and incentive. I do agree, they are are good and does keep you motivated. I love the steps, I even bought the aria scales which are great. It can tell the difference between me and the OH. Gosh you really are putting me to shame now...that's some serious amount of steps. I'm happy with 5k steps a day! Truly ace target, I bet you can easily pace things out now. I have to say also, its great when you see what you've done, ate and how much more you need to do for the day....Go girl!

11,291 a day is proving to be tough considering I spend 8 hours a day sat at a desk for work! Wouldn't be a challenge if it were easy though!
The majority of my working day is sat parked up in a patrol car.
Actually I have just realised, I have achieved 12% of my target to lose weight also....hell yeah, that should encourage me to do a work out in a little while.
12% loss is fantastic! Well done.
Thanks Piggyfan just what I needed to waivering tonight, as had my final calories for the day...just 200 for dinner...eek! No workout tonight.
Hi Helen, yes I am. I started doing lots of walking first, then thought I would make a proper go of this. Get on the 5:2 and do Shred DVD Exercise as well, although last night my muscles were so sore I've given it a rest to allow for the build up for my 10k. Are you doing it as well.?
Yes, am on my 28th day or I think that's what My Fitness Pal says. Doing 5:2 but also trying to stick to 1200 ish calories on the other days and have lost 9lb so far. How are you finding it? I have small meals all day but others I know starve all day and then have a decent meal but I have to eat little and often.
@helen105281 Goodness we're practically the same then. fitbit and 5:2!
I've tried 5:2 before but didn't stick to it as I didn't read the science behind it, to be honest, it's helped loads and try reading a bit of the book each night to ensure I keep on the straight and narrow.

Love fitbit, great food log and activity logger with the dash board.
Love 5:2 which I only started this week but already it's helped me because I stalled on the stress...sat at a desk all conspiring against me. On the 500cal day I have a banana, loads of water and 2 slices of ham or similar and try to keep my calories for the night time. Even if I don't....I absolutely won't eat extra...I went to bed early last night to stop me eating!

On the other days I'm eating normally albeit, not drink alcohol (because of vertigo tablets really), and generally lardy foods. I'm still being careful logging food and adding to my favourites etc.
Tonight was haggis, mashed tatties, vegetables and gravy - clearly not a 500cal day, but that alone was lean on the calorie front.
Sounds like it's going really well Lil. Have just ordered my Fitbit off Ebay (got a good deal) and intend on linking it to My Fitness Pal as I already put all my food on there. I must have a read of the 5:2 book, it definitely seems to be working though as the OH has lost at least 5lb too

Yesterday I had a 10 calorie jelly for breakfast, a rice cake mid morning, lunch was falafels and salad, in the afternoon I had another jelly and an Oreo and dinner was vegan omlette and salad. Had some diet coke too.
Fitbit has arrived and have linked it to My Fitness Pal and am now very confused. Will get my head round it at some point. Doesn't help have injured my foot (ripped it on a cable tie on the C and C which I fell out of) and so can't be that active at the moment.
Oh no....not what you want to happen!

Once you start walking you'll love collecting the badges for both steps and weight loss. You can arrange the tiles on the dashboard to suit and link to friends for encouragement. I went all out and loaded up my entire sad!
Ross has just ordered one too (the zip) so we can compare stuff. He is very active though and will put me to shame.
it will work we'll,honestly, it gets competitive plus any food you,load to your favourites etc. you can share or link in, as the food lists tend to be American so you will need to work out and load in your food, but once that's done, it's easy to choose from.
Am doing the food on My Fitness Pal still as it has UK stuff and links across to my Fitbit account luckily. Tomorrow will be a proper indication as will be wearing it all day whereas I only put it on at 7pm tonight.