Diet Club

Always got chilli and spag Bol in my freezer! I do find its easy to get stuck in a rut of eating the same meals each week.

My latest trick is when making lasagne, instead of using a calorie laden sauce full of butter and cheese, I use a can of Campbell's condensed low fat mushroom soup instead!
How much have you lost now?
What's your favourite takeaway and I'll see if it's in this book. ;)
What's your favourite takeaway and I'll see if it's in this book. ;)

Peanut satay skewers from the most amazing Chinese takeaway in Bristol where all the meat dishes have a seitan alternative :drool:

I must make seitan but it sounds so time consuming that I'd need to take a week off work!
Peanut satay skewers from the most amazing Chinese takeaway in Bristol where all the meat dishes have a seitan alternative :drool:

I must make seitan but it sounds so time consuming that I'd need to take a week off work!
That's not there I'm afraid, when I get time, I'll make a list of the recipes. ;)
Peanut satay skewers from the most amazing Chinese takeaway in Bristol where all the meat dishes have a seitan alternative :drool:

I must make seitan but it sounds so time consuming that I'd need to take a week off work!

My OH makes it and it doesn't take him long at all. Can get the recipe off him if you want.

I am attempting to lose weight again. We had a nice healthy stir-fry tonight and last night I made tofu omlettes.
Oh I do, the photo you saw was me on a slim day. I have put on at least half a stone since then. A lot of my clothes are too tight.
You are doing great!

This is my weight tracker currently - producing a nice mountain range! I don't obsess about having a loss every week, life gets in the way of that, but I'm happy with the overall general downward trend!

Ideally I would like to lose a couple of stone, as I am way too big for my height.
I have lost three pounds. That is only because I gained two pounds last week though. I have one less daily point too. Luckily I asked about that as the leader would not have told me!
I have lost three pounds. That is only because I gained two pounds last week though. I have one less daily point too. Luckily I asked about that as the leader would not have told me!

Excellent! Like I said, easy on, easy off! Oh no! Losing points makes me sad :bye:

I think you lose 1pp for every 7lbs you lose. That's why I like WW, it reduces your portion sizes, calorie intake etc. gradually as you go. I seem to be struggling to use all my daily points currently. I'm going to try and get closer today, have had "early breakfast", will have a "late" (usual time) breakfast when I get to work. I've increased my lunch pp by taking quorn bolognese with pasta and cheese on top, and I've been actively encouraged to snack throughout the day!

Yesterdays tracker.... must eat more!
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I get weighed today, (5.00pm) will let you know how I get on. ;)
Uni is ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver onlly I spent 12 hours drinking with some friends I'm not likely to see again (part time students from all over the country with wives and kids etc) so I'm rough today thats for sure and I do not wish to think about the calories in 4 bottles of wine :-P
3 1/2lb off - total loss 3 stone 2 lb in 18 weeks! :yahoo:
I'm going to have to get a new diary, the front of this one is nearly full! :D
I'm not doing weight watchers or slimming world they wouldnt work for me I'm just back on my fitnesspal doing it the old fashioned way of counting calories and eating sensibly and gymming it up :D

Tonights achievement .... leg pressing 93kg in 3 sets of 10 :D and I'm up to 14kg on my bicep curls ... not a lot but I'm a lady and id been lazy for years so its all good :D
oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww feeling the gym this morning ... better be worth it in the end <3 waddling like a penguin after my leg pressing haha and my arms are shaky

well deserved fried mushroom bun this morning ... *droooools*
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Did you go over by many points? Did you use up your weekly points?

Nope, was within points. Been a bit of a rubbish food day today, but within points.

Early morning was a few biscuits
Breakfast at work was porridge
Mid morning apple
Lunch was toast, mushroom soup, a banana and a peanut butter kitkat chunky!
Evening (still at work working late) was an orange kitkat chunky (damn sainsburys and their offers!)
Tea was wrap pizza followed by one of the pistachio magnums that Liam bought me that I've been wanting for ages!

1pp left today so it will be an early bedtime before the munchies kick in! :)