Diet Club

Nope, was within points. Been a bit of a rubbish food day today, but within points.

Early morning was a few biscuits
Breakfast at work was porridge
Mid morning apple
Lunch was toast, mushroom soup, a banana and a peanut butter kitkat chunky!
Evening (still at work working late) was an orange kitkat chunky (damn sainsburys and their offers!)
Tea was wrap pizza followed by one of the pistachio magnums that Liam bought me that I've been wanting for ages!

1pp left today so it will be an early bedtime before the munchies kick in! :)
Then you have no reason to worry! It does not matter what you eat if you have points. I want to try that flavour magnum too.
Then you have no reason to worry! It does not matter what you eat if you have points. I want to try that flavour magnum too.

It was really good! If you like pistachio ice cream, you'll love them! I just need to resist the other ones in the freezer now!

How are you getting on with your WW? Do you do it online or go to a group
It was really good! If you like pistachio ice cream, you'll love them! I just need to resist the other ones in the freezer now!

How are you getting on with your WW? Do you do it online or go to a group
Oh I must try! I go to a group each week. I have lost thirteen pounds in two months which is not bad.
Oh I must try! I go to a group each week. I have lost thirteen pounds in two months which is not bad.

I'd like to go to a group, I'd like that support type thing, but I find they don't work for me. I struggle to get to them every week, and then I don't weigh....where as if I weigh at home, I have no excuse!

P.S. The magnums are on offer in a lot of places at the moment, makes them taste even better ;)
I'd like to go to a group, I'd like that support type thing, but I find they don't work for me. I struggle to get to them every week, and then I don't weigh....where as if I weigh at home, I have no excuse!

P.S. The magnums are on offer in a lot of places at the moment, makes them taste even better ;)
That is interesting as I cannot do it without going to group. It helps motivate me. How many points is a magnum? I need one!
No more loss this week .... Bad reaction to medication and massively bloated ... Meh lol

Got weighed today - I've been on holiday for 2 weeks and have only put half a pound on which I am delighted about considerering the amount of alcohol I have drunk and patatas bravas I have eaten.

Thanks for the info about pistachio magnum. I have a post holiday cold so am having a curry for my tea. I can treat my Pistachio Magnum as Kulfi .
Got weighed today - I've been on holiday for 2 weeks and have only put half a pound on which I am delighted about considerering the amount of alcohol I have drunk and patatas bravas I have eaten.

Thanks for the info about pistachio magnum. I have a post holiday cold so am having a curry for my tea. I can treat my Pistachio Magnum as Kulfi .
That is amazing for a two week holiday!
That is amazing for a two week holiday!

I'm surprised myself - I didn't even think about watching what I ate or drank.. I will have to get back on track now though. The curry was comfort eating - I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself with this cold.
I'm surprised myself - I didn't even think about watching what I ate or drank.. I will have to get back on track now though. The curry was comfort eating - I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself with this cold.
That is totally understandable. You should not worry while you are ill and just concentrate on resting.
Reaction to medication has eased off ... feel human again so gym again tonight <3

I'm trying to work out if I will have enough spare time when I start my new job to warrant joining a gym...probably not!
What is your new job?

I'm doing exactly the same as what I do now (veterinary receptionist) but much (much!) closer to home. Since we moved I'm travelling 40 miles to work and 40 miles back, it takes 2 hours a day and costs me about £300 a month. New job is 7.5 miles away, takes 15 minutes and will cost about £50 a month. It's also better paid ;)

I'll still be working in Bristol on a Sunday, which will bring me up to about 43 hours a week. I can justify travelling to Bristol for a 9 or 10 hour shift to make my hours up, and it will also keep my foot in the door for any over time - I've already got some overtime arranged for June! I start my new job officially on 2nd June but have done a few shifts there already :)
I'm trying to work out if I will have enough spare time when I start my new job to warrant joining a gym...probably not!
Haha yeah its a nightmare I'm only on 40 hours a week now with an hour a day weekdays commute but with pooch to walk, rats to get out, ham to get out it's tight weeknights but swimming is 8:30-9:30 weeknights .... I just call swimming my shower haha :D my gym is only £23 (student) and swimming is £5 a sesh so can't really lose given I swim a few times a week and the gym if I can find time. I hear you on fitting it in like with some gyms at £60 its a lot of money especially when they're 12 month contracts!
Haha yeah its a nightmare I'm only on 40 hours a week now with an hour a day weekdays commute but with pooch to walk, rats to get out, ham to get out it's tight weeknights but swimming is 8:30-9:30 weeknights .... I just call swimming my shower haha :D my gym is only £23 (student) and swimming is £5 a sesh so can't really lose given I swim a few times a week and the gym if I can find time. I hear you on fitting it in like with some gyms at £60 its a lot of money especially when they're 12 month contracts!

My last gym membership was £99 a month! I will be working 43 hours a week, I have my own dog to walk and I also dog walk 2 others via the cinnamon trust. I'm thinking I might just go swimming once or twice a week rather than taking out a membership
My last gym membership was £99 a month! I will be working 43 hours a week, I have my own dog to walk and I also dog walk 2 others via the cinnamon trust. I'm thinking I might just go swimming once or twice a week rather than taking out a membership
£99! Yeah I couldnt afford that! I dont mind with mine being so cheap if I only go swimming once a week ive not lost a penny but that *eyes pop out of head* I'm also dead handy for the gym as its literally over the road so much easier to nip for half an hour here and there than if it were a drive too! I think your plan sounds like a good idea.