Diet Club

How is everyone getting on? I've reached my 6 month WW anniversary and this is where I struggle! Last year I lost 5st between January and June, then put it all back on between June and December! Was completely off track which gave the 5.2lb gain, last week was better but I didn't track a thing, resulting in a 3lb loss this week. Back on it this week, have already had the dog out for his walk, now sat down with a fully pointed and tracked breakfast!

Hope everyone has a good week
I know I am a bit of a late starter as only got back on track last week but have so far lost 3lb on the 5:2 diet and am tracking everything I eat and any exercise I do on My Fitness Pal. Have also bought some roller skates (yes you can laugh) :)
Really wanted a chocolate milkshake today. This is what I came up with! 1pp for the options sachet, dissolved in a small amount of boiling water and topped up with 350ml skimmed milk. 4pp in total, will definitely make this again!


I only lost half a pound despite walking five hours last week. The leader said to reduce my weekly points to 43 and see if that makes a difference.
I only lost half a pound despite walking five hours last week. The leader said to reduce my weekly points to 43 and see if that makes a difference.

Don't be disheartened - your body doesn't realise that it has to show an effect each Wednesday - your extra activity will show next week I'm sure :)
I only lost half a pound despite walking five hours last week. The leader said to reduce my weekly points to 43 and see if that makes a difference.
A loss is a loss considering my 2 maintains. ;)
my scales broke :-( no moolah for new ones so the tape measure may become my scales for a while :D I'm losing weight at present because even trace amounts of dairy are giving me issues which means for now I'm avoiding anything that says "may contain traces of milk" as I wouldnt eat anything with milk as an ingredient and this takes out basically everything shop bought so on homemade everything apart from anything from the free from section that happens to be vegan too which isnt much.
Gosh you will hardly be able to eat anything!
Sat munching these right now, vegan shortbread I didn't have a mould so just did them as "splats" so not pretty but it just means I have to make things myself which is fine as something like these is 5 minutes and then oven time :) but in terms of eating out I'm just not going to bother :)

Maybe I'm nasty posting biscuits in the diet thread :p


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-1lb (total loss 9lb) but almost back in size 14s so its all good :D I had a few 14s on but they werent exactly comfy an inch everywhere and I'm in :D
I can only dream of being a fourteen!
I want to be in a 12 :-) I'm a broad built 5ft7.5 looking back at photos a 12 is a nice size on me, I have been an 8-10 which was admittedly too thin and it was a nightmare getting clothes to fit as the arms are shorter on smaller sizes and I have monkey long arms! A 14 is pretty nice on most I just like the look of a 12 on me :-)
The nurses told me that I have lost 4kg since March. I can't see the difference yet but 3 stone to go lol
By BMI I need to lose 4 stone ...

I hate BMI. I'm overweight on it regardless of how thin I actually am. I have wide hips but I am a short person. I have wide shoulder too. I keep thinking that I have a tall persons wideness without the height!
I'm broad built and obese by BMI ... my actual bones in my shoulders are wider than my 6ft2 boyfriend :-P and my hips pretty equal and my rib cage is large, I have hands also larger than my OH I just didnt grow as tall as I think I should have. I have the lung capacity of a man over 6ft in tests too but I'm a mere 5f7.5 and female so yeah ... not sure I'm going on that the skeletal look isnt good (not a dig at slim folk) when my hip bones and everything all stick out thats not attractive to me nevermind carrying less weight to be in the "normal" category in the middle of it where it has been suggested is about right .. a rough guide sure but the top end and into the overweight is what looks good on my frame. I'm flabby now so yeah I need to lose weight but I couldnt lose 4-8 stone for sure having seen photos of me 4 stone less than now its just not doable ....#rantagainsttheestablishment I'm sure people will read it and just be like oh thats coz you're fat but being this size is a recent doing I have photoes from BMI 24 through 33 of me and measurements recorded :-)
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I just hope I lose this week - shock horror! I actually gained half a pound last week - my first gain in 5 months of the plan! :(
I just hope I lose this week - shock horror! I actually gained half a pound last week - my first gain in 5 months of the plan! :(
Hey that is nothing. Nobody is perfect and there will be times you gain. You have done fantasticly well and you are a real inspiration. You should be very proud of what you have lost.