Diet Club

Another lb down :-) I'm not going to lose fast as I'm working out with heavy weights(it hurts the next day) at the gym so I need to keep protein levels way up high or ill not build/maintain muscle which is what I want to do, id rather lose slowly and maintain my lean body mass than lose quickly and end up "skinny fat". On that note I leg pressed 220lb no bother and my chest press is at 45kg for 3 sets of 10 reps before I die, dumbbell curl is at 18kg haha better than when I started but not great at all. Working on it as due to the genetic condition of being female my upper body strength is naturally lower ... :-P
Another 2lb off making it 3 stone 4lb off since January! :yahoo:
My get up and go had really got up and gone this afternoon. I was about to reach for the phone to order a takeaway and then this happened!



And this is my motivational gift to myself :)

I like my ticker tape at the bottom of my posts, everyone can see how I'm doing, it gives me the incentive to be good. ;)
Well done to all of you. It is not easy at all! My sister was ambassador of one of the Slimming Worlds and I remember how hard she had to work to get it off...then keep it off.
Need to jump on scales again ... been busy so not been to gym but I have been carrying 7ft triple recliner sofas around for fun ... thats exercise right?
I think I need to join you guys haha! I lost jus over 7lb in a week doing one of those 'fast diets' but this is not a long time fix.... I gained the weight back slowly but surely.(would do it agin before a big party or something)

I also want to start meal prepping so if any one currently does this or can help offer advice that would be great also any one hula hooping? let me know I am hoping to start this week!
I lost two pounds. If I can lose next week it means I will be in the next stone bracket. I cannot wait.
well done you! Weight loss is not an easy thing.easy to put on, hard to lose. I admire people tackling this. There can be a lot of stigma attached to being overweight and it is not fair! My sister slimmed from 21 stone to 14 and I remember her journey.
well done you! Weight loss is not an easy thing.easy to put on, hard to lose. I admire people tackling this. There can be a lot of stigma attached to being overweight and it is not fair! My sister slimmed from 21 stone to 14 and I remember her journey.
Wow tell your sister she is amazing! That has given me hope as I have another three stone to lose.
I lost two pounds. If I can lose next week it means I will be in the next stone bracket. I cannot wait.
Well done, my weigh in tomorrow, if I lose 3lb I'll also drop down into the next stone. ;)
I've been losing on average 2 and a half to 3lb every week, some weeks 1 or 2 lbs, other weeks 4 and 5 lbs. ;)
I've been losing on average 2 and a half to 3lb every week, some weeks 1 or 2 lbs, other weeks 4 and 5 lbs. ;)

As you lose more, it'll start to slow down.

I've had a real wobble this week, had a v emotional week with my dog and his separation anxiety resulting in a lot if chocolate consumption!
As you lose more, it'll start to slow down.

I've had a real wobble this week, had a v emotional week with my dog and his separation anxiety resulting in a lot if chocolate consumption!
Oh Amanda I am sorry. I am here if you need to talk.
Oh Amanda I am sorry. I am here if you need to talk.

Thanks :) after 8 months of baby steps and a lot of work, he's gone back to not tolerating being left on his own again! My mum has got him now until Monday and hopefully we can pick up where we left of. If not, I don't know what I'm going to do!
Thanks :) after 8 months of baby steps and a lot of work, he's gone back to not tolerating being left on his own again! My mum has got him now until Monday and hopefully we can pick up where we left of. If not, I don't know what I'm going to do!
Oh poor Paddy. I wonder why he has changed his mind about being left alone. Can your mum look after him while you are at work?
Well I maintained, I thought I might, I've been on nights this week and my body clock has been all over the place.