Diet Club

Thanks for your kind words, I've been on a right downer this week, I'm going to eat sensibly for a couple of weeks before getting my head back in my SW book and start from scratch. I must admit, having different group leaders every week whilst my regular leader is convalescing after her brain haemorrhage isn't helping. :(
Thanks for your kind words, I've been on a right downer this week, I'm going to eat sensibly for a couple of weeks before getting my head back in my SW book and start from scratch. I must admit, having different group leaders every week whilst my regular leader is convalescing after her brain haemorrhage isn't helping. :(

Are you doing any exercise or anything? If you can be 100% honest with yourself and say you've totally stuck to plan, you may have reached a bit of a plateau if you're losing through just diet alone. (For the record, that is exactly what I intend to do for as long as possible :D )

Going back to basics can also help, there may be something you're overlooking.
I've got this far on diet alone, I was hoping to get a couple more stone off before starting exercise as I have arthritis in both knees and I don't want to aggravate it. I'm usually pretty good with the occasional treat. I'm going to go back to basics and try and kick start the loss again. ;)
If you ever feel down then feel free to share. I know what that is like and you do not have to suffer alone.
thought this would be a decent thread to post in .... given me and food arent getting along I'm craving cigarettes again .... go away cravings! Lapsed back into smoking during my last few months of uni , didnt bother me as it was a chillout thing, but went cold turkey after my last exam and was fine until literally today ... gah :-( I used to smoke in school/college and still social smoke but I dont socialise often so thats no biggie.
I've got this far on diet alone, I was hoping to get a couple more stone off before starting exercise as I have arthritis in both knees and I don't want to aggravate it. I'm usually pretty good with the occasional treat. I'm going to go back to basics and try and kick start the loss again. ;)

Swimming would be ideal, and you can also do other things in water too. There's even water running and water spin classes!
I've got this far with the group, I'm not going to give in now. It's not like I've gained a massive amount and I'm still over 3 stone lighter with their help. ;)
That is very positive. Three stone is such a lot to have lost. You have done fantastically well.
I've just found out, my usual group leader is well enough to return! normal service should be resumed! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
That's absolutely brilliant Gigi.

Been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now and been very careful on the non fast days and have now lost just under 8lb. Even after a blowout last night at a wedding neither I or the OH have put any on which is good. Also bought a second hand air walker from the YMCA shop today which should help with the exercise. Blimmin kills though and I only did a few minutes. Need to be careful as wore heels last night and now my lower back and hips are playing up, reminded me why I usually only wear flats.
I'm late to the party, but it's time I turn some things around for myself. I've been absolutely horrible about eating and exercise. It just makes me mad at myself, as sometimes I can do so well, and feel the change in myself from eating better and even just walking every night, but then I have these turn arounds where I overeat and don't get out much. So, here's to hoping I can stick well with this from here on in 2014 into 2015 and beyond!
Welcome to the club - what happens in diet club, stays in diet club! :shh: :lol!:
I just did my bmi and for the first time I am now longer obese! I am now overweight. It feels really good not to be called obese any more.
That's excellent, you can see my BMI reduction on my sig bar. It's coming down slowly. ;)
Hopefully back on track now my group leader is back. ;)
Every little helps! :))

I've had a really bad week food wise (turns out I've got yet another kidney infection which explains why I feel so rubbish!) but I weighed yesterday to gauge the damage and I was +1lb so all in all, very pleased!
I haven't been contributing loads on this thread, but I am back on track.
No alcohol, on account of my medication, but managing the work outs weekdays and fitbit back on...eating better and lost a 1lbs. I am happy with that, still 3 stone to go, but it's not just the weight, it's the BMI, fitness and getting into some old but nice clothes.
I lost two and a half pounds. I am really pleased. I now have another two and a half stone to go. That is so much! It will take forever. Oh well on the plus side I have lost three stone and ten pounds.