Diet Club

I'm well pleased at the way it turned out, I had half for tea, the wife had the other half. I'll be making it again for work.
Unfortunately I gained a pound despite sticking to the plan and walking more. I cannot understand it.
Unfortunately I gained a pound despite sticking to the plan and walking more. I cannot understand it.

Even skinny people who don't diet don't stay the same weight all the time, it's natural to fluctuate, especially women with hormonal cycles. Don't let it get you down, stick with it and I'm sure it'll catch you up next week!
No, it was 250g tub of fat free cottage cheese, 4 eggs, yellow/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, 3 rashes of bacon (fat removed) and tomatoes. Fry the veg/bacon in a pan with frylight, mix eggs and cottage cheese, pour the whole lot into a flan dish. 30 minutes at gas mark 5. Then devour, (whilst making the next door neighbour green with jealousy) ;)

Went yesterday having not been for few weeks with work and helping my sister move house and I hadn't been doing it and gained 4.5 lb.... :doh:

Anyho back on track now and fingers crossed I'll lose this week, I'm going to remain positive and remember what i have lost and that i can do it! :tu:

Went yesterday having not been for few weeks with work and helping my sister move house and I hadn't been doing it and gained 4.5 lb.... :doh:

Anyho back on track now and fingers crossed I'll lose this week, I'm going to remain positive and remember what i have lost and that i can do it! :tu:
Good luck.
Trying to meet my step targets each day - I'm aiming for 8,000 a day as a minimum (I have a very sedentary job which I do 6 days a week!) but trying for 10,000 (the recommended daily target). The days that I have the dog are easy!

Todays steps...

Walking 10,000 steps is tough when you only have little legs! My walking buddy....

Just been weighed, I had a maintain, I'm happy with that, to brighten my day, I was awarded:-

Off swimming tonight :D not sure I need another workout after sewing my piggy cage liner ... jeez louise that was hard work on the arms!
Today's work out will be dismantle a shed, carry it half a mile home well more like 0.1 miles but I imagine its going to feel a lot longer and then rebuild it :D who needs the gym :-P need to really jump on the scales and see how I'm actually doing tbh
Been there, done that, but I had a roof rack on my car and took it the same distance by car. ;)
I think my yaris (1st version so dinky) would actually tip up if I popped a shed on top haha :)
Mine was an estate car at the time, I managed to get the whole shed dismantled and on the car in a single journey. ;)
Thanks piggyfan, it was my own fault as i didn't do it cos i knew i wouldn't be going as we had lots on over the weeks, which was really silly of me!

Don't beat yourself up. You will start afresh.

... absolutely ! - don't beat your self up about this. These things happen. Just put it behind you and start afresh.
Off out tonight, leaving do at work as it's my last full time shift today! We had to pre order meals as there's a large number of people, which is good because it means I've pre-pointed....23pp for my "salad"...ouch! Also pre-pointed for 3 drinks, lunch is pre-made and pointed, just working out breakfast now....feeling in control!
Off out tonight, leaving do at work as it's my last full time shift today! We had to pre order meals as there's a large number of people, which is good because it means I've pre-pointed....23pp for my "salad"...ouch! Also pre-pointed for 3 drinks, lunch is pre-made and pointed, just working out breakfast now....feeling in control!
Well done Amanda.
-1.8lbs this week - not the loss the scales were showing midweek but after some mega overindulgence the last two days, I'm very pleased with that!
I need to jump on the scales ... we did actually carry the shed home and assemble it and get massively sun burnt but I call that exercise :D